Sunday, December 31, 2006


The celebrative move is not born from reflecting on the year, more of longing for the next year. Ah but just fer da heck of it, let's check out what happened in 2006.

Year's naughty world moments:
-The Croc Hunter got killed. By a stingray.
-James Brown died on Monday. Must be the blues.
-Indian runner wins DOHA women's championship. Not a woman.
-Pluto is no longer considered a planet. Pfft.
-Italy won the World Cup for the 4th time. Cheats.
-Pope Benedict XVI quotes critisism on Islamic faith. Of all the time in the world.
-Thaksin got overthrown. HA!
-Many Nintendo Wii players lodge major complains about causing injury. Then don't throw the controller, idiots.
-Saddam meets his maker. After pissing 3 US Presidents off.

Sure as hell it might've sounded exciting if it all occured on one day and you were flippin' channels. But still, hell, nobody really cares after a coupla minutes.

New year come quick.

PS: I could just be a little anxious about it because, based on Western astrology, 2007's the year of the Pisces. =)

Saturday, December 30, 2006

rise of the silver surfer

I always thought that he was just super metallic being with ultimate strength and some psychic powers or something. It may not seem like much, but the display of his power in the new Fantastic Four trailer was oh-my-goodness, although it's not my most anticipated film of next year.

Ya know what I'm talking about, guys. That's right. TMNT. My family just gave me the disturbing stare. It's not like I'm watching Dora The Explorer or something. Come on, we grew up with these half-shells. They're like... Awesome. Mundo cool. Like... Cowabunga, DUDE! Remember?

Leonardo, he's the leader of the team~
Donatello is the one who makes machines~
Raphael is cool but crude~
Michaelango's just a party dude~
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles~ x3
Heroes in a half-shell.

And don't ask me to shut up, or I shall resort into bonding you to a sofa where you can watch that retarded Captain Planet video clip. Forever.

PS: America is starting her celebration early this year. Saddam just got hanged. Just thought you guys, who don't read the papers, would like to know.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

it's raining emo

'bummer doing duty on boxing day.

Bah, it's not like I got any presents to begin with... Plus it was awfully cliche. Stuck in an empty office watching talkshows, Mr Bean and Cold Case. Not to mention the rain, which amplified the already sad scene. Sure as hell for every drop that pushed Singapore down, all the more I had to be out for the countdown of the year. There was no way I was gonna stay indoors and witness the telecasted fun. Local television broadcasts should just close down on these major holidays, then people will find more interesting things to do, rather than say, "why go there when I can catch all the excitement from here?"... I mean, this'll be a good chance for the government to rid those couch potatoes. Your myopia prevention campaign'd be successful.Which brings me to related subject, the news revealed that doctors have discovered a new way to increase the rate of eye recovery with the transplant of tissue, from your friggin' mouth. So you people on this diamond/crab/garden/wtf land who take everything on health for granted just because there's almost a cure for everything you have, try asking a friend to lick you eyeballs the next time you have a sore. Okay, that's not even the point. But it really makes me scorn to realise that our country doesn't even have a festive spirit. Even the ones below 18 are trying so hard, with the bloody foam. Pfft.

Back on track, I'm dying. Friggin' rotting to death. Urgh. Like. Castaway or something. Socially, that is. Khairul was right. It IS the time of the year that reflects how fucked up you really are... Omg, at least Mr Bean had a girlfriend. -_-


Or maybe local TV's plan's just the opposite. 'cos it made me feel real shitty. Hmmmmm. Ah well, there goes my off day, what a nap. Gotta get back in the green, black and brown in about 30 minutes.


PS: Sorry, Janice, I was asleep. =P But hey, you didn't get the tickets, haha.

Sunday, December 24, 2006


First time in months I've been stuck in camp fer so long... I've got a tan now too. And still have no date fer X'mas/New Year.

... Oh well.

At least I got new shoes.

PS: And here's the video of the week.

Monday, December 18, 2006

spotlight in darkness

Bet you couldn't care less on how my weekend went. I'm here to reveal all, anyway, muaha.

Was too damn lazy to type crap since Friday night. After the happy hour, it made me realise how unhappy I was... To result into one sad mofo of a man. WHY? Because.

So sinful. I have turned into an evil conscience. There was this guy on the train wearing a t-shirt that listed the seven deadly sins. Gluttony has been controlling me since my father bought tons of chocolates to decorate the house for this festive season. Greed and Pride has been possessive of my mind as I play around with really high stakes. Envy and Lust, you should know. Heh. Hmmm. As I read, I realised that I have all. Well, except Wrath. I'm too Sloth to go Wrath. And now I'm too Sloth to carry on the subject.


Saturday was painfully spent with those of the same blood tree. These dinners are so The OC. Again, the Sloth overcomes. Really, it's not a you-don't-wanna-know-thing.


I was on duty, need I say more...?


This week's forecast. Bombs and parades. Yay. -_-

PS: Current sin status -- 11% Greed, 24% Gluttony, 28% Envy, 37% Sloth, 100% single. Catch my drift?

