Monday, March 31, 2008

(yer title here)

It's just one of those days where you stay home, all stoned on the sofa. The television set isn't even turned on but you stare at it anyway since it's the only object you're facing and you don't really wanna work yer neck. The only effort put in before this was the redirection of the fan. Air-conditioners don't start up quick enough so you make do with mechanically pushed air against yer body to take the mind off the humidity. Something is seriously wrong with the weather. Even last week there had been rumors going on that it was hailing in Ang Mo Kio. That's a little far-fetched fer me but there's still a weird cycle here.

Another reason fer me to stay in is the mere fact that I have frequented town a bit too much. I won't be expecting to catch anything new along the streets or in the malls in the coming days, even fer the movies. And I'm not saying Singapore's getting boring or whatever because I know there are still places I've yet to check out in the recent times but they aren't exactly conveniently located. And ya know how it is when the day gets by so fast when there's a plan but ever so slowly when you ain't thought of shit...

Thinking of reading a book. I said 'THINKING'.

PS: Number 1, if you must go to the cinemas this week, may I suggest The Bucket List. Number 2, if you have a sudden craving fer SuperDog, kill it. 3, I think I'm gonna save some cash fer a pair of Buffalo jeans after spectating their runway show on Saturday. Maybe I should get a job once my schedule fer class is out.

Lastly, I just wanna share with you the amount of fun you can have with simply amusing products like the Bubble Ball. Those in our age group'll probably now what it is. ^_^ Sure brings back yer childhood.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

worth a read

Although I can strongly stand by the fact that I can summarize these stories in a coupla words, I suggest you go through these articles on how teenagers nowadays are aware of loud music damaging their hearing but still tune their mp3 players to the max and a sad case of a female Wal-Mart employee who had her medical expenses recouped if you really care about current affairs that are semi-important(although the woman's story is really really sad and FUCKED and should be passed around).

And oh, Betty, since you miss local food so much I think I'll just post some dishes from time to time so you'll know what to yearn fer when you get back. Plus other retarded poses of facial silliness too. By the way, these were taken the day before I fell ill but I highly doubt food poisoning. It could very well have been an overdose of lime juice, not sure if it has that kinda effect though...

PS: I didn't go to the doc's in the end. I feel slightly better as compared to yesterday. However, it still feels like I'm recovering from a Rasengan and the Jyuuken Hou Hakke Rokujyuuyon Shou. Okay, I watch too much Naruto fer my own good. And thanks, babe, I love the bear. :*

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

vantage point

So here's the story. It appears that the school I had been enrolled under was having irreversable logistic setbacks. First of all, I'll admit that it's my bad to have failed my remaining advanced diploma module, in turn, having got to re-unit it. During this period, I've been constantly chasing the office fer my first year diploma certificate which I had yet to receive. There was this funny system with a rule stating that students only receive both diploma certs and the advanced upon completing both levels. WTF RIGHT? I'm no professor but that sure as hell sounds to me like I've been held back to continue this path and they'll be taking my money as usual. The plot thickens. My mommy adviced me to inform them of some "jobs" I intended to take up so I needed to display some level of qualification. After delayed weeks of checking my record, I was told that I did not complete my first year, with the lack of 5 modules. Hoe. Lee. Sheet. Now, THAT was a shocker. Subsequent bitching and reprimandment of the clerks ensued, there were some results they were able to recover. Isn't that just fishy. It was never keyed in in the first place and now YEARS after, when I return upon completion of my National Service, they tell me they can at least find something that was left out. Who's to say I really really did badly fer that many topics? I'm pretty suspicious of that basis. It could all have been fabrication fer whatever reason... One clear reason to back me up is the fact that I'm NOW in the second year stage. No institute in the right mind'll let students progress to higher levels without achieving a pass in all subjects of the primary calibur. And here's the killer. There was a period of time where I was bumming around, contemplating on whether I should be re-doing my last module when they called to tell me I've yet to pay the fees fer my entire advanced diploma. Thanks fer throwing shit into my fan, I officially am not gonna enter that school anymore.

Checked MDIS out fer their courses on Information Technology. I'm so thankful that they not only accepted my grades but also allowed a partial exemption fer their diploma level. So, the situation now goes like this: 4 modules to pass get a diploma certificate, they may not all be in the same semester so it'll probably take a good 8 months, give or take, have yet to receive my time-table... It's asking fer too much fer another exemption from the advanced level, even with my result slips, seeing how that phase will be controlled strictly by the university but I'm not counting on the odds. Besides, it'll be better off to mix around a little with the class. I dislike being the lone wolf of the room. Back to the books on April 28th. I can't wait. It's like I got more than I bargained fer, in an awesome way.

