Saturday, December 6, 2008

will they gimme the new uniform?

A mix of Brand's to do my best and Mentos to make me fresh over the past 2 weeks has allowed me to unlock that spare energy to tolerate stress levels up to today. At last, the last paper fer my Diploma in Infocommunications Technology has ended. It wasn't exactly a tough paper to finish off but the answers were sure as hell darn long(could just be me, was the third last to leave the room). In this case, I'm sure the quality is in the quantity. Now that I can have a breather, it still feels weird that I'm loafing around empty-handed. Part of my heart is telling me that I've yet to cover another textbook or write some notes. But on the whole, I feel like the polar opposite of that green monster at the end of every Just For Laughs episode.

The entire gang sat down fer milkshake at Billy Bombers(saw Jill and SMSed her but I didn't get a reply, tsk...) at The Cathay, which is just behind the Dhoby Ghaut campus. I, of course, had to be special and ordered a bowl of nachos mixed with salsa, cheese, chicken cubes and jalapeƱo slices. Just typing it out is enough to make my mouth water again. So anyway we followed up with pool at Paradiz Centre where many technical faults took place. I didn't really wanna start showing off my skillz-dat-killz from the moment the table opened so I ran an errand of exchanging a defective USB LED/fan fer my girlfriend at Sunshine Plaza with Egg(TeckSeng, but Egg sounds more welcoming and it's easier to type) as company. I don't exactly remember the name of the shop but they damn right have no knowledge of doing business. There was no receipt fer me. They had no contacts with other branches to check stock. And okay, I know they are girls but they weren't ballsy at all. I was quite annoyed by the fact that they told me I had the last piece and I had to switch it with some other useless piece of shit in that junkyard. After much consideration about topping up the charge and the degree of the product usage, I managed to conjure a 5-minute case study in my brain and conclude to buy the Hello Kitty standing fan which is also operational via batteries. The piece also happened to be the last one in stock and I surprised myself with this loud tone when I questioned them if everything in the store was the last of each. It just occured to me that I didn't enquire if I could charge batteries while plugging it into the USB port. Fuck it. Novelty shops are fun but just fucked. Maybe it's like how you can go to the zoo but you can't keep yer own white tiger.

Havin' a break @ Billy Bombers after the paper.[clockwise from front left: Superhero, GrizzlyBear, Tackey, Spammer, Koolwool, Egg & Sk8terBoi]

Late night movie of the week: Quarantine. I had secretly anticipated this flick fer a while, knowing that it had that video-camera concept going on. If you're not so easily nauseated or especially faint-hearted, you can bother to watch this film, though you might already predict the ending before the film starts. Still, it's one freaky movie to keep you on the edge of the edge of the edge of yer seat. You might retain a funny feeling that something is gonna suddenly jump at you from behind to rip yer neck or cheek off.

PS: I just found out that the advanced diploma route has specialized paths as well. Guess I'll have to make another choice after enquiring with the noob coordinator. Fer now, the next three days will be spent preparing fer my four-day reservist camp.

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