Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Kev's finally back fer good to complete his degree in Singapore and the gang was there to greet him fer a long catchup with lotsa oily food. Looks like things will go back to how they used to be, perhaps with a little more outdoorsy version of him rather than the caveman we all know.

How things used to be...

If you really must know how things used to be, I was never really one of the bad boys in secondary school. Back then, I was a frameless-spectacled prefect with hair gelled so flat, it was shameful even to type out in description. I'm surprised as to the number of female friends I acquainted myself with by carrying a look so embarrassing. My closest friends were the ones my parents were proud of me having. Yer usual A students with a decent air about them. However, something went sour along the way and I took a separate path. I don't even remember why I don't talk to them anymore. Well, I was never a good boy to begin with as well, if that helps the case of belonging.

Now, I seem to have been profiled as a fallen angel by others who once knew me as the boy with the tie. Sure, the guys I hang out with are practically the opposite side of the coin from the ones I was stuck with before graduation but I personally find them a comfortable group to be around.

I'm not trying to justify a reason fer being with a so-called gang of bad boys. It's just that a while back I kinda spoke to a coupla individuals who were wondering which rock I'd been under and I was quite taken aback by the fact that I was actually missed! Perhaps I'm worth more than the amount of credit I give myself. =) Heck, now I'm not even sure if the friends I split with even remember why we don't keep contacts.

Oh well, I'm not saying I don't care anymore but I'm sitting in a very cosy social spot right now and I can't really be bothered to fix something that could possibly not be broken. Besides, I still do have possessions that keep my memories of my older friends. That's enough conscience on my part, in my own opinion. =P

Thursday, December 24, 2009

post-writer's-block writer's blog post

Okay, I've decided to rev up and give it a go. What's new again, you ask? Other than the fact that Facebook and Twitter has almost pulled me away from blogging completely, it's pretty much same old, with exams here, there and whatnot.

I thought I'd be staying at Kembangan by now. Apparently, some renovations have been delayed and my mom says we'll probably have to wait another month or two. Sigh. I really really dislike living in a condo. I know this is a blog but don't even get me started. I don't wanna make these so-called people significant enough to affect my daily life. Note to self: When looking fer a house, neighbours are the most vital factor of consideration. Sigh. At least I'll be leaving this dump before my birthday.

Ah, my birthday. The window to my physical fitness test is coming to a close and I'm finding it very difficult to pull myself to the gym on a routine basis, with the exams ending and the festivities calling my appetite. Heck, I just got back from a near-KO gym session by myself. The jawlock I've been enduring fer the past coupla years didn't help maintain my momentum too. I always get this tightening feeling along the base of my skull every time I go fer a run and it gets worse as the time passes. Ugh, just talking about it is making me cranky. >:(

Anyway, all these shit is just small talk. Here's wishing you readers a very Merry X'mas and a Happy New Year.

PS: Resolutions would be getting back to blogging regularly(as well as touch up the template), studying harder than I usually do, experiment on a vlog probably soon and get a 6-pack by February!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

this is my december

Sorry. Just sorry. It's been a long time and I have very good reasons. Exams are always around the corner and my family is busy with house-moving, among other things.

Surely, you'll be seeing more of me once I'm done with packing.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

hit the pause

I have about 2 hours from now to feed and walk the dog before heading to my grandma's fer dinner. It's times like this, I wonder if I should take a short nap or have a Final Fantasy Dissidia marathon... Then, I thought to myself, with that and Monster Hunter Freedom Unite, I'd pretty much be a lifeless gamer if weren't fer a girlfriend. So, I think I'll take this time to make up fer the loss of many unwritten blog posts.