Friday, December 15, 2006

ham and cheese

Every single person at the range was running his mouth of about marksmanship until the night shoot... That's all I can say. At least I won the bet.I have to be up in less than 4 hours' time and yet, here I still am. Had another KOF session over in Tampines, Shen Woo rules. Yay, got back my controller. Anyway, in half a day from now, there's supposed to be a gathering at our specialists' mess. Whoopie. -_- Foresee 6 months' supply of Tiger going down by stomache. And they "bought" girls. As expected of our superiors to fully utilise the funds. Oh well, I guess I should just look forward to the free dinner...

Gaaah, shan't think of more food. >_<

PS: Hopefully, I win some extra cash before the next book-in, intend to sell my post-Christmas duty shift.

Monday, December 11, 2006

what a sore loser

well done

So much fer taking a break. The nice people at Jurong Camp called me to book back in by tonight to prepare for IMT tomorrow and a combat shoot the day after, which means I just had a day's leave taken away from me, plus I'll be missing my aunt's birthday dinner on Wednesday evening. Crap. I could bitch summore about the system but I keep thinking of Carlos Mencia calling me to America. -_-

Bah, been wasting away at home with no fond memories of the past week anyway, and since I get to convert my leftover days into offs, I should just zip it.


Few more months. Few more months. Few more months. Few more months. >_<

Sunday, December 10, 2006

tomorrow never comes until it's too late

Oh gaaawd ma ears are still ringin'.


Okay, I was hungry, so we got delayed while they waited for me to have a Big Mac Meal + Fillet O Fish dinner but I'm pretty goddamn sure that if we had made it 30 minutes earlier, the number of patrons wouldn't be much of a difference. So two and a half hours of sweaty chics brushing their breasts through elbows in an attempt to inch closer to the entrance ended the ticket fanning ordeal and we entered the Arena. How cosy. Like a sperm head forcefully pushed into an egg. Stuck.

And holy shit, we stood for a coupla seconds on the podium before noticing the sausage fiesta. Bodies rubbing up against one another. Hot. Not sexy hot. Friction heat hot. Then there was the bass, vibrating every bit of wax in my hair. A Heineken almost got me to throw up. That was embarrassing. Nothing like a little gin tonic couldn't fix though. With strangers physically informing you that they went commando. But I did a Dane Cook and decided to just dance away. The Smoove area had techno, dammit. I was so there. Perfection air-conditioning too. Not exactly what I call a kick but I wanted to end the night with some thumping ecstasy, not a humping fantasy[I'm kiddin', however there weren't any eye-catchers around]. The emos called it a day cos they didn't get any. Mac's had a handful of cute ones, sigh, or it could just be the fact we made eye contact, for a very very very looong time. Hey, I see light at the end of a dull day, at least it was more colourful than my weekdays at home. Haha. Emoed summore at the Singapore River before catchin' cabs back home. As I reflected on the "result", I can't help but think... Meanwhile, at ZoukOut. 48 bucks. 12 hours. But. Bounce. Bounce. Bounce.

Here's signing off with shoutouts.

EngChye, new venue next time.
Alvin, no more jackets.
Delwyn, say hello to extras, lol.
Eugene, you lost $25, I lost $900, so don't feel so bad.
Jessica, nice to meet you, although it's obvious going clubbing isn't really considered a perfect introductory outing. Well, there's always another time. And get well soon.

PS: I'm gonna wake up later and read this shit. Now just sing me to sleep, Jamie.

Saturday, December 9, 2006


While filtering treasure from trash, I came across a load of letters I got back in my prime -strokes beard- from various boys and girls.

Ah, golden days, such memories. Pity, after the years of nothing but puppy love and picnicking on beaches with bonfires, the innocent fun turned into a dark and dirty but somehow steady friendship among a certain fellowship of the drinks. Woot, MOS still on!


Oooh, bubble wrap.

Friday, December 8, 2006

Thursday, December 7, 2006

frog in a well

After three days of homeage-ownage IF YA KNOW WAD AH MEAN[hehe, starting to turn lame for being stuck indoors 72 hours straight], I finally stepped out of the gate to contribute to the public number. Burger King now has crappy cashiers, although I have to say that they are very cute.

Other news, weekend plans have been cancelled. The Man got CONFINED, oooh. Hope you guys in camp have yer very own ZoukIn, EngChye! Hohoho. -lame snort-

Sigh. Guess I can't say Saturday's gonna be promising now... Unless I announce my availability over my blog and desperately ask whoever reads this out on a date.

PS: Yo. Yeah you. Free this weekend?

Tuesday, December 5, 2006

another day

Hello. Back from Kuala Lumpur. I could just say, "don't ask", but I'm not Eugene, am I?

Wedding dinner. Again. Have got so many relatives, I think it'd take me two lifetimes to remember their individual names and faces. Make that three to master Cantonese. Hmmm, you could say I think it's the one of those rare moments where you catch me underdressed. Cousins were all looked ready enough to join idol contests, heck, like they weren't always... Blablabla. Along came a wedding crasher, who professionally carried herself in like she had the same blood, until she sat at the VIP table. Very smart. Blablabla. Went with the "drink only when your uncle asks you to drink" technique since a coupla us were anticipating KL Zouk later in our schedule, which did not happen, so did the midnight Big 2 showdown. At least I got to catch Bremen VS Berlin on TV. Plus, I completed an RPG.

