Wednesday, January 10, 2007

woe is me

I think I did more rolling today than Dan Hibiki, Duck King and Blanka did combined in their lifetimes. And while I'm typing this, my brain is still stimulating endless spins. It was crazy but progressive training has given me the ability to do a decent Crack Shoot. In a way. Hmm. After lunch, it was some taste of reality. Well, I volunteered to be the detainee in my group as I took on two guys. After more than one god damned looong minute, I gave in in fear of my nose getting flattened. Of course, anywhere, but the face. Nothing much on that, today was all training, training, training. Heh, come tomorrow, it's actual sparring. At least that's what they call it, with those red and blue cushioned helmets and those bolster stick thingies. Woot.

Too bad a little fun has to be balanced with spoilers. I'm totally cutting off non-CNY gambling. Forever. Time to be thrifty.

PS: Well whaddya know? A heartache REALLY IS much more painful than a body ache.

1 comment:

Tom Bailey said...

The "woe is me" is not very positive, maybe you need a different more positive outlook?