Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Dear Aunties,

The Lunar New Year's the time fer Black Jack, not match-making. So please stop shoving you family friends' daughters in my arms.

Your Favourite Nephew,

Saturday, February 17, 2007

hours to reunion dinner

Valentine's was just another day. Went shopping with parents instead, which was a disaster, socially. Try getting yer dad to embarrass you in front of cute chics.

But what I'm really upset about is the loss of my trademark metallic red framed spectacles. Now, I'm wearing this dumb makeshift pair. With my new haircut, it makes me look like Ryu disguised as Clark Kent.

Go with the contacts. Definitely.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

alternate liftestyle

That was one helluva crazy field camp. One word: sandy. My lungs are probably coated with more layers than the Earth's crust. Gotta admit, t'was pretty damn fun. I saw apaches. With cocky pilots that taunted us with their propellers. And snipers. That got chased by wild boars. Mission ended earlier than schedule and we were back at camp in no time, as usual. It sure pays to have superiors who prefer being around pillars rather than trees.

A last minute assignment of duty on Friday. Great. Just when I had to book out. At least I'm done with that and there goes my ratio for this month, ha, guard duty on the 21st cancelled! Woot. Would've been anyway fer me, Daddy's birthday. Breezed through and reached home Saturday morning, had to meet Ben and gang fer Apocalypto. All were late, sure, back in civi-mode. Took a train down with Shawn and grabbed a quick bite at LJS before buying the tix with Seah. Awesome movie. Hmmm. Doubt I'd be able to run fer consecutive nights to save my ass. And the baby jaguar was damn cute, by the way. Kama, who seemed awfully fine for someone who got 4 stitches dead center of the scalp caused by a falling rock, and Bear joined us after the flick, when we starting strolling aimlessly along central Singapore. Settled with pool as a time killer before heading fer the concluding venue, Double O.

Oh. My. God. Never in my life had I a clubbing experience so damn happening. Retro night. Met the others and got the party started. Apparently, late is still early for the night scene. It was still empty when we got there, which was kinda annoying because we were only given a tiny table for 12 army guys to share because the most of the area was reserved. Oh well. The drinking games began. Lost once and had to give my number away. Who knew I would've gotten a reply the next day? Thanks, Selena. =) Possessed by vodka and progressively letting loose, I reached that "oh-I-think-I-should-stop-now" level. The group were blabbering on about another place to go to so I put them in a cab and sent them there, then took my own taxi home. Okay, almost gone. I couldn't figure out which key opened my lock. Took me about 2 minutes to get into my house. Dropped as soon as I saw my bed.

Good Morning, Louis. You still have yer contact lenses on. Yeah, took you long enough to notice. Take'em off and go eat the chicken rice Daddy bought. Thank goodness my parents were busy gardening or they would have definitely sent me to the doctor's for laughing at myself while eating as I thought about last night. Tried to shake off the little vibe still clinging on, washed up and was out. Needed to get stuff fer CNY fast. Unfortunately, the result was a pair of grey berms and a pink polo from Bugis. No time. Gotta book back in. Probably do some last minute on V-Day. So, advanced warning to you loser girls out there, stop shoving baskets of roses in my face, I'm not buying them.

PS: I love it when people pluck dance moves from the 70s-80s.

Friday, February 2, 2007

deep shit

Haven't read the monthly horoscope yet but I bet my one goes a 'lil something like this:

"Brace yerself. February's gonna hurt."

Thursday, February 1, 2007


Thought I could have gotten a little bit of rest when my hardcore Vanna White-fashioned guard duty ended on the morning of Wednesday. Fell out straight back to bunk to get a nice cold and soapy shower before walking into the Diet Coke of Hell. No sleep. Work was murder with eleventh hour updates on logistics, which literally almost got me killed. Although I can't help but think that if it were anyone else, they would already not be breathing. Know me, love fronting upon stress, left for the cafeteria to enjoy some nice fried bee hoon and a bowl of iced aloe vera with longans. Settlement of administrative matters definitely are much easier to down with the absence of tension, however, it was taken into hands by the powers that be. 0_0 Adding to the suck level, with the rather horrible office day just about over, my sergeant major walks up in my face, casually bearing bad news that he usually does, about training. What's with this camp and it's habitual system of sudden change in activities? For you guys out there, don't go, "It's the army, dammit." because stuff like that is planned, for real y'all. Okay... I'm not one to bitch but it was night's out. A simple compromise for postponing would suffice IF I hadn't already promised Greg and gang to meet up... Well, either way, I wasn't gonna stay back for some dumb training, haha.

Fast forward to Orchard Emerald. Took a train down to Somerset to meet Greg, Varian and Gayle fer dinner. Exactly have no idea what blinded me from the choice of beautiful hotdogs they sold up to date, the Spicy Chilli Dog shall be my new usual fer MOS Burger. Jalapenos. Mmmm. Nadine and her friend Carrie joined us later on to check out -gasp- PARADIGM INFINITUM! The guys nicknamed it Geek Central and I soon found out why. Wasn't really a sad place to be in but it'd creep some girls out. Many grown men living out board games as realistically as Neo and Morpheus having sparring sessions. The sex shop Condomillion, just one floor below, would've had a more comfortable vibe. Bought a set of blue/gold dice. From PI, that is, not the rubber dick stall. We browsed quite a bit while waiting for Kev, who met us around HMV and we visited Borders. Phased through the various sections where I became the butt of all King jokes. Har har. -_-

It's always nice to at least hang around some part of town especially since I've been cooped up indoors recently. McCafe was perfect fer the smokers. Sat and chatted about stuff from school to TV serials till it was time to disperse fer home in cabs, which I took with Kev and Greg. Noticed a coupla changes around the house, being gone only a few days. The 'rents did a good job getting the front garden renovated, though it's still in progress. Was too tired to enjoy the new shelter and crawled up onto my room. Dunno where the extra energy comes from to turn on the computer but I did anyway so I could read up rules on D&D, which drained me totally. Napped for the return trip to camp this morning, probably the first time I drooled in the car. Practically was dragging my ass around subconsciously with constant replenishment from cans of 100 PLUS.

Spent the day deciphering a fucking long list of codewords for the upcoming exercise on hard copies, with running conversations of the most unsporting soccer match this year... Really. Not. Fun. It was sort of payback for the screw up yesterday, I guess. Karma. So at least I left the compound with a good weight of my shoulders. Another train buddy today. Johnathan. Yay. Okay. Hardo Gay.

Finally, back at Simei. Dinner with Mommy and Daddy. Then shopped for tidbits to prepare for outfield, heh. Got myself a huge basket. Maybe a little too much. Felt like therapy. Felt good. Until I saw the salesman on his iGallop.

PS: EastPoint now has Long John Silver's. One less reason to leave the neighbourhood. ^_^