I just got back the temple. It's the lunar seventh month goin' on and the family was gonna visit Daddy. It's obvious that I still think of him every night. Now I know what it feels like to be one of those characters in the movies with a lost loved one. It's pretty real. It's not something that people can let go, I suppose. Last night, before bed, I kept thinking about how much I disappointed him through my secondary school years with my immature antics. It's the point at which one will feel regret. Now here's the confusing part. I question my character every night before I go to sleep. Did I only change fer the better because of the passing? Back then, if I knew the days were numbered, would I have changed my attitude towards him? Now, I know I wasn't a very disrespectful son, after all, sons love fighting with their fathers. However, it seems much deeper to me now. It wouldn't have been very nice to treat someone differently because he or she is dying. To a man, that pretty much sums up what you call pity, which isn't good. That's my perspective, at least. During his days of consultation, I gave my opinion on the medical treatment and we had a coupla discussions. I always thought that what he planned to go through would make him weaker, not better. I always believed that if you can overcome something without medication, why not? Still, it would later all be up to him. Throughout that period of time, I never once softened my approach towards him. I can say that I was partially trying to hide my sorrow of a then-potential loss. Another part of me was sincerely believing that he would be strong enough to pull through with his stubborn persona. Question 2 points to whether I was filial enough to believe my father was a strong man or I was despicably attempting to just go against everything he said? I doubt it was the latter, although my reflection on our conversations generally points in that direction. I was oblivious. And I was ignorant. I always pondered upon the difference between these two words, which I now understand. I was oblivious, I did not know how much pain he was in(when I say pain, I mean UNIMAGINABLE PAIN). Even back when I was in the army, he gladly obliged to sit in the car with my mom to fetch me to and fro camp, sometimes on late and rainy nights(not being dramatic, it was the monsoon). I was ignorant, I was told of the illness but did not think it to be serious. I defiantly stood by my denying mind, believing that he could conquer it mentally. I was proven wrong. Or was I? I hear chemotherapy is powerful enough to break the toughest willpower.

These are probably answers that I have to look fer all by myself. Who knows when I'll find them. Could be the next few days, weeks, months or years. I replay my life with him everyday unfailingly, sometimes fer remorse, sometimes fer reminiscence. I cannot say that I will not continue to beat myself up and brood over past mistakes with him around or not but not all is bad as I will always remember who's the one who taught me tennis, the one who saved me during my streaming years, and the one who brought in a lost, tiny, golden puppy to the family.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


So I'm a coupla days late... There's nothing much I remember about the past month or two besides vague memories of cramped up project datelines, retarded Saturday nights @ Greg's and alot of group-study/monster-hunting @ Novena's United Square, not forgetting "slumber parties" with the girlfriend. The most significant occurrance would have to be unlocking the hidden skill within me to master the art of Bejeweled on Facebook. Serene Ng is no longer my #1 on the chart, muaha.

The last week was basically prepping fer my papers, the first one of which had just ended. They say the candle burns its brightest before burning out, I sorta get what it means. I'm FREAKIN' drained. And this is just from one exam. I hope it's a slight side effect from lack of sleep but I guess I can't really tell until all this is over.

I'm outta words. I'm outta gas. I'm outta here.

PS: Zzzzzzzz~

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

cut cut cut

School's been on fer two days and I now find myself ransacking the cupboard fer clothes I've not worn in a very long time. I've either grown much shorter or my Converse shoes have a habit of dragging my jeans to the soles. Then again, as ashamed as I am to admit it, my kind of fashion involved oversized running shoes holding up baggy cargoes, all below short-sleeved checkered shirts tucked out. I think I've got to tailor all my bottoms now, regardless the reason, or I'd be walking on my toes, like yesterday, which I did the entire time I was out, to prevent my pants from getting torn. It was good exercise though. I feel it in my calves now.

Caught Wolverine after school re-opened. I couldn't have thought of a better time to catch it. Newly released, on a weekday and you can't get down to a 100% on work just after a major break. It's like putting a new goldfish in the tank, you let the bag sit fer a while. I guess you guys can assume how my holiday was spent now that I'm quoting from TV shows. Anyway, back to the movie. If you know shit about Marvel Comics, I guess it makes fer a decent flick. And Hugh Jackman has probably gotten the hang of playing immortal movie roles.

