Sunday, September 30, 2007

conscience speaking

I should get started on my project proposal.

While I'm away, feel free to Ask A Ninja.

happy days

Clubbing was never this fun since the 30SCE logistics personnel. Maybe I just prefer going out with buddies that just wanna get pissed drunk all night and acting like weowndafarkinplace rather than prowling around, practising pick-up lines.. But it was a hellotta moolah blown away.

So anyway I was, like, at the studio fer a photoshoot on Friday. I finally decided to go with the idea of having a portfolio regardless... I've discussed it earlier in the month with my parents but they didn't gimme a final answer so I took the silence as consent. Felt pretty good after that, I know my tight budget only let me do 3 different looks, guess that'll have to do. And the make-up mama disapproved my clothing fer the set. At least touched up properly on my face. First up was her idea of smart casual, that made me eat my words after looking at the attire. The top was this long-sleeved version of what the Soldiers in FF7 wore fer battle. Awesome. The camera girl was fun too. Maybe I was a little excited because it was my first time... Virgin model. Felt a little awkward doing my own posing, I'd prefer her tell me what to do. The sportwear was all Adidas. Lastly, was a striking suit. I think I'm in love with suits now. When I've got the cash, I'll go look around G2000. Who knows when I might need one...

Spring-cleaning in my room is off to a good start, considering my rate of working. I'm done with reorganising my computer table, it's not plugged in yet though, shall go purchase some extension plugs tomorrow when I'm out fer lunch.

PS: Muahahahaha... Little bro's flying off to Brunei and soon, the PSP shall be ALL MINE!!! But dammit lah, the Hard Mode fer Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Heroes is just damn difficult to play. Guess unlocking the remaining characters will have to wait. I'll just chill with Lumines fer now.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

tipsy and deaf

The transvastite in red was awfully hot. Hehe.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

timekiller testing

Newly found interests such as Nintendogs and Graffiti have kept me a little away from boredom in recent days... Finally, time to get down and dirty, wreck havoc tonight fer it is Kev's 21st birthday! Woot.

But fer now, I have learnt that late night plus early class without breakfast only equates to major gastric and nausea. I was a pretty easy victim fer carsickness today and was awfully anal about how uncomfortable I felt until I saw a buncha special kids sitting by the coffeeshop. Then I started laughing inside...

Ooookay, time fer a nap before the big night at Zouk.

PS: Note to self, since you've already planned out how to relay yer room, get it done, as soon as you're finished with this drawing...

Sunday, September 23, 2007


Been at other stuff lately. Late nights with marshmallows and beer, role-playing various games, drawing and colouring multiple doodles, etc. Same old, same old. Not much has happened since I last posted. So, fer now I'd like to direct yer attention onto the most exciting breakfast I had...

While having a delightful bowl of Waffles Crisp with fresh milk on the morning of yesterday, I flipped open The New Paper to read the most moving story(to me) ever.

Mr Yahya Jamali, from Malaysia, is officially my newest and biggest(both metaphorically and physically) hero. I know the press tends to exaggerate a little on stories like this. However, whoever can take on a fucking surprise attack from a 4-metre long crocodile in the middle of a river while carrying wood home fer his family has got to be a bloody real-life action man. I dunno about you guys, but he's a celebrity to me right this moment. And he's in pretty damn good shape, considering how many people have survived being predated like this.


There you go, guys. Our very own Southeast-Asian Chuck Norris. My Man of the Year.

PS: More of the story here.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

woes of a mister

So many things to do and so little time. Those that I need and want. I have already decided what's to be on the list.

Advance diploma, model contract, driver's license, DVD marathon, manga artistry, leisure singer/keyboardist, etc.

And I'm still single. =(

PS: Something's wrong with the tagboard. Hmmm, it's not my fault, definitely...

Sunday, September 16, 2007

staring contest

Here I am, once again, in front of my beloved keyboard.

Disappointed, I am. Failed to achieve the goal of tidying my room before the week ended. And I guess it's gonna take a while fer that to happen since I've gotta mug on XML and my driving's advance theory. Not to ferget that my artist's inspiration is back. Gonna do some doodles right after this.

