Tuesday, August 4, 2009


So I'm a coupla days late... There's nothing much I remember about the past month or two besides vague memories of cramped up project datelines, retarded Saturday nights @ Greg's and alot of group-study/monster-hunting @ Novena's United Square, not forgetting "slumber parties" with the girlfriend. The most significant occurrance would have to be unlocking the hidden skill within me to master the art of Bejeweled on Facebook. Serene Ng is no longer my #1 on the chart, muaha.

The last week was basically prepping fer my papers, the first one of which had just ended. They say the candle burns its brightest before burning out, I sorta get what it means. I'm FREAKIN' drained. And this is just from one exam. I hope it's a slight side effect from lack of sleep but I guess I can't really tell until all this is over.

I'm outta words. I'm outta gas. I'm outta here.

PS: Zzzzzzzz~

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