Onto the sidelines with a review fer the movie of the same title as this post. Once again, I need to complain about the general population of cinema-goers. What in the friggin' world is wrong with you people? What's so funny? Here's a little background: the film takes place in Spain where world leaders are gathering fer a global agreement on acting against terrorism. The American President is then shot when he steps up to the microphone on the podium. The scenes then go as such that they play sides of the story from 8 different individuals' points of view, each ending with a minor cliffhanger before all have been shown and thus revealing the person behind this crime. So everytime a person's role has ended, the scene rewinds to 12pm, 10 minutes before the assassination. Some irritants in the theatre chuckle during these intermission. I dunno why. They make the rowdy lower secondary school kids on the excursion to Jumper look reasonable due to their cheeky youth. A cinema is a public place, stupid crows. If you intend on laughing at a non-comedy, I suggest the DVD shop or wait till it premiers on Channel 5.

Phew. Okay. So anyone who'd caught the flick will instantly notice that any show with Matthew Fox in it comes with major plot-twists, overwhelming cliffhangers and booming sound effects accompanied with simple transitions. And also curse him fer confusing us in one more production other than Lost, although he didn't direct them both.

PS: Down with what I assume is stomach flu, can't digest anything. All just comes straight out after a nap. Not feeling so good... I'll probably go see a doctor tomorrow if I don't get better. Gonna sleep in today.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

out of batteries

Boys' day out.

Comparing our status to the last time the 4 of us went out together, I suppose you can say we're all slightly more awesome and less forlorn now. Boon, our fellow neighbourhood blur cock, is up and about, enjoying his stay-out military life and enrolling into learning leisure skills like dancing. Khairul, the God of Latecomers, was awarded Best Commander in Pulau Tekong. EngChye finally sick of clubbing, is finally having a fine balance between a good love life and the pay of a platoon sergeant. And I, finally have a girlfriend. All you bitches who thought I was gay, go fuck yerselves. No, I'm kidding. I accept apologies in physical form. =P

We went to watch Rule #1 as the double As were temporarily out of the picture. One is on a trip to Malaysia while the other was working. They don't fancy horror flicks, anyway, so no harm done... Should've recorded our faces throughout the movie. What a stressful film to spectate. The suspense was unbearable, some parts laughable though. I'm not gonna spoil it fer the rest with a proper review.

Not much was accomplished. There was a bit of pool here and there, plus some fighting games here and there as well. My skillz-dat-killz have deproved quite a bit. I suppose getting my geek level decreased must mean I've actually got a life now. Or a distracting fringe. Hehe.

The short but sweet outing ended with us splitting ways with secret handshakes. I took the train down to Kembangan where I walked through the park connector to get to my grandma's. Played around with my mother's laptop fer a bit while waiting fer them to finish their game of mahjong. My eyes were very dry by the time I got into my room. Not sure if it was the light playing tricks on me but I sure freaked out when I looked into the mirror. My eyes were ultra-reflective and it almost looked like I was displaying symptoms of heterochromia. Starting to get really conscious about my irises. I hope it's not due to wearing contacts fer long hours or staying up late on the computer.

PS: EngChye and I tried to walk to Marina Square from The Concourse today after seeing Alyssa's bus off from Golden Mile. What a mistake, especially in this weather but it could also be taken into account that we were partially disorientated. =P

Thursday, March 20, 2008

not getting lazy

Was late again today. Met up with tangyuan-cheeks fer a bite at PictureHouse's Ben & Jerry's. It was then did it occur to me that 3 Leaf Clovers play there every Thursday. They're a band of my senior Patricians and I suppose most of you have not heard of them before as they have only recently released their extended play. Since it's my SECOND time having icecream at BJ's(yes, I love calling it that), decided on getting a sundae special. Initially had my mind on the banana split but the weird eyelined female cashier said that they were outta bananas so I had to get a waffle cone. Weird eyelined female cashier. She's not weird or anything but her eyelines were...


Took the purple line down to Chinatown. We started with People's Park Complex. Not many things of our interest and I wasn't really keen of the smell of ointments. Plus the awkward feeling that everyone was staring at us surfaced when we realized that we were the odd ones out, being neither aged nor foreign. However, the ground floor was at least attractive with the overwhelming aroma of packeted durians. Avid durian lovers here. Pity we didn't get to sit down to savour the king of fruits. Were about to turn into OG when a crowd caught our attention. Can you guess what's selling?


