Tuesday, July 31, 2007

superhyperspasticallly orgasmic

You know it's good when you can feel thumping from behind your eyes.

Monday, July 30, 2007


We hung out at Vivo yesterday. First time outdoors with the D&D gang.

Bumped into Amber who works at the cinema now. Thanks fer the popcorn and "free show", babe. And that was a hell lot of cheese on my sausage. Heh. Okaaay. Black Sheep was ultimately hilarious. I guess we all shouldn't be so mean as to laugh at other people's work... Or could it be that they wanted us too? B-rated movies are like that, in a way. Well, one thing that really surprised me is that no dog died in this film. And now onto a totally irrelevant namesake of a topic, SuperDog wasn't exactly outstanding. I thought it was the Carl's Jr. of sausages, wrong... The Spicy Chilli Dog over at MOS Burger's much nicer. Hmmm. Enough about weiners.

Slept fer almost the entire day... Went out with the intent of getting 2 tanks from NUM. They only had the red Singapore one in medium though. Disappointing. At least I was directed to the female changing area due to lack of room in the male section. Sure is hard to judge the clothes you try on when you've got bikinis hanging by yer sides. Oh well. Shall check out the other branches fer the white one by Friday. By the way, I dunno if it's a good or a bad thing to say that I looked more like a sales guy than a customer in New Urban Male.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

starting sunday

Dimsum lunch over at Warren Country Club wasn't exactly fantastic. I've had better, of course. Bah, at least it's a fresh change, to eat somewhere that we hardly frequent.

Now, I'm back home again, absorbing the humidity. Black Sheep starts at 5, meeting the guys in 15 minutes at the train station. And here I am, still staring at my new MySpace profile. So glad I made my first friend on the site.

A 30 year old Polish woman. Hi, Isabella. =)

boom boom boom boom

Finally, the last preview's over. Quite an eventful day. Plenty of chics around the area. Considering the fact that my services were not needed fer most of the day, I took the liberty and went eye candy spotting. The Indian chic working in the DC shop was pretty hot.

Caught The Simpsons Movie today to kill time. It was just fulla jokes every few seconds. Poking fun at basically any celebrity, any stereotype and even the people who paid to watch this film. One thing's fer sure, you'll exit the theatre singing to "Spider-Pig".

Bowling was out of the question due to time shortage, made it back in time fer the fireworks. Ahh, the fireworks. For that span of 15 minutes, everyone's problems seemed to have went out with the display. It's just such a miraculous invention. Simple explosives fer major amusement. You feel love all around.

-sigh- I want that.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

the haunting

Friggin' agency called again. Third time, dammit. I think they have men in black suits and slick shades with white curly wired ear-pieces spying on me from every junction along the streets.


Girl, either your father has been watching too much anime while yer mom was in labour or you're... One of "them". I think I'll go with the latter.

Oh, come on, guys. You know what I mean. Lol.

chicken in a biscuit

I guess you could say it's Murphy's Law. You decide to stay in and they give you an early time-off from work. Rained. Had some tidbits under the shelter of the e-mart while waiting fer the weather to subside.

Practically spent the rest of the day at home watching anime, Blood+(omg I'm addicted, why is it only 50 episodes long??? And they don't censor violence!), to be more specific, other than resuming my download on Mika's debut album. Initially, I was pretty annoyed with his falsetto ways, radio has a way of influencing your taste in music. Our forefathers sure did right, using the media fer propaganda. Gonna book back in tonight, my procrastination has cornered me into waking up earlier than usual for tomorrow morning to settle some administration, hopefully, before the buses to Marina arrive. It's gonna be a crazy day. Not forgetting Saturday... Dan The Man'll be there too. Hope our supper plans don't get ruined. Heck, this is the last preview before the actual show. I had better leave some memory space in my phone to record the entire fireworks display. If my calculation skills still serve me effectively, I've seen it about 4 times already. Hmmm, that's probably enough to compensate the tax increase. Of course, there's not much pain in the heart fer that... I can feel it. It draws closer. My ORD date. Like a cheap player in a fighting game, I hide in the corner and wait for the last second to end. Oh my beautiful long hair, how I yearn fer you to be reborn(not rebond) onto my scalp.

-ahem- Short term goal: to catch Black Sheep/The Simpsons on Sunday.

I can't wait... Fer the weekend to begin...

PS: Okay, YiQiang. Carrying an umbrella doesn't make you look gay. Not carrying an umbrella because you think you're manly enough to walk in a slight drizzle then shovel into my dry space makes you pretty gay. Commenting against it and then doing otherwise makes you hypocritically ultra gay. But you have Serene... That's what you're gonna say. Right? =D

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

wheels are a bitch

Didn't stay in again today. It's really taking a toll on my sleeping hours. A heavy price. Shall do packing later, rushing to pack in the wee hours in the morning only means that I've gotta travel all the way back home from camp again. Anyway, the parents wanted to have dinner together this evening. Don't intend to book out till Friday though. Maju Camp's got a pretty nice feel to it at night, especially when I'm running. Besides, my roomie's starting to get lonely. Lol. =x Which reminds me, I think I'll be shifting the mirror outta the bunk tomorrow. Don't believe it this fengshui mumbo-jumbo but I don't wanna hear anything disturbing from YiQiang. I think the room's pretty acceptable. Most visitors love to bits, apparently. Come on, the windows have layers of dust, the paint is all chipped and we have a small rope across as a makeshift laundry line. Okay, I guess you could say it's like in those movies, where they display rundown apartments to make it seem more realistic.

