Wednesday, August 13, 2008

coloured lenses have expired

Tuesday was spent at Pasir Ris, most of the time hanging around at DownTown East. Amanda and I had the Korean BBQ chicken which turned out tasting bloody awesome. It's just chicken fried in olive oil. Looks the same, tastes like a whole new world. Add in some spices with a side of salad and damn. Best lunch of the week. I could just be hungry. Nah. Was really good. After lunch came our movie, The Love Guru. It was like the Indian hippy version of Austin Powers. Still, Mike Myers humour is very funny. Oh and Benedict Seah was my usher. Guess it wasn't really a surprise, considering where he lives.

"Waitdonttakethepictureyet. Damn."

It started raining before we could leave fer a stroll back to the interchange. Good thing the weather sorta subsided within minutes and it lowered to a slight drizzle by the time we reached the canal, where we witnessed a kingfishers' buffet, with a large school of fish stranded and disorientated by the rushing rainwater out a certain big pipe. Our live documentary continued as we strolled into the park and took a coupla pictures of the scenery which seemed strangely nostalgic. Don't say army. We were in the mangroves fer a bit, watching birds and crabs, unfortunately without water snakes. =(


They've been trying to swim up the pipe like Persians at the Hot Gates.

There's a lifeless pond by the right. You can't see it in this photo.

Mother Nature's with me on this one. Up yers.

When it got dark, it was back to White Sands where I bought a new sling bag(finally) fer school/other purposes. Black leather baby, with button catches. Plastic buckles are now a thing of my past. The surface still feels a little sticky though, hope it seasons out with shine soon.

Now, I want all my east side folks to know of this place. Istanbul Gourmet. It's been around fer a while but I didn't exactly bother trying it out till a few days back. The Chicken Roll is to die fer and the chef was initially from Hyatt so that says something. It's at the ground floor of Eastpoint, just next to the bicycle shop near the carpark entrance.

Rest of last night was standard. Walk dog around home. Walk girlfriend home. Walk myself back home.

Today, I made a trip down to Tampines Giant/IKEA with Mommy. Bought the long-anticipated metal racks and dustbin fer my room. Once I get those things on the shelves, there'd be sufficient space to accomodate my keyboard and its stand. Look forward fer pictures of my clean room(you'll have to wait fer quite a bit, haha).

I tuned in to Channel 5 to catch the repeat telecast of the Olympics opening ceremony since I missed the live one. Omg lah it was spectacular. Say what you want about China, you have got to admit it was one heck of a show. And don't gimme that horse crap about the lead singing little girl lip-syncing or some digitally added fireworks in the backdrop. Fact to the matter is that their hosting and the moment's reactions could jolly well not deny the magnificent performance. Bravo. -clap clap- I literally shaked at the luminous drums part. Also, it was to be expected from the country where fireworks came from.

PS: Kongfucius is back, this time saying, "Boys believe in logic, girls believe in magic". Touche. Think about it. DEEEEEEP.

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