Monday, April 27, 2009


I didn't want to use tanning oil. I cooked myself in the fierce Sun. I'm in an even worse condition than Ross.

I proudly present the flag of Indonesia. If I can't manage time off fer my own trip, I can at least act like I've been there.

Finally, bought 2 new Wii games today. Well, technically The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess isn't since I got it off the second-hand rack but you catch my drift. And speaking of drifting... MARIOKART IS FUCKING AWESOME. It'll be awesomer in multiplayer, I'd bet.

PS: Unfortunately, Rock Band 2 was not available at my neighbourhood store. I'm still longing fer it. :( As well as anticipating Monster Hunter Tri.

Friday, April 24, 2009

this and that

In an attempt to get a little darker, I had gone fishing with YQ yesterday and surprisingly, I got there earlier than him. Okay, I had the car but STILL. I didn't get much sleep and the temperature was just frying me from the inside out. I'm not complaining but YQ was right, the beach by SAF Ferry Terminal is no place fer girls. Not that it's a gay hangout or anything but the place is, fer one, crawling with red ants and "sandflies"(I didn't see any, dude, even while scouting after supper at Seletar Dam). So we didn't catch anything except fer loads of healthy seaweed. Our time and $10 worth of prawns' lives wasted in vain. Well, it was an experience. I still prefer night fishing.

Ugh, so bright.

The executioner.

Waiting room.


"Firing squad."

At 1pm, we packed and got drinks by drive-thru at East Coast Mac's before heading home. A late breakfast(Subway Chicken Teriyaki) was enough to keep me up Monster Hunting in Plaza Singapura's Kopitiam with classmates till the dinner plan, which was kinda impromptu.
Met up with Khai and Dhaniah at Tampines 1 to try the outlet, Say Cheeze, where they either had very timid waitresses or we were aggressively venting our expressions about problematic people we know. I had 2 main courses, still dunno what's to be surprised about. It was just beef lasagna with Tobasco and mushroom cream pasta.

ANYWAY. It wasn't much of a day despite catching up with so many people. It ended at Starbucks, reminiscing on television serials such as Chuck, which I will be very sad fer if the show is confirmed to be coming to a close. T_T

PS: Bro flies off to Bali with friends in 12 hours. Sigh~ I've gotta go on my own holiday.

Monday, April 20, 2009


I haven't had direct contact with the Sun fer days... It's definitely got something to do with my ungodly rest time. It's not I've got insomnia, I've just had my hours pushed back till I get to sleep at 5AM and get up earliest by 3PM. It's been like this ever since the holidays started. WTF mate?! I couldn't believe I'd be bumming fer 3 weeks but my skin tone has been proof enough fer the truth.

Gaming, gaming, gaming. At least I redeem myself slightly with midnight gym sessions.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Fast & Furious [SPOILER ALERT]

Just awesome. Makes me wanna grab a muthafuckin' douche by the ankle while a buddy of mine, with equal opinion of that individual, do a wheelie on an American muscle car straight into his ribs.

Friday, April 10, 2009

small talk

Since I've got nothing to do(gasp!) while waiting fer my girl to be done with her friends and we head off to catch either Know1ng or Fast & Furious 4, I decided to be more productive by keeping myself on a roll blog-wise.

Come to think of it, there's not much a boyfriend can do while waiting at home fer his girlfriend's ready call. I can't drink my cans of beer left over from the barbeque that's in the fridge because I'm supposed to drive. I can't turn on the Wii because a game of baseball will work me up to a sweat. I can't watch anything because I'll be caught halfway indefinitely. And I can't play the PSP because I left it in the car. Okay, the last one is my fault and I can't exactly put out the reason I'm typing all this.

