Monday, January 29, 2007

omoshiro momoshiro

Little Lulu's going to be a busy bee this week, or two.

Another duty at the gates in the morning of tomorrow. And I'm sure all you grasshoppers know that this drone's gonna be working hard this weekend. With stuff, is all I can say. Not like you'd care with the small talk. Pfft. However, I don't really feel so bad about it and although some of you are familiar with my laid-back attitude, sure are in a state of shock with my feelings toward the current situation. Frankly, I would like to state that I now realise how comfortable I am with my job scope... I've come to the understanding that when an individual is in a place of work, why be so hard on yourself with all the dislike about unvoluntary action when you can make yerself feel at home? -the aspiring hero folds his arms as eyes squint into the setting sun, breeze in the hair and a gracefully lifted cape- Muaha.

Or it could be that I'm now entitled to a day's off every alternate week. Given. Sweet, 'innit? Heh.

PS: Beginner's luck. D&D as a Frenchy with a 69 finisher before book-in. Le awezame.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

got concrete?

Watching the sunrise doesn't sound as cool as it does in the movies... Especially when you're stuck in a ride lacking air-conditioning with a one-liner captain along cemetry backyards, sand in yer teeth, plus enough of it in yer hair to equivalently rival at least 3-star strength Gatsby wax with zero shine, layers of cooling powder coated on the skin with sweat collected over 48 hours, repellant-resistant mosquitos pricking through raw make-up to literally suck face, listening to a radio that only broadcasts voices of husky corporals, dimsum effect in the boots and munching on dusty apricot energy bars.

Hey, I'm not complaining. It's just the sunrise part. Painfully slow... -_-

On the whole, I pretty much have to comment that this exercise went rather smoothly. It ended with the "Hey that wasn't so bad, eh? Plus with finished the missions a day and a half earlier than schedule!" reaction. You could say we all feel like a buncha old birds now. There was a sense of nostalgia as I passed the old training grounds into deployment. Sounds pretty sad on the surface, heck, most of you wouldn't know what in the world I'm blabbering about anyway. Of course, after every field camp, it's just tradition to do a minor civilian conversion course. Call it incentive. You'd die if you stay in.

Now I'm free from the 106 guys and 2 girls, time capsule closes again on Sunday night.

Oh yeah, let's dance.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

'tis the season to be omfgolly

Guess who's back, oh yeah. Ecstatic, I am. Tired as well. So. Many. Full. Stops. Short bursts. Zzzz.


Tanned from duty. Wet from training. And the forecast states that I'll be missing out on alot of civilian action fer da next three months due to outfield activities. Heh, finally like a soldier. So shut yer pieholes, guys.

Anyway, this is it. Despite the fact that I'm gonna burn my birthday, my heart floats everytime I think that after March, I've already got one foot out the army. And...

Fuck lah, this dick behind me is watching standup comedy at full volume so I can't think straight. Will post again soon, friends. -_-

Sunday, January 14, 2007

all is well

After a week of financial losses, a bruised nose and broken thumb, plus a coupla abrasions, I was able to kick back and enjoy handicapped PS2 versusing. After which a Merc cab happened to pass by and fetch me home to my sleep-in Sunday morning. It's still raining. But I'm going out. It's my first D'n'D session.

PS: I got converted. zomg l33t!!!!!11

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

woe is me

I think I did more rolling today than Dan Hibiki, Duck King and Blanka did combined in their lifetimes. And while I'm typing this, my brain is still stimulating endless spins. It was crazy but progressive training has given me the ability to do a decent Crack Shoot. In a way. Hmm. After lunch, it was some taste of reality. Well, I volunteered to be the detainee in my group as I took on two guys. After more than one god damned looong minute, I gave in in fear of my nose getting flattened. Of course, anywhere, but the face. Nothing much on that, today was all training, training, training. Heh, come tomorrow, it's actual sparring. At least that's what they call it, with those red and blue cushioned helmets and those bolster stick thingies. Woot.

Too bad a little fun has to be balanced with spoilers. I'm totally cutting off non-CNY gambling. Forever. Time to be thrifty.

PS: Well whaddya know? A heartache REALLY IS much more painful than a body ache.

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

how credible is yer mom

What a ticklish day. Never have I giggled so much from being choked. I thought pretty much that most of the applied moves today was crap. Alot of Puttyman action, like in Power Rangers, with the "ah-yuuuh!" here and the "haiyaah!" there. On the other hand, well, actually both(pardon the pun), ooh the sore forearms. T_T

I actually felt like staying in today. Planned to watch The Arena, in which I did. Awesome local series. Reminds me of my sharp-tongued days back in secondary school. Totally laughed my ass off with the wittyness. Some'a da kids actions were pretty cute, what funky humour. Haha.

