Friday, August 31, 2007


Some fucking scary shit. It also has come to my attention that every spiritually horrifying flick needs a little girl somewhere to freak the fuck outta you.

No after-effect from the movie, probably 'cos John Cusack's character was quite a tough one, staying sane in all that... Insanity. Surprised about another thing though, I assumed this is the first role after Mace Windu that Samuel L. Jackson never said the F-word in.

PS: Other things that happened today were being awoken in the ungodly hours of the morning to be told that my little bro got through to OCS from SISPEC, brushed the idea of making it to the Army Open House, missing Aaron Kwok live at Plaza Singapura, didn't go to IndoChine's NUDE Bar as planned(although we did stroll from Dhoby Ghaut to Orchard, witnessing sights like gyrating LED rubber balls and Native American musicians busking, I know deep inside that you really don't like walking, Jess) and collected my iPod USB cable from Kev's since I left it there last night. Thank goodness or I would have no music fer the next whole week. I charge it via USB, fer yer info. And I only have mp3s in my iPod, gotta rid the evidence, ya know... Not so stupid pirate here. Arrr~

Is it wrong to have yer P.S. longer than the post's main body?

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

one stone to another

By now, you should have realised that my posts are becoming a daily routine. That's how much free time I have. And I'd rather spend it reading webcomics than clear my room. I know a scolding will soon follow from the mother if I carry this on...

After-class hours were spent at Tampines with Kev. The place has changed quite a bit. Army's like a metaphorical time capsule. Dinner was Tori Q, this bento crap that was actually quite awesome, can't believe I've never had it. Some fried chicken and squid seasoned with chilli powder along with the mix from other stalls at the basement of the mall. Nothing says a snacky dinner without a 6-pack of Whatever!.

It's back to the old days. Wifi battle on the DSs while we blast audio on iTunes.

PS: The girls in this class should really learn to wear underwear. They're not that hot.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Eeee. I don't like blood tests. I don't like needles. I don't like blood extraction. I don't mind wounds but having it in this form is... Icky. And I felt the whole thing. Antiseptic my ass. Not literally. Well, at least I met Khai and little bro fer lunch at the canteen before heading off to school.


I was lost. During the module overview, my heart was racing faster than the time I knew gonna lose a huge bet. Or it could be the rain.

Distributed Application Development isn't that bad at all. So far. I've been using Microsoft Visual C#, dragging icons here and there and making a layout fer my application, which consists of applications. It's like... Facebook. Boring version. And class looks really, really solemn. Maybe it's the constant radiation. It IS a computer school, after all. I'm the only one out of two local students in this room as well. Not exactly the foreign vibe, though.

Feels like... Nursery. In Malaysia. T_T

Well, guess I'm back in the groove though. Scribbling down notes and doodling little faces of current emotions, manga style.

PS: This place has changed alot after 2 years. New flooring, new canteen, new administration, more niggers. OMG did I just say that??? =P

I'm not xenophobic, or as Greg would prefer to say, racist. It's just a joke. Don't make it sound like it's not funny. I know you laughed.

Monday, August 27, 2007

five short paragraphs

Finally. My last duty is finally over. Guard on weekends sure is a breeze, even if you push fer 8-hour shifts. Nothing special though, except when this rather cute 3rd sergeant walked in this morning. Not bad fer an army girl...

Cleared all my stuff outta camp this morning. Mom picked me up so it wasn't so bad carrying 2 whole bags out the gate. Okay, I'm kidding, it was bad. Fuckin' heavy shit.

Got home around 10 this morning and planned to nap till late afternoon fer a light lunch before running. Got up fer dinner instead. After 5 missed calls and a series of snoozed alarms.

Well, school starts tomorrow, so I can safely say that I'm gonna be excused from this dumb ORD seminar at camp in uniform. Hope I make some nice new foreign friends. I like foreign friends. They're more happening than local friends.

Oh, blood test. Gotta remember to drop by Pasir Laba fer it. Probably catch my bro or Khairul if I'm lucky. And check out the new canteen. Just hope I don't get a lousy medic like some of the other guys did and end up with holes in my arms. -chills-

Saturday, August 25, 2007

my hair can now reach my eyes

Pool was a damn big mistake. Feels pretty painful getting owned 8 racks to 1. Form was way, way, way off today. -sigh-

Hairspray was good though. One of the better movies that I've seen this year. I loved it.

Friday, August 24, 2007

eat & sleep

Crap, I'm getting fat fast. I think that's the only thing fat people can do quickly...

I'll get down to solving that later. Zzzzz.