It's times like this that girls should figure out why idiotic guys like us can link you to random amusing videos from YouTube. :) Maybe I should conjure a new compromising pose fer my wooden dummy from IKEA to be in...

By the way, Tampines One is now open and damn, the only thing missing is a bowling alley and a stadium. Had breakfast at Mac's(had a number of their meals since the exams) and dropped by Uniqlo's where the apparel seems to fit a slight part of my taste. Didn't buy anything though. I've got this weird thing... I don't like making purchases when a boutique is crowded. I feel that they're all buying the same design as I am and I'll be caught dead dressing in uniform to these freaks.

PS: Congratulations on the news, Alyssa & EngChye. I'm still speechless as I am flattered but I promise I won't be speechless when the day comes! LOL.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

return of the potato-eating potato

Done with the first term of the year and I'm following with 3 whole weeks of rotting. The streak of group revisions have totally disintegrated my drive to physically enhance myself. I only managed to partially changed the colour of my hair and it is not due to stress(although the last paper was a killer, considering the fatigue and that NONE OF WHAT I READ ON CAME OUT, way to kill the mood on the previous 3 that I'm sure to ace on). -_-"

Didn't manage to do much in the past month. I had only recently caught Confessions of a Shopoholic, which I heard was not better than the book(like I never heard that review before). And personally, I would like to say I loved the green scarf, in the ungayiest fashion. In addition, there was Witch Mountain, bravo to Dwayne Johnson's antics, he is officially up there in the list of stars fer action comedy in my book. And fer anyone who frequents BBQ Chicken, they changed the menu! I simply cannot believe it! -sobs- Their Hot Hot Drum is now only has a hint of chilli, and they stripped off Ginseng Chicken!!! Ginseng Chicken. It's much more delectable than it sounds. I fell in love with its taste on my second last visit. And they took it all away from me. T_T My favourite place to have fried chicken... Then again, my heart is convincing me that they had a new cook and we were in the wrong branch. I should give it another try.

What have I been doing??? I'm truly turning into a computer freak. Searching fer game hacks and whatnot. Shit, I've been constantly on Monster Hunter and Pokémon. I know what I'm doing but I can't stop it. The best I can do to distract myself from this form of entertainment is by watching either Clone Wars, Chuck, The Big Bang Theory or Heroes.

PS: With time on my hands, I should (i.)pack my field pack and get ready fer a military recall, (ii.)tidy my room and look fer my scientific calculator and (iii.)go shopping fer some Wii games, Rock Band 2 sounds like a start.


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

the impromptu bbq (hey that rhymed)

This year's birthday was pretty okay considering that the actual day was in the midst of my assignment week.
Thanks fer all the souls who bothered to make it to a last minute barbeque hosted by moi at last Sunday. Much more gratitude goes out to Khai, Greg and Amanda(:*) fer assisting me in some late night grocery shopping at Giant(after an awkwardly crowded dinner at IKEA sitted next to a group of very old homosexuals) and marination(I know it's not in the dictionary but we made that up).

Why is she getting us to smile? Man U just got owned.

There's more where that came from. And that's not my bag.

After the prep, it was off to Carl's Jr. @ East Coast.

Zappel & Zuchinni. Etc., etc., etc..

Thanks fer the presents. (Only managed to snap with one.)

After which, I cleaned up and returned home to find a Wii waiting fer me. -prances-

And ya know there're tons more reasons from YouTube on why you should have yer own. ;)

PS: Gosh, I've been looking rather crappy in photos as of late. I blame sleepless nights and overworking on the computer.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


It's that number. I'm that age. Everyone else either has been there or is going to.

Strangely, I don't feel any older. I'm not gonna gloat on that babyface crap but I really don't feel much like an adult. Why is that? I wonder. Is it because I don't work in an office? Is it because I don't wear a slick suit? Is it because I still play video games? Is it because I still blog? Is it because I still wear velcro-strapped shoes? Or is it because I go to sleep at sunrise?

