Friday, July 25, 2008

good journey

Don't waste yer time. I'm not one to be conscious about my hit counters so you don't have to keep checking fer updates, unless you're utilizing the tagboard. I'll be back after my exam ends, which is on the 2nd of August.

I'd like to stay busy studying troubleshooting fer computers and take breaks with Monster Hunter Freedom 2 in the mean time.

PS: Come on, don't tell me you didn't watch the live action He-man movie.

Friday, July 18, 2008

block in the brain

Okay. I lied about it. I've been out and about these coupla days but I was just too damn lazy to blog about it. I've been watching quite a few movies in the theatres, as well as a catch-up with Erdiana and EngChye last week... Just thought that if I posted about the same old then things wouldn't be so interesting. Or would it? That is why you read this, no?

Whatever it is, I seem to be running low on ammo. And with the driving test out of the way, the only thing left now is to clear this term with expected flying colours. Sigh~ It's probably one of those monotonous phases in life that prevent you from living on the fast lane and you're just forced to watch the world go by as you're held back while processing stage progression. Or I could just be losing the drive.

PS: If were trying to fish out some movie reviews, then go catch Hellboy 2 if you're in fer something colourful, 10 Promises To My Dog if you're into something touching and teary or The Dark Knight if you wanna witness some superpowerless beings battling the wits outta one another.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

same old real world

First Wednesday with school. It was something to look forward to even though it was a morning session because I've not been in school fer 11 days(weekends included). This was a rescheduled class fer the Friday before. Lunch was in school again. I had my top-of-the-list nasi bryani before heading to town to catch up with TeckSeng and YiShun(yes, that really is his name) at City Hall fer some King Of Fighters and Time Crisis action. Also, I dunno what draws me to that irritant of a game called Stacker but I bet it's got something to do with the PS3 lying in its display.

After a trip to Times(CUTE ASSISTANT) and a drink at Carl's Jr.(CUTE CASHIER), we made our way down to Plaza Singapura on foot to browse summore shops and lastly Daiso(CUTE CUSTOMERS) before I split ways to meet up with the princess duo. We then sat outside the mall fer a bit to munch on some beans, after which we strolled to Takashimaya to do some window shopping and then dinner. We ate it at some pasta café called Pasta Café. Tried some outstandingly blackish squid ink spaghetti dish and noticed neighbouring eyes scrutinizing my plate and face. Come on, people, this isn't Fear Factor, we're Singaporeans. So anyway, there was nothing much I really wanted to state today besides the fact that the Food Festival is now on and I don't think this will help in regulating my diet. Curse appreciation... I need summore willpower-fuelled muscle.

PS: Driving lesson number 25 tomorrow. Sigh~ Just 2 more to go before next Thursday's practical test. It's so close and yet still so far. Obviously, I wouldn't wanna dream that far ahead but oh the things I'd do with a car.

Of course, I'll have a Honda Jazz instead. And check out part two with the Volkswagen Fox.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

rofl yer feathers

What do you call someone who speaks more than 3 languages?

What do you call someone who speaks 3 languages?

What do you call someone who speaks 2 languages?

What do you call someone who only speaks 1 language?

PS: If that didn't tickle you, I cut my fringe off.