Saturday, September 27, 2008

they should establish global cooling

I just walked my dog and suddenly it clicked in me to post an update to readers. No, it has got nothing to do with the prompts on the tagboard, implying that I have been lazy or given up on virtual logging.

So, it's like this. There's basically nothing else very important fer me to do online these days besides constantly checking fer school updates, the Bleach and Naruto mangas or Monster Hunter referencing. Been rather busy staying on the work side of computers, anyway, with assignment due dates around the corner. And it's not exactly helping when you have a group that's seven strong. I'm not gonna directly blame individual team members fer the lack of participation although there are souls who are oblivious to the fact that the majority dislikes the likes of them. Still, comparing with the rest of the class, I'd have to say that we're the only initiative with an initiative. At least, with different personalities, we can distribute thinking and leading roles subconsciously, providing an automated working system during discussion.

Urm... Fer those who didn't understand most of the lines phrased in the previous paragraph, I apologize. It must be from doing all those reports fer class. Typing skills are kicking in right about now. I'll try to refrain from sounding complicated. Too late. I'm done. There wasn't much to say. Just wanted to pop back on stage to give my shoutout.

PS: Walking with a dog can get you to make friends or enemies, depending on opposing parties' opinion on canine pets. Most of the time if the former is established, it'd be with the opposite sex, with yer fellow animal partner acting as a pick-up. Strangely enough, this time, I ended up talking to a tattoo-clad dude wearing a beanie and over-sized headphones. I assume he's a dog-lover, considering how much he favoured Victory. We ended up chatting about Uno, who many of you might not know of. Uno is the famous Jack Russell residing in my condo, whose territory is the patio of one of the ground floor units at my block. He practically barks at anything that moves. Recently, he went missing and the family, including several neighbours, started missing his squeaky voice. A couple of weeks passed before he miraculously returned to the house, all groomed. Okay, I dunno where this is leading but it's got something to do with how guys actually don't gossip much, let alone talk to other male strangers, aside from work or other forms of formal query.

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