Friday, November 30, 2007

what i've been up to

Aah, it's here. I know it's not as long as you readers expect it to be, after being gone fer so long, but I'm feeling mentally frail and physically flabby. And I'll be paragraphing my topics so you can skip the bitching you don't wanna read.

Musicwise, we haven't been jamming since 5 posts ago. YiQiang has been away in Thailand with Crescendo and Willard here has been busy selling wine and taking driving lessons(no matter how many times you tell me, I still think that sounds rather ironic). I really hope our next jam together will be a productive one, to say the least. There's about 8 songs on the list now, including a coupla new ones. However, I would be grateful if they took Starlight out. It really kills me. And I know they're also probably gonna make me regret saying this but I kinda miss doing Zombie.

Clubbing on the first fortnight was what killed the weekend late hours. Double O, as usual, hit the spot with great music, cool prices and crazy buddies. Though the management should think about fixing their air-conditioning. It was hot and dripping..... Okay, it didn't seem that erotic at that point of time. Ah well, nothing more fun that drunk-driving. I should probably fill you guys in on the bad parts too. MOS. Ministry Of Shit, I tell you. It's gonna be the 3rd time I vow never to step into the place(I had to revisit that hole due to valid reasons). Portray Hell in the movies, no space, plenty of souls rubbing against one another with hands in the air, replace the groaning with underground R&B and you have the Smoove Area. Although the Main Arena had trance, which was fine by me as a genre, it took literally forever to move on to the next track. My guess was that the DJ left fer the loo and put it on replay with various aeroplane noises as the audical transition. At least I was able to meet up with old BMT mates like Rishi and Arib.

D&D. Probably the most exciting thang that happened in the month, besides meeting fer our new card game(cannot reveal details as stated on contract's print). Oh boy, how geeky but yeah. Sad, we all died in the end. Guess it's time fer a fresh campaign. Probably a light-hearted one that's stress- or drama-free. The other guys have probably done their fair share of mourning fer their past characters.

Home truly, where my heart has mostly been in the past 30 days. Proud to announce that my pad is officially declared tidy, based on past standards. People have been dropping by every now and then to have a good look. Wonder when we'd be able to get a new tenant now that we've decided to move over to Simei Green, the condo, by March 2008. Downgrading, my friends say. Pfft. I've already worked out the plan fer my future room. I took the smallest room mainly because it does not have any built-in cupboards and shelves. It has a nice window too plus a diagonally-cut wall to place my future flat-screen on so that I can play my consoles from the bed. Muahahahaha. Still, it really saddens me to know that Whiskey is to be given away.

Hmmm, when I'm out... Wait. I hardly went out. I did catch some movies like Beowulf and Game Plan. Ugh, come to think of it, I wasted most of the time I had at home trying to "complete" my school project that I unfailingly(is that even a word?) procrastinated day after day with Facebook and CrunchyRoll. Thanks to Gurvin and Thamarai fer helping. ;')

Pretty much wraps up the rainy month. I'm feeling real disappointed now realising that I've not been a very productive male(in a non-sexual sense) fer the last four weeks. Learning random stuff over YouTube doesn't count. =(

PS: Regarding the Singtel commercial(ancient news), I didn't get the part.