PS: One thing's fer sure, the party mood has turned dull. Pure instincts to club and drink have deteriorated.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

now with commercial breaks

It's March. More than a month since the last edit and I'm going to apologise, not fer keeping you guys waiting but fer giving you an extremely overcompensating post, all which I have no pictures to show.

With my birthday in 10 day's time, I can't help but reminisce on the past 2 barbeques I was at.

Gerald's event was basically an easygoing class gathering, with only 8 of us plus a coupla his neighbours and family. Took us a while to get a fire started and turned out it was the charcoal that was the problem, aside from our "skills" and optical support. Anyway, the food turned out edible and we had more than enough to go around. We also had a game of soccer and basketball that resulted in reasonable fun, considering my unsporting laziness. I ripped my shirt though. Never am I gonna see it again. -sob- It's beyond what sewing can repair. T_T Night ended with the usual scene being a group of us sitting around a table by the pool playing with bubbles and peeling oranges, not forgetting the walkman phones, or DSes fer some...

PeiWen had a chalet at Aloha Changi, which to me still seems like a very rural(if you can call it that) area with a decent but rather rocky-looking, yacht-filled shore. Barbeque this time turned out slightly better with experience gained from the previous one, in addition to the amount of helping hands. I have to say, my prowess in grilling chicken wings has improved quite a bit. Ha~ The success rate, I would say, was alot higher this time round and we didn't spend that much time experimenting on time fer different meats or seafood(except fer the caught crabs and squid which I still feel sorry fer). After dinner activities were a little different considering the alcohol and cards involved. I can safely swear that there was no money involved in the games, so you can assume how much Martell(or Jack Daniel's, or Bailey's, or Barons) went into our livers. It was definitely a night to get high but there comes a time at every party when the mood suddenly dies. Birthday girl couldn't take her shots and we carried on without her fer a few more hours before sensing haste among her female buddies who didn't seem to favour her other friends. We decided to bail at 6 in the morning when we're breathalizer-proof and I got home at sunrise. Sounds like a typical night after ChinaBar before I enlisted. Ah... Good times, good times.

Sigh~ I'd be open to any suggestions on what I should be doing. Haven't really been in the mood fer planning with all the school asizzle that's been keeping me bizzle.

The car has gotten into worse condition recently due to carelessness on my part, as well as my brother's complacency. It was along the way to Tanah Merah MRT station, from the barbeque at Aloha Changi(no, I was not drunk, truthfully) when I accidentally drove too close to the right kerb, causing the front tire to brush with the concrete. Oh poor scarred and skinned rubber, not forgetting scraped and bent metal spoke. -sobs- I could, however, imagine far worse things that could happen to a car with 5 20-somethings attempting to overtake a slow van. Touch wood. The afternoon following the incident, I woke to an inevitable nagging of concern. This isn't what I'm complaining about. The next day, my brother got into an accident while driving back from camp as he was replaying an album on his iPod and mismanaged the brake, involving 2 more drivers with damaged vehicles. The damage didn't look as bad as described to me but I'm wondering why my brother never got the earful I received. Beyond that, my mom continued to remind me to be careful traffic-wise. WTF right. Call me childish but I find it unfair. Just because everyone assumes fer me to be more of the careless one and him being unreasonably aggressive does not make it a valid reason to be THAT prejudiced. I could be a little sensitive here but I think it's pretty obvious.

Not much on this account. The lunar new year is nothing without dishing out the poker cards and mahjong tiles. Rihanna was performing on TV this year, so I suppose it made things less monotonous. I earned quite a big sum from dealing at BlackJack, mostly with relatives over at my grandmother's place but I lost about half of my winnings coupla days later at Leonard's hosting. There's not much to note on this festival, really. I think it's pretty much the same every time. And the holiday vibe dies a little more every year.

