Friday, October 31, 2008


Kinda feel proud of myself. Finished an hour-long test in the first 5 minutes. Everyone looked appalled upon my action of handing in my paper before they even got halfway through. You could say that I was on a roll. Turns out last night's writing in preparation paid off big time. I woke up with the answers running in circles within my skull. Felt like Chuck flashing through The Intersect when I glimpsed at the paper. However, the lecturer left the hall in the remaining minutes, fer whatever reason. My deduction is that he didn't wanna catch us cheating but also didn't want his passing rate to suck. Now with everyone sharing the info, it really didn't matter on who scored full marks in 5 minutes anymore(okay, maybe I'll leave an allowance on deduction of a mark with a certain irrelevant question in the test). -In The End by Linkin Park in the background-

Still, I guess this is emotionally redeeming. The B I managed to get fer last semester's module wasn't satisfactory. Considering my time was all fer only one subject, 3 months ago, I thought I'd at least get a better grade. Doesn't help when the mother is asking where the A went. It's not like I'm not being competitive... Bah, I've gotta admit I was pretty carefree back then and I learnt not to underestimate exams.

PS: The time fer work submission is nearing. Then study break fer exams. After which, I can dance like Corbin Bleu.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


I wouldn't exactly consider this the fact of the day, BUT.....~~

Did you know that I'm appoximately 6.25% non-Chinese? Yeah, like WTF mate. I found it out only today when we were on the topic of my coloured contacts, my aunt mentioned that my great-grandfather(my father's mother's father) had a naturally different colour from the rest of the family and it was not heterochromia. Turns out he was a Eurasian that hailed from China. Now, I'm not very sure how many Eurasians there are in China. Apparently, he's a mix of some blood that I've yet to identify. I'm currently very curious to find that out. However, the tiny percentage doesn't count fer anything when I still look Chinese. And I'm still gonna declare myself Chinese, whatever the fact is. Not like a certain blogger who intentionally faked her family tree with facial plastic.

Boy, you think you know every bit of yerself after 22 years...

PS: Even though the PSP's purpose fer me can be rightfully said as solely fer Monster Hunter, it wouldn't hurt checking out other stuff, like something from our friendly neighbourhood superhero that I stumbled upon.

And people wonder why he's so broody. Obviously, messed with the wrong alien race.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

the sky is my blanket

Day by day, I stare blankly at an empty draft, processing random thoughts into doubtful fingers, only to have ideas whisked away, dissolved in the thin air between my digits and the keyboard. Tonight, I will attempt to make it different, even with the uneventful festive holidays, this amateur blogger will squeeze like a sponge in hopes that something verbally worthwhile will leak through his nerves.

Okay, that's probably as much "flowery language" you're gonna get. My attention has clearly been drifting into other forms of cyber-activities, which include online flash games like Pet Society(thanks to my aunt Irene), Bloons Tower Defense 3(thanks to TS), Helicopter and The Last Stand 2, weekly episodes of Chuck, Heroes and Big Bang Theory(thanks to YQ), plus the unavoidable manga-reading routine. There's also academic factors that have contributed to my absence on posting, class assignments are all due before the middle of next month(so screwed), not forgetting the class test coming up in 5 days' time(crossword puzzle styled, how cool is that but with extremely vague clues fer extra bombastic words), oh dear...

Of course, not everything's been about computers. I've been out and about to escape my unhealthy electron-radiating profession. Or at least doing my best. Yes, I know fast food is not exactly the greatest alternative to a internet-free life but nobody's perfect. I've been putting in a bit more effort into running recently, it's important now, considering my birthday will be here in less than 5 months. I suppose that'll be enough time to get me back into army-standard fitness. IPPT my friends, wish me luck and I'll need all the support I can get to clear it before the 11th of March(this is not a hint fer you to take note of).

While we're on the topics of latest news, I guess I should add in fer MIAed friends that I've changed my hairdo yet again. It's a short combed-down style, actually a poor replica of my Monster Hunter character's look but I did not deliberately copy it. I know guys have a habit of getting too enthusiastic with games but I'm pretty sure I myself wouldn't go that far. And since we're on that, I think I should chain-link the subject to my opinion of comic conversation. I do not see the problem with explaining to yer girlfriend the history of at least the more famous Marvel Super Heroes. With the constant movies based on superheroes being released in the recent coupla years, it's totally gonna be inevitable if girls plan on catching these awesome flicks. It's called background information. I'm not saying we're right, you can shut us up when we start stringing on to discuss who will win a fight between Spiderman and Mohinder Suresh.

Now, onto the journal. Glad I finally managed to catch up with Willard and YQ at our latest jamming session last Tuesday. It was the same songs all over again and fer a 2 hour rent on the studio, with YQ's friend as temporary guitarist, who is quite good, hopefully we'll see him on future meetings and maybe make him more permanent if possible, as permanent as Red Carabena can get. =P

Today, EngChye and Alyssa managed to find time to come see the house and trade movies. I'm currently wondering if I should actually organise a housewarming now that all my close friends have officially seen the place already. I'm getting kinda lazy when it comes to hosting. However, here's someone refusing to admit he's a little too old fer parties. Back on track, it was sad that Khai wasn't able to make it earlier today, now I've gotta last another week on my own, hunting Silver Rathalos and Gold Rathian. Troublesome. Bah, have to get back to school work once the weekend's over anyway... Seriously.

PS: Looking fer someone who will watch High School Musical 3 with me. Maybe I will when my brother gets back from Taiwan tomorrow.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

gamer reborn

Many of you(or a few since I hardly share similar tastes with others on a variety of things) might recall Bob The Guardian from one of, if not the first, CG-animation, titled ReBoot, with his infamous quote, "This is bad. VERY bad."

With that thought still keenly locked into a certain neuron, I'm just glad I still know when to stop(and make an effort to keep this blog going). Addiction gets the best of me fer most of the time though. This actually sucks. I've gotta complete class assignments in a week's time and I'm still fooling around. And you know it's VERY bad when you start nagging at yerself.

I guess this pattern comes with the course I'm taking. We're pros at programming. Even bigger pros at gaming.

PS: September was pretty uneventful. Bowling at Warren and the 2 hour trip to Sentosa didn't count. So much fer my first civilian anniversary after taking off the green.