Maaan, I just hate it when I download albums and I don't get the right edition. Like to have one or two songs missing from'em. And it's just gonna be a peeve to download the missing ones separately because the quality just wouldn't be the same. And I'm damn anal when it comes to my iPod.

Okay, back to watching Blood+. =)

PS: Argh, PSP Slim is out. And my father just got back from Japan with the original model last week. Heck, it's not even mine but don't ya just feel that it's a little of a waste...?

Monday, July 23, 2007

fond and familiar

I feel good. Hugs feel good. Happy Birthday, Mommy.

Okay, what wet weather we've all been having, hmmm? Met Boon, EngChye and Mong today. It's been ages since I've seen these guys. Pool was slow and rusty but good on the whole. I won, of course. An impromptu plan to catch a movie followed. We were late because of dinner.

Invisible Target. It's waaay better than Dragon Tiger Gate.

Thanks fer the ride back, Melvin. Yes, we should all drink together again sometime soon.

PS: Hmmm, my spider sense is tingling. I expect trouble at camp in the morning. =(

Friday, July 20, 2007

the fatrix

The paint is all peeled. Windows so dusty, the glass looks frosted. No one bothers. Grey clouds engulf the sun, soaking the air with depressing over-hydration. The fiery will instilled in him is now slowly deteriorating. Not a soul. He observes them. Among the warm metallic pillars, they loathe. Across the wet tar floor, they drag. Under the humid shade, they wait... Waiting for it to end. The time. Scorning at their sloth, he refuses to lend a hand. Comments. Not all ears, however, our hero is. Contemplation crosses his mind, on whether or not to save the few who fell into the pits of slavery. Kindhearted assistance has been taken for granted, offerings turned into demands. The captives' eyes still shine. Have they been blinded by an illusion of acceptance through contribution? Have they not seen a life more fortunate than this? Pity.

It's coming. The moment. Now, he is alone. He thinks to himself, seeing how that he's presently the odd one out. Could the saying be true? That if all you have is opposition, you must be at fault? Trying to reason. Trying to rationalise. He does so as his heart and mind are fair.

Evaluated. At times, his reflection portrays a stubborn boy. At times, The One to open their eyes once again.

Looking upon the dilatory beings approaching him with sudden hostility, he knows it's too late. Pun intended. Letting out a chuckle at the thought while they label their witness as someone... Bad. Judgement. Something that miraculously spurs effort. Effort to execute another psychological attack.

His fiery will.

It bursts and burns the contamination, like fuel to a flame. It gets colder though. Freezing him faster than he can sublime their contact. Being overcome, this protagonist would rather defect himself than convert to their cause. Would it have been so hard as to just associate? The fallen ones compell. Once again, his principles reject.

The moment is near. Patience. It will all soon be over. Soon, these dread-possessing entities will be rid.

'nuff said

Here they are.

My new idols.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

late nights lately

Last week's session at Greg's was pretty fun. And by fun I meant alot of single-guy humour. Thanks to Justin(Master Of Manipulation) and Khairul(who gets edgy over chicken foldovers and politics), Mika's Love Today has been stuck in my head fer the entire morning. But nothing like a little movie can't fix.





Okay. Wasting postage space. Ahem. Is it the trend nowadays to have movie heroes all emo and angsty? Funny how that makes films on the neverending battle between good and evil more mature. Fans will definitely have to get a change of undies after witness The Order dishing it out on The Deatheaters, or He Who Shall Not Be Named VS Headmaster Of Hogwarts. End of review. Some may call it spoilers. Sue me.

Well, finally got my NikeSlat running footwear from Stadium at Takashimaya. Little time I put aside to shop while waiting fer Jess to knock off. I wonder if it's because I frequent Ngee Ann City or the clothes are starting to get stale on style. So much fer having an end season sale too... All selected items had a really bad combo of colours and designs. Not exactly arty. Not exactly street. Not exactly me. Fuckin' sound like a fag. Bad enough already having everyone think the photos of my longer-haired self were pictures of some girl.

Hmmm, Daddy should be back from Japan by now. And I have less than 5 hours of sleep ahead of me, again. No wonder I'm such a sleepyhead. A friggin' Shikamaru fer that matter. Or not, I'm not that cool. =/

PS: I think I've recently been possessed by an entity of civilianship. I'm starting to dislike working in the ways of militarism. Or it could just be the "colleagues". Besides, it's starting to feel like my services are no longer needed.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

midweek mending

Good start to the day. Sure feels great working out to Benny Benassi. But I don't think it's gonna be healthy to keep it a routine. Can't stop shakin' my ass to the bass during heavy lifting. The balance just isn't there... Hmmm. Daddy went fer his check-up again this afternoon. However, I didn't join the 'rents fer lunch because it's my off day and I wanted to take it slow. Left the house at 1 due to rain. I swear, Singapore's weather is purely fucked up. What's next? Rainbow storms?

