Saturday, April 14, 2007


Another typical Saturday afternoon. Wasted away my rest with C&C3 while munching on Sour Cream & Onion Pringles and downing carrot juice. My room's still in a mess but the tidying will have to wait... Gotta prepare to head out fer dinner soon. What should I wear tonight? Hmmm...

Yesterday was a half day. Buses[came late again] for the trip down to Taka. Some army roadshow. Was pretty cool. Might've stayed longer if weren't for the evaporating rainwater. Never thought I'd say this but I learnt a coupla things at the exhibits. Plus I bumped into Jemmo and Yazeed. MPs. Haha. And I got a free mini duffle bag.

Stoning at City Hall feels very... Comfortable. It was probably just the coffee place. We had to rest somewhere after hours of walking, from guitar browsing to riverside strolling.

On the whole, it's another good week. Excluding the loading of magazines incident.

Argh. Gotta practice "The Sharpest Lives" for tomorrow.

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