Hmmm, nothin' much fer now. Just felt like giving you guys the lowdown on what my army life is like. And now if ya don't mind, I'd very much like to log off and stroll to the gates as the delivery man should be here with my Chicken Foldover very soon.

Cheers. ^_^

PS: Learning to roll tomorrow...
Press button AB simultaneously.

Monday, January 8, 2007


The past two days mark my first stay-home weekend of the year. At least it came out productive, well, in a way. Wikipedia got me sittin' on my hot ass the entire day, reading up on stuff from rules of volleyball to Godzilla. Which brings me to a matter on the latter for all you old-school fans out there. Mothra, right? In case you have no idea that is, that's one of the radiated iguana's rivals. As suggests, it's a friggin' humungous moth. It was a larvae once and silked itself to the Eiffel Tower. Now, it's probably because I've watched too much Discovery Channel and am debating against the natural animalistic mentality of finding secure housing as much as how my little brother bitched on about how DeathNote would deem impossible to exist due to some omnipotent scientific theory. But. If you were a giant larvae, and you're ready to evolve into a legendary Metapod, would you anchor yourself on something that cannot carry your weight(Paris' Eiffel Tower, in this situation)? Oooh, it's not that, mister, I just wanted to knock something over... Heh, I will never understand kaiju movies. Yeah, I still watch them, don't judge me. It's fer the laughs.

I only remembered this morning that this week has a close combat crash course scheduled fer us. Learnt a bit on reversal moves today. Waste of time. OMG I'm starting to talk like my favourite kobudo fighting game character!

Friday, January 5, 2007

so exciting

By the time I write my own version of "The 12th Day Of Christmas", it'd be over. So I'll just go easy.

The first week of the year has been might fine. Sure throws the whole boring phase out the window. Ha, the first working day was awfully dramatic... Full of guys signing extras and more. I dare say, damn happening. Lol. I won't go deeper into it 'cos you guys obviously wouldn't understand. But on the surface, sure seems like everyone misses work.

Today, the company cohesion. Apparently the men had organised sort of an Amazing Race type competition(when I won a Topman gift card, yay). And we had to complete as many stations as possible in 1 and a half hours. We ran fast, we saw chics, we had fun. However, Sentosa does not have much life on weekdays, Fridays inclusive. We did feed our sugar-hungry eyes, though. Boob-infested private pools. And stuff... Haha. *ahem* I learnt how to play volleyball, still a newb but not a noob. Heterosexually commenting, it was one of the most enjoyable male-bonding session. Pure, loud and rough army guy fun. The way to let loose. Time sure flies when you're acting like an idiot, owning the beach with hysterical laughs and thrash-talking. Dunno why I wasn't much of a sun-and-sand guy... All called it a day after 7 hours of ultraviolet soaking, only with croissants and potatoes in our tummies.

The wave didn't end there. Met up with Khai and Dhaniah over at Bugis fer dinner, Eugene joining us later. The King of Lateness got a job. AT THE ARCADE, of all places. OMG so cliche. For a hardcore gamer. The news still tickles me, man. XD

PS: Aaah, the little home of the Merlion hasn't totally been reconstructed but it'll sound kinda fun to go explore one of these days. Didn't get to check out much with our jockey behaviour this afternoon. Reminds me of the old days of vodka-fuelled campfires in Siloso. Would be nice to relive it soon. After all, my new year's resolution is simple: Keep it fun and easy. If things go wobbly, just take it like a bitch. =)

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

zero seven

Happy New Year, peeps.

Today marks the first "bumming indoor" day of the year. The post-party vibe has depleted and I've gotta book in tonight, based on "special instructions".

Okay, so there was still a party at Sentosa. Curse advertising. I shall not believe in the local media anymore. "Ooooh, come to VivoCity, organising partner of the main countdown party in association with MediaCorp!", puhlease. Well, I didn't exactly regret it but I missed a beach party. Oh well... We arrived fashionably late, although not for the countdown. Johnathan and Hady were up giving their wishes before Matilda went up to sing. Ugh. Singapore Idols and Project Superstars. It's no wonder the place was crowd-free. Then K-Fed... I mean, Gurmit Singh appeared. At least the previous Miss Singapores made my day. Wow, man-eaters. Applying the skill of elusion and agility, we jumped the fence for a closer look at the yummies. Heh. Loser policemen.

It wasn't that big a deal on my standards on the whole, but hey, 2007, mofo. I can feel it. I can touch it. Civilian life. -twinkle-