Friday, December 7, 2007

day in a life of a nerdy bumming fashionista starring mad dayman

Yesterday, had lunch with my folks at Paragon's Dôme. 2-word review: tasteful toast. The bread on their sandwiches and soup were friggin' awesome. We were there because my father had an x-ray taken the day before and were on our way to collect it. Turns out his consecutive ultra-pains he suffers every night were due to spinal bone fragmentation. Now, it's not as serious as it sounds, bones do turn fragile as aging occurs. But it's not that I'm not worried, too. -_-"

While they were at the hospital awaiting the results, I took the opportunity to walk over to Heeren do get my ear-piercing, which has been delayed from lack of reason to leave the house, done. Of all the time in the world, the day and time I decide to make an unnatural hole in my lobe, a buncha unnerving little girls in front of me make a queue fer fashionable mutilation as well. Besides the fact that I was the only guy in the entire 77th Street, neither the wait nor the squeals from them helped at all, being a virgin piercee. It's quite a late age, however, a new experience fer me, even though I grew up at a cosmetics shop that my mom worked at. A slight period of time was wasted on browsing the variety of funky rings, that by the way did not catch my eye, little did I know there were only a set of default studs to pick from fer ears or noses or whatever body part you intend on piercing through. The lady had the cheek to even ask which side I wanted, such an unfunny joke. The feeling was awfully similar to the blood test, eeee~.

I know it's nothing flashy, I'll do my shopping.

So, like, anyway, much later I was dropped off at Kev's, where I initally had half the heart to go to since everytime I go to his place, it's like 10 minutes of multiplayer and the rest of the day of do-yer-thang. Regardless, I arrive and we hunt giant baboons on Monster Hunter 2. Bows suck in that game, man, totally. Thankfully after that, Mythbusters was on TV. Yay. You learn new things everyday, interesting inventions, strange facts and what the future holds. Like I always new crocodiles were ambush predators, leave the water and they won't chase you, so you don't even have to bother making yer zigzagged route of escape. I also always new that you can't fold any piece of paper more than 7 times, which I in turn know that some of you will try as soon as you read and brutally forced upon the sheet the 8th fold, which probably won't even count in a fair experiment because the item now looks damn fucked up. Only while watching the Discovery Channel will you wonder why science was never this fun in school. If anyone were to reenact a miniature flaming "accident" of the Hindernburg to find out if the cause is mainly due to the hydrogen gas or paint on the derigible, the result would be charges against arson. And yer parents would probably disown you fer driving the car into the swimming pool on purpose due to the itching curiosity on whether a car door is able to open under pressure... Whatever. Then came Future Weapons, what an awesome documentary series. Screw the patriot missiles and massive guns, I was into DragonSkin. It's a new product currently being tested by the US military, kinda like the next generation of bullet proof vests. Sure beats D30 super foam, that's like extreme memory foam. Just when ya think Earth's technology's nearing its peak, you witness the unthinkable like this as well. War might well be brought back down to hand-to-hand combat tactics after ammunition is rendered useless. Who knows.

Enough dreaming. Skip channels to MTV. Boiling Points and Wanna Come In? are so painful to watch, yet you can't stop watching them. Plus celebrities these days give a whole new meaning to stardom, definitely not a good one. Take My Chemical Romance fer example, I dunno what their problem is but their full-band attendance record fer live performances hasn't been that good lately if not at all. Don't get me started on Britney's situation...

Dinner was Mac's(from Ara, thanks dude...) and KFC delivery again. Oh my goodness, it's the umpteenth time I've eaten their food and the umpteenth time I'm telling myself to stop. Neverending story... Lotsa talk about tattoos in the midst of waiting fer the king of lateness to arrive(Khairul, duh) before we breezed the night away with army talk, Street Fighter and techno music. Also debated the true gender of Tokio Hotel's lead singer.

Okay, ended up in Tampines till 8AM this morning. Took a cab home. The End. Yes. I just woke up, what else do you want me to say? Now go spend yer time watching
Dane Cook.

PS: Longest post title ever!

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