It's super glue!

I look so empty-handed.

A minute's thought and we agreed to the idea of turning back. The heritage center looked interesting but the entry fee didn't look worth it. They're all vampires preying on white man's blood. Since admission to the souvenir store was free, duh, had a look around at ceramic samsui women figurines, resin preserved orchids, chinese character t-shirts and even rediscovered old-school toys.

5 stones, bubble balls, paper flowers, etc.

Headed towards Ann Siang Hill, past the Hindu temple, to look at various forms of merchandise. Boots and cameras are all I can think of right now. Guess we're not exactly the customers these shops are looking fer. Assuming that fact, we just played around in the various modern shophouses.

After a couple more poses in a couple more shops, the sky soon turned dark and this boy soon turned hungry. I feel like I've been selling myself out recently with the addition of photo presentations on my blog. Screw it, a picture beats even the best description.

Dinner. Was. Expensive.

PS: There was also an exceptionally large, overflowing coconut. And I collected a buncha cool-looking postcards.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

missed out on maple

There are times when people look back on their lives and go, "what if"?

What if I was a little more hardworking back then? What if I didn't try so hard to make friends? What if I had something working fer me?

I've been checkin' out new institutes willing to accept my horrible academics and they sure need a large sum. Why a change, you ask? This current school of mine has been surfacing with problems too big to solve and I'm just afraid I wouldn't make it in time to qualify fer a degree. Maybe I should talk to Sameer and see how he's doing there so far. It's good to have friends at places, it makes it so much easier to pull through that way. And Big Sam is a good guy. =)

Subsequent to my interview at SIM, made my way down to town with my head low just to get away. Waited at the MDIS lobby fer Amanda's class to end and read up on pamphlets to diplomas I might consider. Chan walked out to pull me into the room, I'm glad I'm much stronger than her. Muahahahaha~ Don't really care if anyone else in yer module is doing it, it just means their disgusting students that have no respect fer the teacher. It may also mean that the teacher has lost all self-respect with batches of brats coming in like that but hey, in a private school like this, it's mostly about the money.

Back to PictureHouse to get the items on my wishlist. Yay. Following that, it was time fer Gelaré and as most fans would know, Tuesday's fer waffles at half price. I wasn't really up fer waffles then so I got myself a honey-baked ham wholemeal sandwich which I regretted. T_T Should have gotten the waffles. And I'm starting to get annoyed about that thought because I've already typed "waffles" 4 times, inclusive of the one in this sentence...

Ditched (one of) the "princess(es)" of Cambodia with Joel and Sebastian and made haste to the counters to get an early movie timeslot. Horton Hears A Who was such a fun movie. It's something sort of light-hearted compared to the emotional or monster-ish shows that have been released this year. As expected when you've got Jim Carrey and Steve Carrell as the leading voice actors. Jesse McCartney also contributes as the voice of Jojo. No wonder I had the feeling I'd heard that voice somewhere before. Yes... I DO listen to Jesse McCartney. Bugger off.

Off to Heeren's we marched to browse at NUM apparel. Didn't see anything I liked(Hello Kitty/My Little Pony/Sesame Street/Flintstones/Tinkerbell) but I had to get a new membership from them. The next membership card I had to have replaced was that of Kinokuniya which was kinda convenient as they do it on the spot so I could show off it's shiny newness at the counter when buying the Japanese-English-Japanese dictionary.

Not posing, I swear I'm reading the menu of the opposite stall.

Dinner was at Cuppage Plaza in a food outlet located at the ground floor called Ohsho. The Shoyu Yaki Soba was that which I tried. It's not bad at all, if you love preserved radishes in fried noodles. Also, they serve awesome fried rice. It's Japanese rice.

Monday, March 17, 2008

stoopid buth

Just like the song goes, Sunday morning, rain was falling but we laid around in bed till I could no longer stand my unbrushed teeth. Had a sudden yearning fer Tori Q and the nearest branch was at Tampines Mall and there we were, arriving by train. I'd wish fer sunshine everyday but I'd like to do without the humidity, it gets more untolerable by the second outdoors. Tori Q had always been a takeaway meal fer me but it's recently that I start utilizing the tables they set up behind their stall. Second half of lunch involved SweetTalk. And do I dare admit that I was wrong to declare that drinking pearl tea without pearls was not strange at all when it was downright nothing lesser than strange. And I'm also damn certain that a lot of you will keep reading the previous sentence fer yer slow brain to digest.

