Tuesday, December 18, 2007


First of all, congratulations to Hadi Mirza fer winning the title of the pioneer competition of Asian Idol. I am most certainly proud of our local music scene fer at least trying a bit harder in recent times, allowing them to be more recognized overseas, of course, despite the posers that surface once in a while.

Onto soccer. Yes, soccer. I was once a very young and avid fan of the game, playing and spectating, neither of which I have done of late. Well, a shout-out to all Manchester United fans reading. Yes, we will win this time. We shan't be threatened by ARSEnal and LOSERpool. CHELSEA too. What? Oh yeah. Well, it's a girl's name.

With so much free time, I've currently decided to spend at least a bit of it on exercise. I guess that low-carb diet's a good warm up, seeing how I've got more energy and willpower to actually get down on the floor. Static stations aren't a problem. I can see now that running is though. Even with Timbaland's Shock Value as a step tempo, I could shamefully squeeze out 20 minutes or so. My comfort reason was that I did it on an empty stomache. =P

Spent an entire day at the National Service Resort & Country Club after doing some praying at the temple at Ubi. Bowling was on the schedule, although not fer long. Suck at the game, man... I miss haven't my own ball. And house balls sure hurt the thumb after 3 consecutive games. Rest of the hours were killed by waiting on the couch outside the fruit machine room with the PSP. Damn, if I knew the weather would've lightened up, I'd have brought my midcuts fer a dive or hog up the steam room... Sigh.

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