Tuesday, May 27, 2008


100 Days

Fingers scalded with ashes and wax
Face turned red with heat
A hundred nights have come to pass
Sure was no easy feat

Eyes dazed by the dancing flames
Memories in the fire
No other loss had equal cost
Cushioning the dire

Decisions and paths to make and take
New heads I seek fer view
Even so, won't fail to ask
What would my father do

Lend me strength fer I am young
Dare not declare a man
Learning all through heart and mind
Maturing, I still am

More truths have come to unfold
Been led out from the blind
Painful rays emerge in burst
If only there's rewind

Forgiveness is what I request
Fer doubting, was confound
Now, I live yer name in pride
The tree will be unbound

~Yer eldest son

Friday, May 23, 2008

one love

Too much Nintendo.

Seriously, I dunno where to start. My room is just one trapezium shaped litter box right now, excluding the cat poop. It's not like I can just throw the entire load down the chute. The filtering process sounds so long and tiresome even just thinking about it. Not to forget that in addition, the DS has been luring away much of my time. Like that's not enough trouble, my Japanese notes are lying somewhere and I'm lagging behind on homework by 3 weeks.

Now, like I always say... IN OTHER NEWS, dispute over maritime boundaries have been settled with the sovereignity of Pedra Branca being awarded to Singapore while Middle Rocks went to Malaysia. Well, I dunno about you but I certainly feel that the latter sounds like a much cooler place.

PS: Oh, that's the name of my Japanese class.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

negatively described

Yesterday, a biker skidded to a crash just outside my condo while I was pacing my way home under the sparse shade. Had my iPod on at max but I still heard him so I'm assuming he went at a pretty fast speed. I'm not accusing him of being reckless or anything, it could be the darn intense heat fer all you know. It was quite scary seeing him on the road with his left leg pinned under the vehicle. Fortunately, he was able to stand even before I made it to him. Noticed some missing skin but other than that, he looked alright. The silence was due to him being stunned. The rest of the damage accounted fer were a broken brake handle and rear view mirror. I'm not reporting this story to boast as a good samaritan(provided if good samaritans actually boast). I'm just damn surprised that such people like the stupid taxi driver in front of us did not offer a hand and waited fer us to move by the side before he carried on with his passenger-hunting. What a fucktard. Anyway, I hope the dude's okay.

Just when I thought I'd seen enough blood fer the day, comes a call from my mother with an aghast tone, mentioning the loss of our dog within the premises of the estate. She returned to the flat with Victory(ironic once you're done reading this sentence) before I could take any form of action, with a bloody nose. What happened was this dumbass spoilt dog dragged her by the hand to chase some puny pooch that ran from some irresponsible maid's hands, who was pre-occupied in a chat session with her fellow countrywomen. It was then my mom fell face first into the stone path when she lost her balance. Who knew the trip downstairs was suckier than I initially have heard. Some dick apparently fell off the curb all by his clumsy old self and when my mom approached to help him up, the mofo accused her of scaring him with our cunning canine and demanded compensation fer his injuries. He then related(and changed) the story upon reporting to the management, saying that my mom let our dog charge at him when he was jogging. Horribly unbelievable, ain't it? In this world, really exists a considerable percentage of people who are still alive because it's illegal to kill.

Then there comes people you don't wanna kill but naturally annoy yer every working nerve. Eugene Loo Boon Chong, I know you're being really thoughtful in initiating a discussion to plan Alvin's birthday, which is coming this Saturday. And it's not like we're not very keen on celebrating his coming of 22 but could you at least come up with a good plan before giving us the news? It's bloody idiotic ya know. Saying you dunno and suggesting a lunch just isn't gonna cut it, especially when you end the conversation with the update of yer own dinner plans which you failed to mention in the first place. I thought the army would've at least taught you something about how to plan properly. And something is really telling us that it's not the lack of effort but more on how yer brain works... Pfft.

PS: If you guys hardly donate yer change, don't comment on Yao Ming on being stingy with 500,000 yuan to aid the China quake victims.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

wearing my getting-fat clothes

Figured that if I'd waited to be done with the packing of stuff in my new room, I'd totally not get down to typing a new post fer forever.

Nothing new besides hitting the theatres, moving furniture and playing with my virtual dogs when I'm not driving. Of course, school's already back as part of my life if you haven't already found out. On a more worldly base, we are all obviously starting to feel the primary effects of global warming. Doesn't it make you wanna go all emotional and sing Michael Jackson's Earth Song?

PS: Still, it feels like a pretty good time to get a tan. Also, I dunno whether to take being called Harold as an honest compliment or not...

Friday, May 2, 2008


Was late fer my first day of class as I mixed my own schedule with Amanda's. Thankfully, it was realized. School was okay, the module looks like it's gonna be a breeze but making friends doesn't seem likewise. Only time can tell. Still, it was a pretty monotonous virginal lesson. With all my bottled anticipation, I'd thought class would be more exciting. At least the lecture theatre is awesome.

Woot. Got my new Sony Ericsson W910i Walkman phone today. My bro re-signed fer a 2000 SMS free plan while I got the baby. Thanks to Mommy.

I'm so lethargic. Think I should stick to spectacles fer a bit.

PS: Tori Q sure hit the spot fer today's lunch. =)

Thursday, May 1, 2008

dozed off in contacts again

I got my new queen-sized Japanese-styled bed frame, inclusive of the mattress, which was sold separately. Duh. Wardrobe also purchased from Nova, with a built-in mirror. My new room is starting to take shape and before we move in on May 12th, I've got ideas on painting the wall behind my bed's location a light shade of rose. Of course, it's gonna be self-service, with contractors costing quite a sum.

May Day was spent looking fer a fitting television set, fridge and washing machine, plus the purchase of my brother's bed. What a tiresome trip.

Oh and go catch Iron Man, guys... Commenting it to be 'very cool' will be an understatement.

PS: School starts tomorrow morning! Not Japanese, not driving. REAL SCHOOL.