PS: More songs. Gonna do a coupla playlists up so I can switch it between moods.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

small step

Finally, got a media player up and running. With much more time on my hands these days, I decided to have fun updating all my online profiles and camwhore away as well.

I know it's just one song. But I like it. Probably'll get to touching up this default design soon, anyway.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

work work

Terribly tired. Not tired enough to get me hooked on coffee but tired nonetheless.

Spent the last 48 hours submitting suggestions for the company over the intranet. The duration and numbers just don't match, that's because it's an antagonisingly long and inconvenient progress per name. Not to forget leave. Omg, administration lapse is sure gonna happen... But I'll be gone by then. The arrows will blot out the sun but my shade will block off all arrows. This is karma, actually. All thanks to my best friend, Mr. Procrastination. My conscience is pushing me to repent before this phase of my life is over. Besides, I think I should do something productive for one of the nicest bosses around, my OC. (Of course I'm just being humble, pfft)

Besides, I hear the echoes of beer bottles clanging in the near future, i.e. this weekend. The Man's on off too so we be chillin' over at IndoChine's NUDE Bar. Honestly, my first time there was on Sunday with YiQiang, Serene and Arthur(thanks fer the lift, man).

PS: Betty, I was so looking forward to seeing you online tonight. It seems, however, that you aren't, must be school. You're probably reading this anyway so I might as well announce the sort of bad news. Next time you return to Singapore, report to Jurong Camp to dekit all you've got. And catch up with us. =) Fer now, I guess it's MSN or Friendster... =P

Oh, I bought an $18 33-inch tall wooden stand-up dummy from Ikea earlier on after dinner(salmon, meatballs and chicken wings, duh...), reason mainly being I'm quite rusty at drawing the human anatomy, it's kinda like a visual reference. My mom found it a little freaky though. I should name it. Haha. Gimme ideas, people.

I should find time to visit a Nokia service centre. I'm one of the lucky people in the world using the BL-5C phone batteries. Apparently, it's a faulty batch. Wow, been with me fer about a year already and all this time I could have suffered from sudden electrocution or a minor explosion in my face.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

help me

Fortunately, didn't go out to Zouk last night. Would've died from the lack of energy. Walking down town with EngChye with beers almost killed me already.

Thanks, Eugene, for showing us that picture with Fiona. But I doubted it'd spur us to join you. We were seriously friggin' zombies last night.


How lethargic. By the time you read this, I'm probably drooling all over my pillow case. Friday morning didn't exactly spur off sweetly. Almost got bitten in the thigh by two stray dogs at Jurong Camp during breakfast, what a close shave. Maybe it's that hint of cocker spaniel and golden retriever scent on me. Or they could just be wild canines. Still, they were just animals, chase the chasers, thus the chasee will be free.

Did some crap errand consisting of rechargeable batteries to save some guy's duty ratio. Wonder why I do such things...

Thanks to YiQiang, I managed to pack my stuff into 2 whole bags in 10 minutes, with Wilson's stuff inclusive. Was hella mad to carry them out of Maju Camp. Thank goodness Mom and Dad were around the area. Cooled off in the car before we headed fer lunch at Binjai Park, t'was a Perenakan restaurant by the name of Ivin. If I wasn't so sleepy then, I'd probably pay attention to the quality a little more but I could still tell that that was one awesome meal. And apparently, the website is not available so I cannot link you.

It took a little longer than expected, so I napped in the car on the way home before checking time slots fer 881, the new local movie. Ended up being the one late. =/ Oh well.

Main event of the night was obviously the fireworks. Some of you have heard my simpleton's theory on these explosives. Once again, I'd first like to declare that I'm not emo. Just a very introverted guy with problems. It's a very pretty but expensive art. I know I'm not an otaku but I'll have to compare to Deidara from Akatsuki on the value of fleeting beauty. A big bang with a sweet looking boom and then everything subsides. All in a matter of seconds. People all over come to watch fireworks just to enjoy themselves, forget about stuff. Like how others prefer to drown in alcohol. It's the same thing, different approaches is all. I prefer gunpowder because it makes me forget bad stuff and remember good stuff. I think you've all noticed a bit of contradictory in my thesis but it's okay. I don't mind blowing up good things if all the bad things go along with it. That way, I can just start off at neutral and work my way up. =)

PS: Wow that's some strong Hoegaarden. O_O

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

thanks fer the glass

Was doing whatever I had to do before ORDing. Turns out I owe quite a bit of administrative work to quite a bit of people. Feels similar to clearing debts. Like that's not a bad enough headache. Got called up to be on guard duty tomorrow. Hey, at least I'm gonna be the guard commander.

