Thursday, November 27, 2008

mebbe i'm a wolfman

I wanna start by saying... I WANNA WATCH THIS.


As it turned out, exam on Tuesday was indeed a real paper. Apparently, our uninformative lecturer had misled us by mentioning that each question merely cost 4 marks, thus creating our underestimation. It was obvious to tell that most of us were stunned and furious at the bracketed 20s fer each question. Suspicious. However, we kinda justified our opinon by assuming that she'll generously award 5 marks per point made. At least, it was something to make us feel alot better, not forgetting that we had already spotted the required answers beforehand. I guess the entire class passed fer this one. Well, that's one down and two to go...

Had dinner at Central last night. Finally, tried my tandoori chicken Subway sandwich. I liked it. The entire building is relatively new, there's still a lot of units yet to be rented out. Did notice a candy bar in the basement though, which was hard to escape the eye with the crowd. They had this open kitchen theme where they demonstrated how the candy was made. Think glass-blowing, without glass and without air. I know it's senseless but it looked like the candyman was kneading mountains of semi-solid coloured sugar over a teppenyaki-styled stove. It's simple yet amusing to spectate.

Today wasn't much of a deal. It was constant change in weather and I wasted away the time Monster Hunting in bed while waiting fer YQ to arrive, only to cancel our gym session fer less strenuous activities; eg., installation of applications, streaming videos, etc. Then it was off to window-shop at Challenger's and JJ's fer prices we might get to compare with on products that probably'll be on sale at Sitex starting tomorrow at the Expo. Wonder if I should walk there... A USB multi-port just isn't worth it fer carpark admission, or EZ-Link credits fer that matter.

Whatever the plan is, I suppose I've gotta hit the sack early tonight in order to make it fer Mac breakfast in the morning. It's not like I have new stuff to watch now anyway. The hard disk is in my girlfriend's bag. Grrr. What an empty night. T_T

PS: Twisted my shoulder while I was asleep. My front lower gum has been bruising. And now there's another nosebleed acting up. Hope I'm not mutating.

Friday, November 21, 2008

judging from my calculations

First of all, I would like to thank YQ fer spending his off day over at my place, assisting me in formatting my desktop. With all the thrash outta the way and a generous donation to double my RAM, it's almost like we went Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind on the PC, totally feels like a brand new one. But one thing I'd like to set straight is, being a programmer doesn't exactly mean I know loads of crap about tech stuff. I know it's an exaggerated comparison but it's like how Neo only knows how to fight in The Matrix. Basically, I'm a specialist. Also, I would like to thank Miss Self-Proclaimed-Skeleton-With-Fats fer spending her time with me, learning a thing or two about how to deal with computers, if not worthlessly. I have to say it was rather productive and I learnt quite a handful of knowledge that can only be earned through experience and I'd be sure to bear it in mind.

However, we all know that's one day off the revision period. The first paper is on the 25th and if my math is still okay, then I've probably only covered 29.1375% of what I assumed will be coming out in question form fer the exams. Frankly, it looks like a shoo-in from the looks of outside the picture, I'm still not gonna underestimate the standard. Doing that hasn't gotten me far in the past and I highly doubt it will in the future that's to come. With less than 5 days and the Terminator soundtrack beating profusely louder and louder with each second gone, I foresee a serious anxiety attack if I don't do more than mere highlighting on text.


Sunday, November 16, 2008

food fer thought

Now, I'm just wondering who'd win in a fight between Aizen Sosuke and Arthur Petrelli... Anyone with a reasonable deduction, please keep me notified because this self-created suspense is killing me.

PS: I know it's kinda geeky but from a class of people who call each other by their online usernames, I'm pretty sure I'm quite normal.

Friday, November 14, 2008

[whatever you think i'd say]

My, this is getting irregular, not to say I'm forgetting the blog life. It's not exactly an excuse to say that I was busy, 'cos I really was. Really.

That past week and a half were spent on brutally referencing and editing class projects before handing in the final pieces of work. I'm quite spent now. Brand's Essence Of Chicken can only help so much. I'm sure nothing like a coupla good nights' sleep will help me recover my stamina. Even when typing this, I can hardly keep my eyes open. And I still have to bring Victory downstairs. Hopefully, I don't start sleepwalking but I suppose one cannot drench himself of energy like he did back in National Service. I'm gonna end this short and sweet. Just wanted to update on my physical status. -_- If I go on anymore, I'd be blabbering. And many of you know I start mentioning weird shit when I get tired.

PS: I missed the Rihanna concert to rush last-minute touch-ups on the Microsoft Access presentation and scanning fer Corporate Social Responsibility material. Now, there's no new Naruto manga chapter that I had strongly anticipated fer this week. With the exams round the corner, I wonder what fun-filled events I might have clashed with revision. -sobs-

Thursday, November 6, 2008

iced tea overdose

Microsoft Access is really confusing. I could really just be a noob but database management can occasionally screw yer mind up. However, I've gotten that assignment out of the way with its completion last night(only to be told the due date was delayed to the following week) to make time fer Quantum Of Solace today.

You've probably heard me say it before but I'll say it again. If Americans can pick the right candidate fer presidency, I don't see why they can't get someone better than Daniel Craig to play James Bond. Too square, too blonde and without black eyes. And to add to my disappointment, not many futuristic gadgets, no nice car and the best looking female character died horribly. Sorry fer the spoilers, I'm safely assuming all who're reading this have already watched it or plan not to. Don't get me started on villains, I was really expecting some high-class distinguishable bad guy with some fancy style of his or her own, not forgetting an exotic hideout. Sometimes, it's just good to kick it old school.

Of course, if you're looking fer something more lighthearted, go fer Tropic Thunder.

PS: I got my PSP back. Ha. I foresee a DJ Max fever comin' on.