Sportslink at EastPoint just didn't sell a large variety of Nike shoes. Let alone running shoes. Why Nike? I've already got the singlet and shorts to go along, might as well get the footwear. Call me a brandwhore or whatnot, I already own a 300 dollar Adidas track suit. It was fer CNY, coupla years back. =P Challenger didn't exactly provide the laptop casing I was looking for, too... So, I decided to head to Tampines since Simei didn't have a Miss Singapore World show on today. Also not enough reason to head to town. Who knew World Of Sports at TM was closed fer renovation(or was it Royal Sporting House? Whatever.)... Started to crave fer some KFC, bought a 3-piece meal, with sides all upsized to large, in which I did not finish, shamefully(even the Pepsi). The meal, together with a visit to the arcade(Time Crisis 4 really works the shoulder muscles) and Isetan(where I learnt how shitty I looked in boardshorts) took up quite a bit of my time though, which was my main purpose, to elude the thought of time wastage on travel from my mind. Kev crossed my mind. SMSed him and we got our game stuff. Probably the most productive time of the day besides my purchase of 10 bucks worth of stationary(for future sketches that will be scanned and finished for
my DeviantArt gallery) from Popular plus a grey top with imprinted wings from Fox Men. Yes. I wear grey... Finally, I got the R4 game card fer my DS, as well as a Super Card to play GBA games on my Lite console. The old adaptor Greg sold me just couldn't play Pokemon Diamond. And what is a Nintendo system without Pokemon, right? Pfft. =\

That pretty much ends my journal of pay day. Dropped by Kev's place to assist him in applying his screen protectors. Apparently, it's a very professional task. Especially, if you're doing it on a dusty table.

See? I know how to use my time. At least I'm not as bored as this guy.

Okay, to be fair, sometimes boredom gives birth to cool things.

Monday, July 9, 2007

such a tease

That's life, I guess. To throw you a free laptop to play with but you haven't got the time due to camp stuff. Certain individuals would gladly disagree and state my lack of contribution, you know what, I don't care anymore... Put you in a lovely neighbourhood with a lovely neighbour who's been dying to see you(and vice versa;'D) but can't thanks to clash of the schedules. Boy, that was a tongue-twister. Gives you guard duty on a Friday night at the Marina Promenade with permitted breaks at Carl's Jr, where they play love songs all night. Raises yer hopes on the female marshallers assisting our company, only to receive Plain Janes in the way. Not evil, just honest. Right, YQ? Then sits you down at the Grand Stand to enjoy fireworks, all alone. And apparently, not many people understand what I mean when I say the word, "alone". Not gonna elaborate. -_-

But oh, caught Die Hard 4.0 with Dhaniah, after dinner, earlier this evening. That oughtta break the monotonous momentum of my mellow matters. Mmmm. Thanks fer accompanying me... Can't stop that thought that's been running through my head over and over again though, of how much a nutcase Bruce Willis is. Some may be surprised that I didn't get to see the first three installments. Didn't expect such crazy-ass action from the movie. No. "Crazy" is an understatement. Someone, find me an exaggeratingly bombastic word.

Things looked up on the way home, my music discussion with Dhaniah(Staaaarlight, I will be chasing the staaaarlight...) was interrupted upon news from Chuannie that I'm off fer Wednesday. Woot. Gotta make plans, ain't gonna be another CrunchyRoll day. =P

PS: Jess, if you're reading this, we have got to go fer a nice dinner, since you mentioned that you owe me a meal. Haha. Whatever the reason. Should look out fer a nice venue too. I've come to realise that it's not often we can meet. And if something suddenly pops up on that day to force cancellation of the date, I promise that I will punch myself. When nobody is around, of course.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

a hard day's night

Would be the perfect song to play right now...

PS: This is not a writer's block.

Monday, July 2, 2007


Awesome flick. Crazy action. I dunno what I'd do if I was caught smack in the middle of an Autobot/Decepticon battle.

Probably would die.

Anyway, this marks the first night with me using my new laptop. Been busy up till now so I finally got to touch this baby. It's still fresh so it performs better than the PC. Won't be using this fer downloads...

Note to self: Transfer doodles and lyrics here.

Sunday, July 1, 2007


The parade was HAPPENIN'. Awesome but cocky apaches drifting in the skies and assault boats dragging helium-based luminous jellyfish. Among other things. I'm still quite lethargic, I know all I did was shoot photos yesterday plus help out a bit on the rubbish disposal but I'm still tired. Drop dead upon sight of my bed last night and stayed in the exact same position till morning.

I'd still be sleeping if I needn't prepare fer lunch before Transformers.

PS: Thank the awesomely burning weather. It's like that old children's story of the sun and the cloud betting on who could get that man's coat off him. Now, girls galore are respecting Mr Big Burning Ball and dressing up all so yummiliciously.

And here's a random 4 second video of a dramatic prairie dog.