Last night was totally gay. Watching I Now Pronounce You Chuck And Larry says it all. T'was a good movie though.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

day 10

I bumped into Big Sam today. Brings a whole new meaning to "old school". Sameer Kahn. Who's not really that big now... Army happened. Took me to one mississippi to verify his facial properties. The unshaven look totally hid it all, man. We caught up a little bit at the Science Center's MacDonald's during my break. The other bit of our attention was taken away by that jiggly girl whom I think was juggling about on purpose. Lesson ended rather early today. Either the teacher isn't very enthusiastic about XML or she thinks the class isn't(then again, who is?). We headed down town by the red line, awfully long enough to talk about stuff ranging from army to games. That's like girls talking about boys to shoes. But let's not go there... So anyway, Paragon to Sunshine Plaza and split at Bugis MRT(another talent scout appeared along our strolling session, stop trying to suck my money by boosting my ego, biatches). I think I chose the wrong comic serials to follow, they haven't published new issues fer months now. -sob-

Dinner was postponed till later with Eugene. Back home, it was, fer a little work out and rinsing. Vanity got the better of me as I rushed fer Tampines, only to realise at the junction in front of the station that I totally missed my wallet. By the way, this had happened before, acted cool with the iPod while swearing my ass off inside. Then he had to call to confirm the later timeslot when I'm all sweaty(fergot the transit card but there was no way I was gonna make a second trip back). No worries, more time fer food and a little joypad action. Yoshinoya was delightful, despite the beetle shell hanging from the chilli powder packet, was too lazy to complain. And I hate challengers, can't I have a decent game before my movie without interruptions? Left the machine before he KO'ed me, heh.

Rogue Assassin was awesome. Disappointed me though, in a way that there were more gunfights than martial arts displays. Plus a very, very twisted twist with a twist at the near end so be fast if ya wanna get it. I know it's like a spoiler, sorry. =P

PS: Walked home to Muse. Feels pretty damn good singing Starlight as loud as I can without anyone around.

Also... This is obviously the most highly anticipated and hottest thang next to The Dark Knight. Say it with me now. Fuck Spiderman.

Thursday, September 13, 2007


Wednesday, September 12, 2007

dumped a lump...

Of photos. Dumped a lump of photos into Slide today. That's right. This application should be updated quite frequently with new pictures. I'm a camwhore, after all. This time round has a load in it 'cos I was filtering the stuff I got. Yahoo! Photos is gonna close in a week's time and I gotta transfer my library of photos to PhotoBucket before then. Or else all my pictures will be automatically deleted.


Tuesday, September 11, 2007

condolences to the many of 2001

A break from the monotonous reality, which is my life, at two gatherings, both hosted at DownTown East. Yes, the place is back up, theme park's still under construction though.

Chalet #1: 3SG "Dan" Low Eng Chye's birthday slumber.
Wore pink on purpose to create that statement. Obviously, everyone read into it the moment they saw me, except the girls, of course. It feels pretty cliché to say it, probably 'cos it's an over-rated phrase*. Movie marathon plus PG-13 forfeits. Sleeping in a weaving pattern. Wine all over the floor. The perfect mess.

Chalet #2: Mr. Benedict Chan Hsien Yang's birthday session.
T'was more of the chillin' till our dear Uncle See popped out of the ground. Fer the guys who've yet to hang out with him outside camp, he's a totally different person. Executing the most daring stunts that make us hide our faces. But then again, he's like our drunk meter, when we have to stop him, we have to stop too. Had alot of cheap beer that night. And I'm probably gonna hit stage two of the black lung soon enough. Ugh...

PS: What? You expect full details? Don't be crazy... Parties are all about, "WHOA YA SHOULDA BEEN THERE, MAN!!!"...

*Please see photo fer details. =)

Friday, September 7, 2007

pink is the new black

I'll say it once and I'll say it good, "ORD loh".

Today, I collected my IC. Whoopie... I don't feel all that sparkly inside, wonder why. It's not that I'm gonna miss the army life, rather, it wasn't that special on the whole. Didn't even rush down to collect it, let alone taunt the guards as I made my last exit from Jurong Camp.

It could be because I've got nothing special waiting fer me in the military afterlife. Or just a bloody hot day.

The wait fer the bus was nauseatingly torturing, apart from the smell of artificial chilli from lunch consumed by the guy beside me, mixed with airborne particles mostly consisting of grounded concrete resulted from the railway in progress, the sun was glaring and steaming freely in the nude. Put some clouds back on, Mr. Skin-Fryer. Skipped the plan fer Jurong Point and headed to town instead fer some window-shopping. Combed Far East Plaza to Plaza Singapura. Bumped into some of the Platoon 6 guys along the way, apparently, if we didn't collect our cilivian cards by the end of office hours today, we'd be charged fer AWOL, or so I hear but it wouldn't have affected me. Ended up with only new 2 t-shirts. And they were from Takashimaya, gosh, simply faaabulous. Haha. The salesgirls, I meant. Could be a service thing to smile fer the customer, or they really liked me. =) Deflated the ego in remembrance of someone else in mind. -sigh- See? Some guys are actually devoted. Although not as devoted as our homeland's new protagonist, CPL Dave Teo.

