Saturday, April 21, 2007

apple prints

Again, due to foreseen circumstances, did two duties this week. Hmph, hardly makes a difference since I'm in the office every other day. And because of parade rehearsals, which I'm not involved in, this time round, makes the job a hell lot easier. Got to read in the papers about stuff happening outside this camp. Veteran policemen losing their lives in line of duty against illegal immigrants, sad. Snapped foreign student gunning down 32 people before macing his face, hmmm. Workers in China die after being engulfed by molten steel during spill, ouch. Funny, people die everyday and those who live don't care unless it's in a "special" way. No offence to all ghosts reading this, it's just human nature. -shrugs-

After fast-forwarding the week with my iPod, I found myself running in Simei. I really hate it when I suddenly surface from my dreamy state, ESPECIALLY while running. Brings the stamina down greatly. For me, at least. Gave up after passing my house twice and had some oily snacks before dropping by at Coldstream for a light lunch with some durian. Yummy. Down to town I go, almost zoning out in the train with the tunes of Gorillaz. Power of the Spicy Chilli Dog kept me up as I went shopping for boxers[okay, sounds gay, hot dogs and underwear...]. My Dad took my old ones. Ain't no way I'm taking them back. AND the shop gave me a transparent bag, thanks alot, fag... Walked by NUM and bumped into Zul, long time no see, now a salesman there. Ha. Chatted up fer a while before Willard popped by. Wonderfuckingful, a mini St. Patrick's reunion we had there. Cruised after trying and buying a top. Finally, a paper bag to hide my previous purchase.

We were stuck with Sunshine since Smokin' Aces was only available at late slots, wasn't the time for Wildhogs, Turistas was yet another gore flick and Nightmare Detective... Let's just say we didn't wanna think while reading subtitles, like in DeathNote[I'd like to blame those Prudential savings girls on the fact that we couldn't catch Smokin' Aces but unfortunately I can't rub it in their pretty faces]. Generally, I'm starting to dislike astronautical films. Majority of the small boys on Earth dream of growing up to be astronauts when they grow up, although, let's be realistic, they won't. And the occupation seems pretty prestigious. Somehow these twisted directors love to make everything in their space missions go wrong. Must've been pretty tough on lil' Mr. Sour Grapes when he found out NASA wouldn't except him. =/

Coupons for Burger King, yay. Their Double Cheeseburger's not half bad. It may have been around for a while but it's a new discovery for me. It's hard to notice when you've got something like a Mushroom Swiss. By now, you probably would have realised that I've mentioned food a handful of times in this post so feeling guilty, I forced The Man to walk with me to Bugis[we were in CineLeisure then] to check out that bar, Shanghai Jazz. At the same time, we accidentally found The Mint, that toy musuem we've been looking for a coupla weeks back... Yay, plans for next weekend already set. Too bad we won't be seeing those two recruits until May, ha. Sucks to be you guys! Best wishes for your field camp...

PS: Bah, D&D tomorrow... Should I take Monday off? ... Can I?

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