Sunday, March 9, 2008


Caught 10,000BC yesterday with EngChye and The-One-Who-Loves-Hello-Kitty-More-Than-Me at Plaza Singapura's GV. We were running late and had to catch a cab down to town. Thankfully, one appeared just as we stepped up to the road. Like magic~ And took a series of photos in the taxi while we were stuck in a minor traffic hold-up due to two simultaneous car accidents involving a motorcycle and an automobile sandwich. I'm not gonna upload ALL of them since I almost looked like a goat that late afternoon.

Alyssa joined the party when we met up with her at Marina Square. The four of us had Thai Express fer dinner. And again, took a series of photos, this time with her new camera. Also not gonna upload ALL of them since it's in higher resolution.

Also, I will never look at chendol the same way again after posing fer a gay picture of me feeding The Man with my spoon and he suddenly burst out laughing, spraying frozen coconut milk all over my left hand.

The later part of the night had less embarrassing moments fer memories. Had my first serving from Ben & Jerry's! I know, it's like I've been a hermit. -_-" It was a mix and match biscuit bowl containing 3 different flavours of ice-cream with hot fudge and colourful sugar toppings.

This morning, we went to the temple to pray fer Daddy. Early on a Sunday and there are already so many inconsiderate people around and about. There was this rather large family mourning and hogged the entire shelter fer burning incense, leaving my bro and I to get a tan from the flames. Enough on the bitching. Lunch was next and we were going to Shaw Centre(has numerous cool bistros and a cheap cinema but a bit outta the way) to have some seafood. It was only then did I find out that it was my lunar birthday so I received an extra angbao plus a shopping session at LV where I was bought a wallet. ^_^

Nothin' much happened following that... Was helluva lethargic so I slept in the car ride back to Simei. Had a haircut, as many people insisted. Gonna send my brother back to camp soon, guess I'm gonna have an early night today. -yaaawn-

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