A slow walk back to Simei where I dropped LoveBolster Version 1.6 back at her door. I'm so gonna get into shit fer typing that out but I couldn't resist(still laughing). At least I can save a little piece of my ass by explaining that the 'version' is just a random number. ;P

Dinner was at The Cathay PictureHouse as it was Aunt Irene's birthday. We all arrived a bit early so I loitered along the floors of the building to explore the shops. Metallurgy. 2 designs of ear jewellery that I want to get. Now I just need to come back another day fer purchase so it won't seem that I'm doing it on impulse.

Unfortunately, there wasn't a cake but the restaurant was nice enough to serve a cheesecake on the house. Just another rich family dinner with questions shooting at my brother about the military as I sit quietly next to him playing Bomberman Land Touch and answer unanswerable enquiries.

First dish, pumpkin pie(asian style). Dessert, tangyuan. My mouth was too fast fer the camera so it's a pity you won't be able to feast yer eyes on the rest of the courses.

Eugene, get well soon. Not the idiot, Boon. I'm talking about my cousin this time.

Today wasn't much of an adventure. Rose from bed at noon, big surprise. It was getting kinda late so had to switch card reapplication plans with the new house plans. Chilled with the mother at the new and empty apartment and met up with a contractor and technician(two different people). After that, we headed down to the management office to get some decals fer the car. Bumped into our real estate agent by the pool. I don't really remember her name since I wasn't exactly involved in the buying of our new place but is it wrong to notice that she looks presentably yummy. Okay. Stray thought. Sorry babe but this IS a blog. Hahaha~

Next scene. I swear the ICA is a major bitch. As in, the entire association. I do not have anything to back my comment but you can't expect me to stay content with such a horrible picture. It's like some unspoken rule among the staff to make all citizens look like crap in their identification cards. Bad contrast. At least it'll be in black and white. Sigh~

Sunday, March 16, 2008

white ox

So on Friday, YiQiang was off from his shift and reading a book at Bugis early in the morning. Decided that when my mother was done with her errands, I'd split ways to look fer him as I needed a guide on looking fer an affordable acoustic guitar. And the fact that I offered my company since reading a book at Bugis early in the morning was rather sad. We met at City Hall and walked over to Peninsula Plaza, which was the most recommended place among the opinions of my string-playing friends. It was a rather embarrassing expedition as I could hardly pull off a chord and YQ was too used to his bass skills. At least we were able to figure out the price range and I learnt a few things about handling... We were done looking after the last shop at The Esplanade. After lunch at Marina Square's foodcourt, headed to Bedok to pick YQ's guitar up and then to my place fer a test recording session with Adobe Audition. What a useful application. Thank you fer opening my eyes. =D I'm so suaku.

Played around with the numerous microphones and earpieces on my table, former to getting ready to meet my also-in-purple-other. We had dinner at Sakae Sushi in the airport. Ate a load of seaweed-wrapped rice with awesome toppings even though there wasn't a buffet(BOYCOTT THEIR CHAWANMUSHI!!!) and caught the view of aeroplanes by the departure hall. I really don't get the idea of going all the way to the airport to look at planes. Personally, I find it rather depressing. It's the Departure Hall. People are leaving the country, be it on holiday, business or migration. Temporarily or permanently, they're leaving home nonetheless. I just happen to think about the family members of the flight passengers and how they will miss each other, regardless the duration. Maybe I'm just emotional, maybe I'm just patriotic.

So full...

Saturday was the day of the week I was waiting fer... My brother officially became an officer. Mommy nagged me out fer early lunch with the aunts and my grandma so I had to dress formally from midday, see Amanda home(hope no more random wolf whistles under the void deck in the middle of the day) and consume lunch at Bedok Reservoir due to lack of time. And the Indian Muslim stall was not selling thosai and murtabak till 4 so I had to direct my cravings to duck noodles and popiah.

Back in good old Jurong, I was. Entered the beautiful yet intense SAFTI-MI to witness my little brother's parade. A handful of you probably know the typical drill already so I won't prolong my post with meaningless descriptions. However, oh my goodness it was tremendously touching. Was trying to hold back my tears. I wished Daddy was there to see it.