Which brings me to a short topic change. I know things like that happen many a time on our little reclaimed island. But I seriously think that the press is really following a contradicting principle of theirs. Being fellow Singaporeans and commenting on how "ugly" our national image has become, yet publishing stories like these to feed their prying minds. Nosing into personal stories fer ratings, purely shameful. I fer one feel that the news was broadcasted in a way to condemn this fellow(although personally, I, too, think that he's an idiot) and not to teach our society a good lesson on such mistakes, especially the minors. Sure, people are different. People have different levels of tolerance and situation assessment skills. My opinion is that people are what they choose to be. This guy is no exception. I'm just making a point that the media should not have their own one-sided views on such information as an entity. An all-round enactment would be nice. Like what they do when old uncles get caught fighting at coffeeshops, or chinese prostitutes getting raped and robbed in cabs(vice versa). Possibly, most of our people judge street-wise intelligence by age. As the saying goes, "I've probably eaten more salt than you have eaten rice in yer life". Times are different, adults of Sin City. Youngsters eat fast food. And that's MSG.

Ahem. Back to journalling. Thank goodness the 'rents were done with their golf roadshow or whatever it was a HarbourFront. Would've died of boredom if I went to meet them there. I really, really, really don't fancy golf. I must have been really eager to come home and take off these ankle weights I had on fer 10 hours straight to leave the guy at the arcade beat up my character. Love annoying challengers like that. Coulda beaten you but I let you, biatch. Walking to the pick-up point, I came across a poster of one of my most highly anticipated movies to watch, Rogue Assassin, which now just makes me wanna laugh after reading what Khai blogged. It really seems like they're both arguing over the dumbest thing.

Jason Statham: "You ate my fries..."
Jet Li: "And they were delicious."

Just have to lawl fer that.

Oh. Haircut. I look like the Mr. Karate version of Ryo Sakazaki now with this 'do. And I haven't shaved. Just dye it ash blonde, don a gi and I can do a HaouShoKoKen. Heh. You guys probably wouldn't even get a flying fuck of what I just said. No worries, it's a gamer thang.

Some barley on the way home. Saw YuYi at the cashier. YuYi, if you're reading this, I went to BK today fer you but I did not get to talk to you because yer queue was longer... That's if you still recognise me in person. =\

PS: Is it morally wrong to walk into HMV with your iPod on?

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

the second one

Ah... To be young again. I know alot of readers will oppose what I'm about to say as I'm what they call, "still youthful".

It's just that... I was hanging out late at EastPoint earlier this evening with Khai after strolling back from Tampines. We're such bums; changing shillings fer arcade tokens, chilling with drinks from 7-11, battling with handhelds, etc. Taking it all so cool and easy. His little brother was going fly with his board by the stairs of the MRT station with his posse. Guess what. The BK crew. They're cool. I thought so, at least. My buddy was just plain annoyed because it was his younger sibling. They kinda reminded me of the old times, the old me. I missed exchange programs. Missed inter-school camps. Missed the girls, prefects and cheerleaders. I miss the parties. The dancing. The drama. I missed the hangouts. Novena Square, China Square, Marina Square, whatever Square. Back then, you didn't care what the world thought. A stupid lamb that knows no danger. Ignorance was confidence. Crazy was cool. Mad was rad. To have so much energy, so many friends. Counting scowls of passers-by. How fun. Wonder how the past cliques are holding up... I should try catching up with some of them. How did we even stray away from each other to different paths, I wonder. Many say 21 is the age every kid and adult wants to be. It's getting kinda monotonous. It's probably a post-army phase. I'm alone again in a new world. Like that second last box in Snakes & Ladders that brings you back down to one. Social status isn't exactly going in a circle, more like a spiral if you ask me, same pattern overlapping over and over...

I sound like that kinda person who doesn't know why he's fat or ugly and keeps emphasizing on the cause, not the solution. =( But before I do something about it, I have to... Crap. What do I have to do? I don't wanna try so hard to have fun. I'll give it time, probably just at the wrong place at the wrong time. Time is what I have to spare, anyway. Seeing how I'm still at the trial stage of adulthood and I'm using it to think like Michael Jackson and Peter Pan.

