Tuesday, September 9, 2008

ORD 1st anniversary

I just got back from what was initially assumed by me as a job opportunity dropping from the sky. I was quite pumped when the lady over the phone told me that I had been shortlisted from a list of students that they need to assist them in freelance. Apparently, they had gotten my number from a survey they did on me in the previous week at school. Call me naive but I saw it as a heavenly hint to get a job, fer I had thought it was gonna be some secretarial work. True enough(partially), the scope was to help out with a certain manager at a certain company, which involves selling health products and making money through what many of you will be familiar with, multi-level marketing. Frankly, I was quite disappointed that I was not filled in on such detail before making my time to rush down to Eunos. So anyway, I'm an open guy, not like a particular unreasonably fierce girlfriend who started cursing the people she didn't even meet fer "indirectly wasting her life"(just chill lah). I sat and listened to the orientation talks and even bothered to let in the concept fer I was gonna make the trip worth at least something. They were quite honest in their approach on persuasion, which I quite admire since it hardly feels real in their world. I was also quite surprised that most of the staff were around their 20s. Very young company. However, it was not enough to convince me to join them as a worker. I totally wouldn't feel a sense of belonging working this style of business. And as many of you would agree, I'm obviously not a "work harder, earn harder" kinda guy.

Oily food and heavy liquor was involved over the weekend with the occurence of my cousin Jovyna's wedding. I was already starting to feel the mental pain from lack of sleep due to early morning school and late night MSNing. I'm just glad she finally found someone to settle down with fer life. It's at points of life like this when yer mind starts wandering in a sea of what-ifs; everyone's getting married or at least planning to save up fer the ceremonials and they all belong to the same age group, so is it necessary fer me to be standing in line? Another thing is the annoying fact you can't differentiate distant cousins from complete strangers, you might actually have designs on some hot girl who's actually yer dad's cousin's brother-in-law's daughter.

Last night, we caught up with EngChye to have a pool session and dinner to celebrate a quiet but fulfilling birthday slot specially squeezed into his schedule fer us. I know two more things now: pool skills have severely deteriorated and Shin Kushiya serves awesomely delicious skewered japanese food.

PS: Honeymoon period fer school is almost over, time to splurge all energy before I turn into a robot.

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