Thursday, November 27, 2008

mebbe i'm a wolfman

I wanna start by saying... I WANNA WATCH THIS.


As it turned out, exam on Tuesday was indeed a real paper. Apparently, our uninformative lecturer had misled us by mentioning that each question merely cost 4 marks, thus creating our underestimation. It was obvious to tell that most of us were stunned and furious at the bracketed 20s fer each question. Suspicious. However, we kinda justified our opinon by assuming that she'll generously award 5 marks per point made. At least, it was something to make us feel alot better, not forgetting that we had already spotted the required answers beforehand. I guess the entire class passed fer this one. Well, that's one down and two to go...

Had dinner at Central last night. Finally, tried my tandoori chicken Subway sandwich. I liked it. The entire building is relatively new, there's still a lot of units yet to be rented out. Did notice a candy bar in the basement though, which was hard to escape the eye with the crowd. They had this open kitchen theme where they demonstrated how the candy was made. Think glass-blowing, without glass and without air. I know it's senseless but it looked like the candyman was kneading mountains of semi-solid coloured sugar over a teppenyaki-styled stove. It's simple yet amusing to spectate.

Today wasn't much of a deal. It was constant change in weather and I wasted away the time Monster Hunting in bed while waiting fer YQ to arrive, only to cancel our gym session fer less strenuous activities; eg., installation of applications, streaming videos, etc. Then it was off to window-shop at Challenger's and JJ's fer prices we might get to compare with on products that probably'll be on sale at Sitex starting tomorrow at the Expo. Wonder if I should walk there... A USB multi-port just isn't worth it fer carpark admission, or EZ-Link credits fer that matter.

Whatever the plan is, I suppose I've gotta hit the sack early tonight in order to make it fer Mac breakfast in the morning. It's not like I have new stuff to watch now anyway. The hard disk is in my girlfriend's bag. Grrr. What an empty night. T_T

PS: Twisted my shoulder while I was asleep. My front lower gum has been bruising. And now there's another nosebleed acting up. Hope I'm not mutating.

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