Saturday, December 20, 2008

unhealthy in a good way

Besides catching The Day The Earth Stood Still, the entire last week was generally me on the road to recovery from internal bleeding due to what I can assume is overwhelming gastric fluids melting my stomach. I'm better now. My diet's better now. The back still hurts a little bit but it's also getting better. Hopefully, I can head back to the gym before the end of next week.

Spent the days at home contemplating my educational route. I had to have a professional perspective so I headed down to the campus to have the programme consultant help me with his knowledge on what's in store. I personally felt that my trip down to school was to have someone convince me on why I should go fer the class I'm eyeing fer. I was already leaning towards one side of the fence to begin with. So it's been decided that I stick to Information Technology, rather then branching out to the integrated skills of Business Computing or a new thing like Digital Multimedia. I realistically deducted that a double major would be more promising than an honour's degree, with something vast to fall back on instead of a high-status field of close-ranged expertise. In the end, a degree is still a degree. So yup.

Now that I've got the academic aspect settled... The Arena. Even with a bleeding stomach, I had the mood to go fer a party. The fact being that I'd not been there before and not clubbing in months made the night slightly more exhilirating. As exhilirating as tequila shots and martell mixes can take you.

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