Next morning, sightseeing under way...

It's a pretty okay city, pity I didn't get to see Times Square. I was actually longing for the indoor rollercoaster, hehe. Instead, went to Sungei Wang while waiting for our coach back to Singapore. Window shopping really took a toll on me, never had I been so drained from it. Lotsa merchandise. And now I know what kinda people live in KL through the sales. Clothes, LOTS and LOTS of clothes fer girls, toys fer guys. Sad. But there was this cool Gundam Display Competition there anyway, pretty cool, lotsa innovative choreography in the poses of the figurines. Ah, the wonders of spray painted, melted plastic and clay. THAT was the most exciting thing of the day.

After 6 hours of nothing, back to the bus, finally. Funny how upon the return trip, the quality of seating and service seemed much better, or it could just be me. Stocked up on chips, seeds and gum. The most comfortable quarter-day ride. Ha. Until the passport checks. Tour group abusing their age to cut queues. Crap, was in a dilemma in making them feel like I'm letting them through for their failing bodies, or pound them into powder. It was that typical scene you'd see in movies where everybody tries to evacuate before their city blows up. Lotsa pushing, lotsa cursing, definitely hellotta scorning. Ah, feels like home.

Policeman #1: "Don't we have to check them all?"
Policeman #2: "No worries, they're Singaporean..."
Policeman #1: "How do ya know?"
Policeman #2: "They're running for the queues."

9 hours of PS2 at Kev's oughtta do some adjustment back to local life, lol. And now I'm back here after a little hibernation, still eating seeds and gum. Like a bum[pardon the rhyme].

PS: Note to self, finish with the room, gooodammit.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

i thought it only happened in treasure planet

Things you come across the web aimlessly surfing in the middle of the night. This here's actually a case in Brazil of a little girl's cat that mated with the neighbour's dog, resulting spawn turned out to be puppies.

Simply amazing, now I need to know if it's possible for crabs to parent whales.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006


Who knew Monday blues haunt for more than 24 hours? Piled up with logistics, I never found time to win my money back. Crappity crap.

Well, considering my financial status, yours truly has been rather laid-back. Reason: clearance of leave. 2 whole weeks of non-stop, non-uniformed action kicks off from from everyone's favourite weekday[ya know Wednesdays rule]. Ah, if only, pity how I have no one to spend it with. Guess one thing just won't change, I'm still face-to-face with a monitor. This gives me time to focus on the concept process on you-know-what. I know, guys, finally. Also, this is my chance to revert my sty back to its former glory. Gotta find a way to clean this mess of a room, hmmm...

On a higher note! Mr. Brightside just went for a run, I feel so FIT! Ha. Ha. Nothing like a treat after some demonstration of youth power! Nothing like... A 3-piece meal from KFC. =P

Hey, at least I didn't go for the upsize.

Monday, November 27, 2006

a turn

Little Brother. Listen to me. Sorry to say this but... You're fuckin' choosing the ultimate wrong time of the year to get a job, and for fun at that. A tear for each word I type now. I sincerely was thinking of keeping it from you before but I shall tell you now. It has not been as bad as you've seen. It's worse.

Above all that, today he says he loves us. Just stay home if you can, but hell, it's your choice. But again, you needn't try what I try.

PS: I'm not your Itachi.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

blackjack sucks fer me

Lately, if not always, Sundays have started to come with a monotonous routine. It's like to balance out the weekend's total amount of fun, I guess, and Saturdays take it all. Still, I needed to find something to do today.

I had an Ultimate Avengers marathon. Part 1 and 2. So here's what I think of it. Thor's awesome and all, dude could be even played by Josh Holloway. I always knew that he's a god and in this movie, much like the real world now, hardly believes in gods. However, I really didn't expect them to turn him into a hippie that turns up at every major protest on earth. But I guess when you're a super, you're already kinda corny[unless you're The Hulk = stop only when everyone is dead]. And to my disappointment, Spiderman and Wolverine weren't in it. Instead, Wasp and Giant Man took the seats, although I have to say the characters were played rather well, plus considering the fact that the people who wrote this story WERE NOT Americans.

And now that Dr. Kong has run out of junk food, The Bulk is gonna be mad... Must... Con... Trol...


PS: Which reminds me, I've gotta practice this the next time I hit a drive-thru.

287 days to ORD

I always find it hard to come up with some catchy opening to posts. Like something verbally outstanding, especially on the first post of my, yet again, new blog.

Hopefully, this sort of fresh habit isn't short-lived, and if so, you guys out there'll expect updates other than daily happenings or emotional rants of my life... I know some of you have an idea of what I'm typing about. [SLUG-RAID]. I promise this series will be up as soon as concepts are confirmed. So come check on the progress once in a while. =P

PS: Don't complain about the template. Yet.