Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Kev's finally back fer good to complete his degree in Singapore and the gang was there to greet him fer a long catchup with lotsa oily food. Looks like things will go back to how they used to be, perhaps with a little more outdoorsy version of him rather than the caveman we all know.

How things used to be...

If you really must know how things used to be, I was never really one of the bad boys in secondary school. Back then, I was a frameless-spectacled prefect with hair gelled so flat, it was shameful even to type out in description. I'm surprised as to the number of female friends I acquainted myself with by carrying a look so embarrassing. My closest friends were the ones my parents were proud of me having. Yer usual A students with a decent air about them. However, something went sour along the way and I took a separate path. I don't even remember why I don't talk to them anymore. Well, I was never a good boy to begin with as well, if that helps the case of belonging.

Now, I seem to have been profiled as a fallen angel by others who once knew me as the boy with the tie. Sure, the guys I hang out with are practically the opposite side of the coin from the ones I was stuck with before graduation but I personally find them a comfortable group to be around.

I'm not trying to justify a reason fer being with a so-called gang of bad boys. It's just that a while back I kinda spoke to a coupla individuals who were wondering which rock I'd been under and I was quite taken aback by the fact that I was actually missed! Perhaps I'm worth more than the amount of credit I give myself. =) Heck, now I'm not even sure if the friends I split with even remember why we don't keep contacts.

Oh well, I'm not saying I don't care anymore but I'm sitting in a very cosy social spot right now and I can't really be bothered to fix something that could possibly not be broken. Besides, I still do have possessions that keep my memories of my older friends. That's enough conscience on my part, in my own opinion. =P

Thursday, December 24, 2009

post-writer's-block writer's blog post

Okay, I've decided to rev up and give it a go. What's new again, you ask? Other than the fact that Facebook and Twitter has almost pulled me away from blogging completely, it's pretty much same old, with exams here, there and whatnot.

I thought I'd be staying at Kembangan by now. Apparently, some renovations have been delayed and my mom says we'll probably have to wait another month or two. Sigh. I really really dislike living in a condo. I know this is a blog but don't even get me started. I don't wanna make these so-called people significant enough to affect my daily life. Note to self: When looking fer a house, neighbours are the most vital factor of consideration. Sigh. At least I'll be leaving this dump before my birthday.

Ah, my birthday. The window to my physical fitness test is coming to a close and I'm finding it very difficult to pull myself to the gym on a routine basis, with the exams ending and the festivities calling my appetite. Heck, I just got back from a near-KO gym session by myself. The jawlock I've been enduring fer the past coupla years didn't help maintain my momentum too. I always get this tightening feeling along the base of my skull every time I go fer a run and it gets worse as the time passes. Ugh, just talking about it is making me cranky. >:(

Anyway, all these shit is just small talk. Here's wishing you readers a very Merry X'mas and a Happy New Year.

PS: Resolutions would be getting back to blogging regularly(as well as touch up the template), studying harder than I usually do, experiment on a vlog probably soon and get a 6-pack by February!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

this is my december

Sorry. Just sorry. It's been a long time and I have very good reasons. Exams are always around the corner and my family is busy with house-moving, among other things.

Surely, you'll be seeing more of me once I'm done with packing.