Friday, February 15, 2008

P.S. I Love You ♥

What a sweet flick. Although many guys would prefer to catch Jumper any other day, the one true fact that will trigger the many males of this world to look the other way fer this romantic film is Gerard Butler. Here's a little trivia fer you aliens who haven't got the slightest idea who he is, he's the infamous guy who portrayed King Leonidas in the manly movie, 300. I was pretty much itching with curiosity to witness the major difference between this role and the last. Definitely a tearjerker, this one. Be strong, my Pisceans.

Flushed with discomposure while I was on the train. All dressed up in a khaki Burberry shirt and Topman button-fly navy denims, accompanied with my ugly but trusty green sling bag and my squeaky orange-striped Adidas sneakers. Checked my hair in the clear reflection of the glass upon entering the tunnels while carefully handling my petite bunch of champagne(it's not even a colour, stupid florist) roses. Here it is, my first Valentine's. AND I WAS LATE. Glanced around to keep my mind off the self-consciousness. Why am I the only bloke in the coach with plants in his hand? Started to wonder if flower offerings were supposed to be done the day before or during the date proposal. Am such a noob.

My chill pill came in a form of a little gothic girl standing beside me with a huge pair of shades hugging her face to hide that obvious mole(whaaaat~). Apparently, she was dolled to head downtown to purchase a bouquet fer her mother or so I'd heard. She, certainly, was not aware that her loud voice was giving her status away. Telling every boy in her phone book that she was on the way to Orchard ALONE, hinting fer some company. If I had a measure fer her insecurity, it would be... I dunno. I said 'if', didn't I? =P

So I dropped off at the Dhoby Ghaut station, see. Anxiously walking up to Plaza Singapura to await my cat-maid cum date, whom arrived after a few minutes in pretty purple boots. A peck on the cheek and I handed her the roses. Before long, we stepped into Mos Burger fer a rather late lunch. Had the Yakiniku Burger, which I will never order again since it's Yoshinoya in yer palm, and my all-time fave, Spicy Chilli Dog, which had initially been confused with their non-spicy version. Staff were so lazy as to just top the jalapeños instead of cooking me a new one. Not really complaining though, got extra onions in the mix-up. Heh. And this was when she concluded the meal with a gift! -twink- A cute little packet of Japanese sweets. ^_^

After I was done shining in delight, we strolled to our next stop, Heeren. At this point, I practically had no idea what we were doing and started aimlessly loitering around the building. Browsed the contents of new CDs from HMV to make up my mind on whether they were worth downloading, looked at some shoes, etc. Ended up at the Print Club where we posed fer spontaneously spontaneous pictures. >.<

Time passed at a so-so speed and we followed by doing randomly silly stuff like exploring recently renovated areas of town, including the underpass to Orchard MRT which had pretty lights to advertise the up and coming Ion building. Was early evening by the time we arrived at Wheelock. Since the clock had yet to strike 6 when we stood in front of Fish&Co., thought it was still kinda early fer dinner so we combed the displays of the toy store opposite and played with perverted teddy bears, vibrating rats and compromising dolls as we waited fer the minutes to pass. I would have preferred the usual Seafood Platter For 2 compared to the V-Day special version but it's not something to get annoyed about. The ambience was the right amount of cozy, with couples at every candlelit table to build up the atmosphere. It was here where she handed me another gift! -twink- A box of german chocolates. ^_^ Certainly outshined the set that the restaurant had provided with the special.

They were giving away red balloons fer the day but getting the pink one fer a souvenir as well didn't sound like a bad idea. However, they only had all of that colour taped on the menu stands. Let's just say I made the service charge worth paying by having them let me walk out of the restaurant with both tones. Was very well assuming that nobody in this dimension would fight over an inflatable piece of rubber. And don't gimme that shit about principle, making a girl happy sorta overwrites almost every other law in my book. Wah, now I sound like some hero. Subsequently, both of us took the train back to Simei to drop our stuff off. It was here I received another gift again! -twink- A solar-powered lucky cat. ^_^

Tampines Mall was kinda crowded, in a way that the entire building's capacity fer people were squeezing at the counter lines to queue up fer popcorn, drinks and seats. When the show was done, the last train and bus had left so we decided to grab supper at Mac's, then stroll along the highway, back to our peaceful neighbourhood(starting to sound like some English composition -_-"). Cutting through the void decks, we soon arrived at 7-11 and bought a coupla drinks prior to stopping by our secret spot fer a sparkler session to top off the date.


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