It ended with proud parents and hot sisters leaving the institute and I was still feeling kinda hungry because I was trying to be polite at the table. Got home to change into something more comfortable before meeting up with the girlfriend(I've been single fer way too long, gotta get used to saying this) again fer supper. My initial plan was to have something to satisfy my hunger fer the afternoon's disappointment, had western instead. I couldn't resist Spize's mushroom garlic steak like I couldn't resist Burger King's Mushroom Swiss any day.

So tired now, can't even stay up to finish watching Meet The Robinson's. It's been a good few days though. Aside from the weather, of course.

PS: I know I didn't write anything about February the 29th and yes, it's the official first day of my pioneer(is that even the word that I'm looking fer?) relationship. However, I just thought it'd be more appropriate and meaningful to express all of these feelings in real life. But hey, if you're looking forward to read a journal, we pretty much just went to catch The Leap Years, eat Carl's Jr. plus a little bit of Kenny Roger's and chilled at our secret spot.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

domo arigato mina-san

I'd like to thank all the individuals who congratulated me on being a year more mature. I do not care if you heard about my birthday from some other friend next to you who was on the phone sending their wishes or you got notified by Friendster or FaceBook. Fact to the matter is that you bothered shaking my hand or use yer cell. Every one of you is reason enough to make me feel like a somebody in this world.

Not much of a celebration today with the apathy. However, I'm pretty content to end the day with Dragon Ash in this wet weather.

PS: Language class was a little weird on the dialogue today. Random sentences built like, "eating a fish on the escalator" and "reading a magazine on top of the mountain". Intermediate level starts on April Fool's. Fer real.

the night before my 22nd

I know it's past midnight and it's already the 11th but technically I'm still a year younger due to the fact that my birth time is 1600HRS on the dot. Sweet, huh.

Got a nag from my mother fer being such a bum. When I'm at home, I'm either asleep or cooped up in my room. Otherwise, I'm playing around outdoors. Pending fer a change in lifestyle.

So it's raining on the summer season(then again, Singapore's got summer season all year round, besides shopping and monsoon). Managed to beat the wetness with my flimsy black Snoopy umbrella, the shoes fell casualty to the storm though. Bought an ultra-ugly EZ Link Card from the control station before heading down to Dhoby Ghaut where I met up with Miss I-Speak-French and Miss I-Speak-Jap at the PS food court. The former lass left and then there were two. We had dinner at The Manhattan Fishhouse after browsing some excessively large handphone chains at Comics Connection. Gotta love the Barramundi fish.

Checked out some of the shiny stuff on the SK collection while making our way out of the building. Sorry, babe, but I'm a little low on the moolah these days so it'll have to wait. =( T'was still too early to head home so we bought tickets to August Rush at CineLeisure and waited out the time by munching on no-nut chocolate chips from Famous Amos(which will be enough fer the month), browsing an immensely large section fer Sanrio Toys at Takashimaya's departmental store, enquiring on my re-application of Kinokuniya's membership and receiving birthday boxers from Zara. Boy, what a moving flick. It's got the right amount of 'arty farty' mixed with 'inspirational displays of willpower'. Dunno why exactly but it gives off a similar vibe to that of Cashback. Definitely worth missing the last train fer.

Sunday, March 9, 2008


Caught 10,000BC yesterday with EngChye and The-One-Who-Loves-Hello-Kitty-More-Than-Me at Plaza Singapura's GV. We were running late and had to catch a cab down to town. Thankfully, one appeared just as we stepped up to the road. Like magic~ And took a series of photos in the taxi while we were stuck in a minor traffic hold-up due to two simultaneous car accidents involving a motorcycle and an automobile sandwich. I'm not gonna upload ALL of them since I almost looked like a goat that late afternoon.

Alyssa joined the party when we met up with her at Marina Square. The four of us had Thai Express fer dinner. And again, took a series of photos, this time with her new camera. Also not gonna upload ALL of them since it's in higher resolution.

Also, I will never look at chendol the same way again after posing fer a gay picture of me feeding The Man with my spoon and he suddenly burst out laughing, spraying frozen coconut milk all over my left hand.

The later part of the night had less embarrassing moments fer memories. Had my first serving from Ben & Jerry's! I know, it's like I've been a hermit. -_-" It was a mix and match biscuit bowl containing 3 different flavours of ice-cream with hot fudge and colourful sugar toppings.

