Monday, April 27, 2009


I didn't want to use tanning oil. I cooked myself in the fierce Sun. I'm in an even worse condition than Ross.

I proudly present the flag of Indonesia. If I can't manage time off fer my own trip, I can at least act like I've been there.

Finally, bought 2 new Wii games today. Well, technically The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess isn't since I got it off the second-hand rack but you catch my drift. And speaking of drifting... MARIOKART IS FUCKING AWESOME. It'll be awesomer in multiplayer, I'd bet.

PS: Unfortunately, Rock Band 2 was not available at my neighbourhood store. I'm still longing fer it. :( As well as anticipating Monster Hunter Tri.

Friday, April 24, 2009

this and that

In an attempt to get a little darker, I had gone fishing with YQ yesterday and surprisingly, I got there earlier than him. Okay, I had the car but STILL. I didn't get much sleep and the temperature was just frying me from the inside out. I'm not complaining but YQ was right, the beach by SAF Ferry Terminal is no place fer girls. Not that it's a gay hangout or anything but the place is, fer one, crawling with red ants and "sandflies"(I didn't see any, dude, even while scouting after supper at Seletar Dam). So we didn't catch anything except fer loads of healthy seaweed. Our time and $10 worth of prawns' lives wasted in vain. Well, it was an experience. I still prefer night fishing.

Ugh, so bright.

The executioner.

Waiting room.


"Firing squad."

At 1pm, we packed and got drinks by drive-thru at East Coast Mac's before heading home. A late breakfast(Subway Chicken Teriyaki) was enough to keep me up Monster Hunting in Plaza Singapura's Kopitiam with classmates till the dinner plan, which was kinda impromptu.
Met up with Khai and Dhaniah at Tampines 1 to try the outlet, Say Cheeze, where they either had very timid waitresses or we were aggressively venting our expressions about problematic people we know. I had 2 main courses, still dunno what's to be surprised about. It was just beef lasagna with Tobasco and mushroom cream pasta.

ANYWAY. It wasn't much of a day despite catching up with so many people. It ended at Starbucks, reminiscing on television serials such as Chuck, which I will be very sad fer if the show is confirmed to be coming to a close. T_T

PS: Bro flies off to Bali with friends in 12 hours. Sigh~ I've gotta go on my own holiday.

Monday, April 20, 2009


I haven't had direct contact with the Sun fer days... It's definitely got something to do with my ungodly rest time. It's not I've got insomnia, I've just had my hours pushed back till I get to sleep at 5AM and get up earliest by 3PM. It's been like this ever since the holidays started. WTF mate?! I couldn't believe I'd be bumming fer 3 weeks but my skin tone has been proof enough fer the truth.

Gaming, gaming, gaming. At least I redeem myself slightly with midnight gym sessions.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Fast & Furious [SPOILER ALERT]

Just awesome. Makes me wanna grab a muthafuckin' douche by the ankle while a buddy of mine, with equal opinion of that individual, do a wheelie on an American muscle car straight into his ribs.

Friday, April 10, 2009

small talk

Since I've got nothing to do(gasp!) while waiting fer my girl to be done with her friends and we head off to catch either Know1ng or Fast & Furious 4, I decided to be more productive by keeping myself on a roll blog-wise.

Come to think of it, there's not much a boyfriend can do while waiting at home fer his girlfriend's ready call. I can't drink my cans of beer left over from the barbeque that's in the fridge because I'm supposed to drive. I can't turn on the Wii because a game of baseball will work me up to a sweat. I can't watch anything because I'll be caught halfway indefinitely. And I can't play the PSP because I left it in the car. Okay, the last one is my fault and I can't exactly put out the reason I'm typing all this.

It's times like this that girls should figure out why idiotic guys like us can link you to random amusing videos from YouTube. :) Maybe I should conjure a new compromising pose fer my wooden dummy from IKEA to be in...

By the way, Tampines One is now open and damn, the only thing missing is a bowling alley and a stadium. Had breakfast at Mac's(had a number of their meals since the exams) and dropped by Uniqlo's where the apparel seems to fit a slight part of my taste. Didn't buy anything though. I've got this weird thing... I don't like making purchases when a boutique is crowded. I feel that they're all buying the same design as I am and I'll be caught dead dressing in uniform to these freaks.

PS: Congratulations on the news, Alyssa & EngChye. I'm still speechless as I am flattered but I promise I won't be speechless when the day comes! LOL.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

return of the potato-eating potato

Done with the first term of the year and I'm following with 3 whole weeks of rotting. The streak of group revisions have totally disintegrated my drive to physically enhance myself. I only managed to partially changed the colour of my hair and it is not due to stress(although the last paper was a killer, considering the fatigue and that NONE OF WHAT I READ ON CAME OUT, way to kill the mood on the previous 3 that I'm sure to ace on). -_-"

Didn't manage to do much in the past month. I had only recently caught Confessions of a Shopoholic, which I heard was not better than the book(like I never heard that review before). And personally, I would like to say I loved the green scarf, in the ungayiest fashion. In addition, there was Witch Mountain, bravo to Dwayne Johnson's antics, he is officially up there in the list of stars fer action comedy in my book. And fer anyone who frequents BBQ Chicken, they changed the menu! I simply cannot believe it! -sobs- Their Hot Hot Drum is now only has a hint of chilli, and they stripped off Ginseng Chicken!!! Ginseng Chicken. It's much more delectable than it sounds. I fell in love with its taste on my second last visit. And they took it all away from me. T_T My favourite place to have fried chicken... Then again, my heart is convincing me that they had a new cook and we were in the wrong branch. I should give it another try.

What have I been doing??? I'm truly turning into a computer freak. Searching fer game hacks and whatnot. Shit, I've been constantly on Monster Hunter and Pokémon. I know what I'm doing but I can't stop it. The best I can do to distract myself from this form of entertainment is by watching either Clone Wars, Chuck, The Big Bang Theory or Heroes.

PS: With time on my hands, I should (i.)pack my field pack and get ready fer a military recall, (ii.)tidy my room and look fer my scientific calculator and (iii.)go shopping fer some Wii games, Rock Band 2 sounds like a start.