Okay... I know the grasshopper approach fer doing work isn't very healthy but it's been proven to work on my account. While complacency has already started to kick back into my school life again, I suppose it hasn't really posed an academical danger as I've mastered the "art" of creating a crazy-proof alter-ego(imaginary angel if you will) to remind me constantly not to cross the line and be a sloth. Also, having full-time gamers as classmates have a positive effect on me as I look at them and go, "shit no, I don't wanna be like that". Still, not as competitors but as group members, I can't help but be influenced by their ways. I'm just glad I still see it as me pulling them up rather then them dragging me down. =P

Ponyo: No matter how cute you think the artwork is, it'll cure any level of insomnia. Nice animation though.

The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button: Magical but sad. Like a silent nightmare. But awesome make up.
Valkyrie: You know what's gonna happen but it's still so tense.
Red Cliff: If war were that easy.
Slumdog Millionaire: Must watch. Although the chances of every single question on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire being based on yer life is clearly very slim, it still has this real feeling to it.
He's Just Not That Into You: 2 words. SO TRUE. And it's also funny to watch when it's not happening to you.

Friday, January 23, 2009

my sentiments exactly

After the inauguration of the new American president, Barack Obama, I sincerely wanted to say something about it after the event but Will.I.Am. had already sang a song about it.

It also happens to be my new favourite song.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

story of a bruise

He checks his schedule and prepares the material to get his homework done when he gets back. A day out shopping with his mother has triggered his sloth and the weather did not help at all. Dinner was all he was looking forward to fer the rest of the day and he was getting hungrier as the sun relentlessly concentrated on his underexposed dry skin. Finally, upon entering the car, he turned up the air-conditioning and listened to his so-called soothing music on his favourite radio station. After checking fer the usual items he brings to his grandmother's house, he releases the handbrake and rides his way. Still early, he remains enthusiastic on the fact he gets squeeze a wireless game in with his cousin before the meal. Like the hunger made his stomach rumble louder, his anxiety caused acceleration in the beating of his heart, filling him with hidden excitement upon arriving at the gate. The car nicely fits by the side of relatives' parked cars and he confidently tames his steed. Making the way out of his mobile, carrying the tools of his trade, he carefully avoids any accidental deforming of the vehicles as he greets. Observant he was not but fortunate, as the door shuts, the blunt painted edge mercifully pushed his index finger out of dismemberment's way with the price of compressing the area above the lunula. The surge of shock did not come till seconds later when his brain had acknowledged the feeling that it was. It was then he silently released his angst fer the reserved character he always is. Quickly, he bolted fer the washroom where he ran cold water through his digits, rendering the injury temporarily numb with stillness. Throughout the feast, his left hand had a rather awkward posture but it was something he could live with. Forcing a normal holding would most definitely feel like a running water hose within that had been rolled over and blocked by a tank.

In this memory, the victim's initial thought was to inform family and friends of such an occurance, in hopes of bearing them this warning:


Monday, January 19, 2009

now into collecting postcards

Let's see what's new. In the past week, I guess you could say a handful of events happened. Some of which may be trivial as compared to others... I got owned at my hand at Street Fighter 4(I officially fear Dhalsim, the yoga master), received a pile of homework(once you've worn green, anything else will sound good), turned into an uncle(congratulations to Don and Jovyna and welcome, Jayden!) and finally gathered enough willpower to push me through gym sessions(I rest fer about 5 to 10 minutes between static and cardio workouts, hopefully, that's enough to avoid any physical failure, touch wood).

Wow, I sure as hell summarise too damn well. Now I have nothing else to say. Except 2 public matters at hand.

Don't worry, it's got nothing to do with US presidency or local culprits committing arson on other living things.

