Tuesday, October 28, 2008


I wouldn't exactly consider this the fact of the day, BUT.....~~

Did you know that I'm appoximately 6.25% non-Chinese? Yeah, like WTF mate. I found it out only today when we were on the topic of my coloured contacts, my aunt mentioned that my great-grandfather(my father's mother's father) had a naturally different colour from the rest of the family and it was not heterochromia. Turns out he was a Eurasian that hailed from China. Now, I'm not very sure how many Eurasians there are in China. Apparently, he's a mix of some blood that I've yet to identify. I'm currently very curious to find that out. However, the tiny percentage doesn't count fer anything when I still look Chinese. And I'm still gonna declare myself Chinese, whatever the fact is. Not like a certain blogger who intentionally faked her family tree with facial plastic.

Boy, you think you know every bit of yerself after 22 years...

PS: Even though the PSP's purpose fer me can be rightfully said as solely fer Monster Hunter, it wouldn't hurt checking out other stuff, like something from our friendly neighbourhood superhero that I stumbled upon.

And people wonder why he's so broody. Obviously, messed with the wrong alien race.

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