Young at heart, not the other thought. -_-

PS: I listed a coupla things in my head I could do before taking my degree. It'll take a few months before I can get started on mugging again, after this year ends, that is. Maybe a language course in Japanese or take up Aikido, all basics. Get my license once and fer all. See if New Urban Male has an opening fer any of their outlets. Since I'm not a member and I buy lotsa their stuff, might as well. And heterosexually stating this, Betty, it's not fer the chics.

Break free from introversy, Louis...

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

female dog time

What a disappointing series of events. Actually, it's just two. But they were consecutive. And plural. So don't make it sound like I made it sound bad with my "exaggeration".

Pasir Laba Medical Center. Apparently, someone switch my batch's timing to an earlier slot. They told me I was late when I couldn't get my check-up done today. Even without class today, I wouldn't be caught waiting 2 hours just to strip buck-naked fer some strange captain to see. Stupid medic. Took him long enough to go through my particulars, too. Bloody disorganised pig. Yes. Pig. He looked like one. Not because he was fat. He really looked like a pig. The face and all.

Wanted to find out if I could get my certificate fer my first year diploma. It would've been really funny(actually, no) if I had to be done with the advanced level before collecting both. The exam office helped a little. By 'a little', I meant type and search. APPARENTLY, no record. Wow. I'm so surprised. And if I have to wait again, it was mentioned that it takes 2 months fer the final results to be released before they can process an official certificate, which takes another 2 months. Brilliant. A total of 4 months is all I need to lose my qualification documents. Be sure to check the papers on April of 2008. The chainsaw massacre is coming to Singapore.

PS: 'aight, steady now... Just go do some retail therapy in town after this.

Monday, September 3, 2007

magic 8 ball says stay in

It's raining. Another good day fer more soap operas. I'm back to the addiction. Blame CrunchyRoll. More of this and I'll start comparing characters to family and friends. I'm starting to see similarities between the plots and real life. Too much drama, ugh.

So here are the vids you guys've been longing to see... They're just minor clips, really. If you've got more, please feel free to send them to me to upload.

We've got LTA Lester here.

And who can forget Frankie.

PS: Temporarily taking away the media player due to technical difficulties. And I sorta understand various readers' opinions on music in blogs. I'm one of them. =)

Sunday, September 2, 2007

the white one had a nice waist

I have decided to leave Informatics once I get my advanced diploma and head to SIM to pursue my degree in Information Technology. Fer one, the campus there looks so much better, more marble than hollow walls, that's certain, and two, coupla people I know're doing studies there too so I'll probably network my way around and up as I go. No, not like Van Wilder. It costs 15K to retain. The open house really cleared my doubts, now all I need to do is get this module over and done with, plus decided which degree I'm gonna take(it's split into three specialties). Either way, I'll be skipping straight to being a sophomore due to my qualifications. Ah-hah.

The ORD function was more fun that I had expected it to be. Turns out it wasn't some Chinese 10-course dinner at some restaurant but a buffet held at the Chevron's discoteque. At least I knew where my money went; 2 servings of food, one complimentary watch, a free stressball, a token of appreciation and dancing with 2 outta 3 of the hired belly-dancers, whom I think were overpaid. Surprisingly, the event ended rather early, everyone wanted to head to Velvet Dragon. I've somehow lost all mood to go clubbing these days, it's definitely not money-saving instinct. Post-party at the bowling alley with BoonGee, EngChuan and Willard. Damn, should've cut my fingernails.

PS: 145, 187, 137.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

another chicken wing dinner

Hmmm. Must be the rubbish I've been eating. I could joke about almost dying after running for more than a half hour but that would be purely insensitive now, would it, considering how the number of people with this cause of death is probably equivalent to our country's lightning rate...

Not much was done today. Basically, played around with Paint, making images fer the links I've set up. Re-arranged my clothing into levels of formality. And watch some Disney Channel, finally caught the full High School Musical. Now I'm ready fer the sequel. Crunchyroll would've been the plan fer the night if Khai didn't ask me out fer supper(plus I still had my clothes on and my hair waxed). Wore khakis on purpose because they planned on hitting MOS. Can you believe it... Ended up at Greg's instead. Lucky fer me, I brought my DS.

What a monotonous series of events. Hope it'll be much better when I get up. It's the SIM Open House, gotta and gonna drop by fer a look. Probably should switch my campus after getting the advanced diploma. It's a much better environment, obviously. And it's the date of my ORD function too. I would say 'yay' but I don't exactly know what's in store and last time I checked, my military social events were all letdowns.