Just realised that I've been having way too much fun at the start of the year. Maybe that's why it's starting to feel like crap as it ends. I spoil myself too much.

PS: To the curious ones, I'm not done yet. With work, that is... =(

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Don't you just hate it when you genuinely have yer phone on silent mode and it rings but you're busy to notice because you're doing something else and all that ever goes into the caller's mind is the thought of you avoiding him/her?

Ugh. Fucked up.

PS: So sue me fer bitchin'.


Got some proper sleep. I think I look much fresher now. Been trying so hard to go nocturnal that it's been taking a toll on my appearance and attitude. Guess a few more days of this and I'll be good to go. Hopefully. Still post-brooding... -______-

PS: I'm sorry fer brushing off anyone around me fer the past few days.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

suxxors =P

Another twin Double O visit, last night and tonight.

I'm starting to feel like clubbing fer me is like remedy fer loneliness but it turns out the result amplifies upon this execution.

Day one was pretty bad due to the fact that I got turned down quite a few times... *sniff* Officially self-conscious now. I'm so not pick-up material. -_-

Day two almost got me into a fight. Apparently, thanks to Mr. Low Eng Chye, our little dance group pulled me into a confrontation with someone who thought I was hitting on "his girl". Thank goodness he didn't tear my shirt. Hahaha.

PS: Fer your information, dear non-clubbers, Double O is like heaven for trigger-happy handcuffing cops.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

28 days

I never thought I'd ever say this but I can't wait to ORD so I can get on with school and exercise.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

solar anger

Another late start fer another day. Blame the weight-lifting, the online chatting and Advance Wars. Betty and I both set the meeting time one hour later... She didn't get up on time either, lucky me. =) Brunch at 2pm was chocolate and peanut butter, which surprisingly got me in sleepy mode fer the entire day. Fortunately, I'd picked out what to wear the night before since I knew I'd be a bitch at it the next day. Maybe it's a little too much information, but I should confess to the souls out there who've waited fer me long enough before that whenever I'm late, it's because I spend alot of time staring at my wardrobe in my underwear. Hehe.

Almost melted down on the way to the station. The sun was a killer. Heck, it's always been in Singapore, a known fact that our temperature is so high due to heat bouncing off our tar, and we have alot of tar. Tried to concentrate on The All American Rejects while I was walking under the raised railways, which helped abit. I'm no biologist but I think sweating is partially a mental thing. So yup. Yay fer a seat. Mondays mean spacious trains. Spent most of the trip to the interchange witnessing some guy train his Togepi on his phone. Yes. Sony Ericsson phones have Pokémon... I was pretty impressed. After all, you'd need quite a bit of phone memory to install an RPG. Switched to the purple line after alighting at Outram. I love the purple line. The train seems more... Comfy. =P Then made it on time. Being punctual made me smile. I was there at 4 sharp. Not a second earlier nor later. How often does that happen? Anyway, I have to whine about the Chinatown MRT Station's restroom. It's disgusting. Even fer normal toilet standards. I thought train stations were always squeaky clean despite the lack of rubbish bins, which have been replaced by penalties on littering. Oh well.

Yet another surprised moment fer me. BaoEn, no offense on yer usual attire but you actually looked girly today. And that's saying somethin' alright? =D Strolled along the pavement on heritage shops filled with white tourists till we arrived at Ann Siang Hill, a side of Singapore that I have never seen before. Shops selling unique furniture and clothing. However, with unique pricings as well. Still, some of it'll be the kinda stuff I'd get fer my dream bachelor pad. The kinky briefs will not be included, in case you're wondering, Betty. Considering the handful of shops that we dropped into, it was a really long period of time spent there. Guess it's because of the many tiny little special products that we were exploring. I'd post pictures but I forgot to put my memory card back into the N70 after transferring my camwhoring photos to the computer.

Time fer a more familiar place. Decided to pass Kinokuniya(goodness, they manganized the Bible) to renew my membership as well as get the new volume of Runaways. The person who asked me out spent most of the time reading her magazine so I had to use my time by efficiently feeding my eyes with plenty of sugar while waiting fer my new card. Misplaced the receipt due to distraction, found it on the floor few aisles back, phew. Heeren was up next since the Ma'am kept bugging me to choose something of my liking fer her to buy as a present. I still do not know why there was a need fer one but since she insisted, I brought her to the Print Club. I thought it'd be a fun momento to keep after she leaves the country, too bad she thought otherwise. Oh well again... After browsing enough novelty items, stopped at MidPoint to get new dice fer D&D. No sessions were being held at Paradigm Infinitum then so I assume that was the reason BaoEn didn't get scared of those hardcore geeks. Agreed on Gelaré fer dinner after. Bumped into Willard on the way to Plaza Singapura. Didn't know he was a fan of Transformers... Saw him carry two huge plastic bags of'em.