Today, I was strolling in the crazy wind along Raffles' Place to drop by on my girlfriend at the salon while blowing my sweat and wiping my sweat on 2 separate tissues and not at the same time, I didn't notice any dustbins stationed around the consecutive flow of buildings. Now, I know with the new smoking law, I can assume the government is trying to discourage any break in this rule by removing ashtrays but have organizations stopped to think about non-smoking civilians with dirty paper napkins that render their hands full if that were actually the case? However, that's not the point I'm trying to get across. The point is that I surprisingly realised that there was no form of litter anywhere around. Like. WHOA. Let's be a little honest with ourselves here. We all know Singapore has rigidly maintained her image of being an environmentally clean and green society but we can't avoid the fact that there are obviously some of us(not me, seriously, and I really just wanna say MOST but I don't wanna exaggerate) that just go, "oops, the tissue flew away, oh well, someone will clean it up". I can come up with reasons to back up my theory of such a clean business district. 1, the cleaners have been instructed to thoroughly comb through every bench and bush fer anything that is not related in colour to the bench or bush so as to create a sense of beauty to the sight of potential expatriates or visiting foreign investors. 2, the office workers are so busy working in their cubicles that they don't even have time to step out fer a kit-kat. Or 3, which is possibly the most unlikely in my opinion, civilians in that central really are civil about it. Perhaps it actually is true. I've heard that no matter how small a place is, even fer Singapore, different kinds of people hail from different districts. This should explain why an area like Raffles with no dustbins will still stay clean and somewhere like my condominium will still have chicken wings and clumps of paper lying all over even though there's a dustbin every 50 metres.

Another thing I would like to bring up is just out of curiosity. Why are all security guards old men? Call me ignorant fer being oblivious to whatever policies they've established but my idea of security is the type they have in bars and clubs where they're definitely getting it right. I'm disclaiming any prejudice against aged males... It's just that I don't think it's a very reliable force fer this line of work. Armies send gentlemen of their 20s to the frontlines and these employers are expecting a bunch of unfit uniforms to prevent a stand-off at a shopping mall, school, or private estate. Yeah, like a buncha drunkards are gonna cost more trouble than people risking national security. I'm also not pointing out that they should switch the night scene bouncers with security guards, I'm suggesting common sense among employers. I find it very contradicting. To put it in a way that almost everyone can understand, the closest reference I can give is 300, the movie. Unless you still have a body of ripping muscles at that age, yer ability to defend will remain a failed fact.

PS: I confess to running amber lights continuously. I know it's a bad habit. And I will try not to drive at highway speed around the neighbourhood anymore. Although it's still awesome.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

year of the bullshit

The new year of 2009 doesn't seem so special. I guess the constant recent partying has got a part to play in exhausting the hype. So much so that I became too lazy to do anything, though I've been acting otherwise.

However, today, I saw something redundantly amusing that I just had to blog about it. As I made my way out my condo's gate, crossed the road and strolled under the first void deck, a peculiar sight I noticed. Dozens of dead cockroaches around the lift lobby, give or take a few that were staggering in a help-me-i-don't-wanna-die manner. My first thought was simply, whoa. Then as I walked past the next coupla blocks I started to hold my breath worryingly while I witness a happy ending to a Starship Troopers/Men In Black movie, as that thought slowly developed into a ponder on what extreme pesticide was used fer this massive extermination. Look, I'm no biologist but I'm very certain if it can kill thousands of cockroaches, it'd probably give humans potency problems or whatnot.

Pity I didn't have my camera with me.

PS: School's been in session fer more than a week now and I'm very glad that 3 out of 4 of the modules fer this term have assignments required to be done individually. Unfortunately, that 4th module had to have a 5-member group rule and I had to reluctantly admit Professor Camelface into ours. I still don't know his name although he wrote it in my notebook because, quite frankly, I despise him fer the way he talks and the way he looks. I suppose I should logically review his performance within my territory before I judge him any further. Still, I'm gonna treat him like shit. I'm sure he already senses the hostility. By the way, fer the people reading this and have no idea who he is, this fella is just another ass in the class who's the target of dissing. The one that everyone will throw tomatoes at if they were given one(or more) each. Yeah. That guy.