This morning, we went to the temple to pray fer Daddy. Early on a Sunday and there are already so many inconsiderate people around and about. There was this rather large family mourning and hogged the entire shelter fer burning incense, leaving my bro and I to get a tan from the flames. Enough on the bitching. Lunch was next and we were going to Shaw Centre(has numerous cool bistros and a cheap cinema but a bit outta the way) to have some seafood. It was only then did I find out that it was my lunar birthday so I received an extra angbao plus a shopping session at LV where I was bought a wallet. ^_^

Nothin' much happened following that... Was helluva lethargic so I slept in the car ride back to Simei. Had a haircut, as many people insisted. Gonna send my brother back to camp soon, guess I'm gonna have an early night today. -yaaawn-

Friday, March 7, 2008

it didn't come in red

Went to the annual IT fair yesterday, held at Suntec City. Went with Mommy and some aunts. Apparently, almost the whole of the City Hall area. Managed to talk the guard into letting us park at Ritz Carlton with the "oh we're here fer tea" alibi. Pit-stopped by the loo. Hotel restrooms are so awesome.

Oh my goodness, I tell you. Look at the crowd, friggin' ridiculous amount of people. Didn't have the mood to stay around eyeing stuff I was half-intrigued in so I just grabbed the 320gb WD Passport external drive and left the human jam fer oxygen. Damn showgirls weren't even sweet enough fer visuals. Plus, the PS3 stall was pathetic. There was no point hyperventilating over nothing...

Met up with [pet name here] when I was done mentally swearing at the crowd. Loitered a little and her make-up friend, Ken, joined us. I'll add him to my "good guy list". Had dinner at QiJi when Subway failed to estimate their supplies fer bread. This isn't any better than the time Carl's Jr. ran out of beef. At least I had been opened up to some really nice nasi lemak and kueh pie teeh.

Going to catch a movie is considerably our number one time-killer now, so Water Horse, it was. The show wasn't at all a bad take on the existence of the Loch Ness Monster. Although in my opinion, I think it's more of a rare asexual plesiosaur than a mystical, mythical, magical beast. Few things you'd need to know about this film are that the thing grows fast than Mario on mushrooms and makes the British army look stupid. There aren't any Disney themes to this as well. I know it's not produced by Disney but you know what I mean.

Bah, gotta settle some stuff of my own. It's quite bothersome, knowing that my current school's administration is pretty problematic(say that 5 times fast). Thoughts of switching to SIM are in progress, more news on that in later posts. Finally, got my new ATM card. As usual, the bank had a damn long and slow queue, with a powerful air-conditioner to torture.

Gotta get ready fer my aunt's birthday dinner now. Ja~

PS: I know some readers are keen on the idea of me logging my first V-date so I've decided to finish and backdate it. As some of you have come to know, I did complete the post the day after but due to some unforeseen accident, the entire thing vanished and I did not come to have the time or mood to redo it until now.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

how it's hangin'

The second last lesson fer the Japanese Basic Course has ended. Not really looking forward fer this term to end, not that I'm gonna miss most of the peeps from the class or what but more on the fact that I've yet to master my hiragana! Let alone my katakana! Homework helped a little. I guess I'll pick one of these days to read the character charts out loud. I'm starting to speak like Ryuusuke from Beck, the anime/manga. I'm so gonna lag behind if they discard the use of romaji in the intermediate level.

So I failed XML. Again. Gotta sign up fer a re-unit by the end of this week and push my ass up fer a pass by mid-year. Fuckin' troublesome shit module. -_-"

Nothing much in the social life. Reviewing movies and promenading hand in hand to the corners of our flowery yet concrete island with the kanojo(wow, I can say that now), the weekly manga/webcomic reads, downloading loads of music(oops, let that one slip), etc. I now have 30 albums and counting in my D Drive, waiting to be uploaded into my iTunes library and then into my iPod. However, after accumulating such an absurdly large amount of songs, I look at the folder and turn slothful. Here's a professor in Procrastination 101. =)

Other than that, I'm currently recuperating from the loss of my wallet, obviously among bigger things. Sigh~ Gonna get another ATM card from the bank by this Friday to make things more convenient. Maybe this is a chance to get an original LV. Birthday's exactly 7 days from now, don't feel it coming though. 2008 sometimes feels like such an impassive leap year...

Saturday, March 1, 2008


PS: February is over. I've been looking fer a word suited fer the month while starting with the same letter. And the only word I could think of was "film". Fer those who know, it has been a pretty dramatic movie I've been living fer over the past 29 days, give or take. I don't wanna be one to spread the sorrow by brooding so I'll just give my thanks to all those who've been there and apologize to whoever noticed I was missing in action. Now that March is here, I've got to try pick up the pace...