Following some red wine beef, mushroom cream linguine, club sandwiches and a sinful serving of cocoa was the movie Knocked Up. Dunno why but the main character really, really reminded me of Kevin Tessensohn. Could be the hair... Could be the attitude. Could be the hobbies. Haha. And a specific character triggered a reminder to take my shaver back from camp. My stubble has turned into a slight undergrowth. But Ms. Toh focused more on my eyelashes. I don't think they're that long. Hmmm. Bitched about camp before seeing her off the bus. Turned out my last one fer me was half an hour earlier than hers. Walked back to CentrePoint to take a taxi via highway to home.

Which damn as hell marks the end of the day. Sounds like an eventful Monday. I think it's because I repeat words like "but", "so" and "could" many times. I'm not saying I didn't enjoy it, though.

PS: Mom's soup's now cold. I'll have to heat it up in the morning since it's another weekday off, thanks, CheeWee. Fer now, gotta get these contacts out before they stick to my cornea.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

not that i mind

Donnie Yen is one mad dog. Very aggressive when it comes to the art of fighting. Now an Asian action hero icon, I say. FlashPoint's just a beat'em up movie though, with that Hong Kong police and thief flavour. Whatever Boon wanted to watch... His idol anyway. Might as well use the opportunity to fast forward the day. Town gets really boring when you're almost roaming about every other day. Oh by the way, guys, got yer Stud Cards already... Made it in time to meet the family fer a drive to dinner, dropping Kevin off along the way to catch a cab back to camp. What a way to burn the weekend, with matadors and M203s.

Thank goodness cousin Jovy was there. At least someone of my age group to talk to, about random stuff ranging from illegal pets to sexual fetishes. Plans fer vodka consumption got deflated as we ended up "assigned" to babysitting the kids at the bowling alley over at East Coast. I'm surprised they had so much energy. Maybe it was just the coffee-marinated pork working. Loitered around while waiting fer our lane. Playgrounds, fussball and UFO machines. Soft toys, slurpees and lollipops. People were staring at us like we were some weird and very very young family. Well, technically, they would be right but it was embarrassing. When we were done, the little ones were sent back before me... Thankfully, with the caffeine all outta their system or we'd have to fix a date to soundproof all our cars for the screaming. =P

A rather fun rated-PG Saturnight.

PS: I could've been drunk now. T_T

Saturday, August 4, 2007

back to tight tees and sweatbands

Know it's an old game but I'm pretty addicted to Advance Wars: Dual Strike now. That was one tough mission. Time to get the eyes off the bright dual screens and onto the big wide one.

Was out fer lunch, Burger King, as usual. No chic cashiers today, disappointingly. The Man then dropped by my pad to burn some videos and shit. Wasn't fer long, we were in the house only fer the time it took me to organise my new Rihanna albums and catch Blood+'s last episode. We split about 2 hours later and I went to meet Jess fer dinner. More like my dinner. -_- My light dinner. Resistance against the Spicy Chilli Dog is futile. Got my drink on the way into the theatre. A large iced lemon tea. I prefer to refer it as the legendary bladder buster. I don't understand why so many S'poreans make such harsh critisism on stuff like movies, I supposed they all wanna sound all high and mighty on professionalism in the media. Which, by the way, is probably one of the main factors affecting our people's reputation on the social level. I thought Vacancy was not bad at all. I concentrated more on the relationship between Luke Wilson's and Kate Beckinsale's characters, being such a fragile couple, ended up gluing back together due to a life-threatening occurance, than on the fact that there are so many perverted serial killer groups out there in the world who don't bother to even cover their sorry asses properly. Then again, I thought it was quite realistic. Not every antagonist of a horror film has to portray the "invincible" look.

I should write fer Life!. =P

Loitering in spirals downward of Plaza Singapura, I spotted a cool 'Stud Club Longstanding Member' card going fer $5.90 each at this novelty shop, where I always happen NOT to notice what it's called, Kev didn't mind the idea of getting those. The rest didn't reply though. Oh well, I'll be there again tomorrow if they happen to make up their minds.

Also, saw Trevor. Short as ever... Hahaha.

Summore food along the way. Burger King again. Full of carbo-guilt. My eyes were dodging all across the outlet and I ended up reading the customer service message they had on the wall, which I'm sure if Varian reads, will burst out laughing and start with all the "blue-blooded" jokes. Go check it out, kill yer curiosity. -_-