Wednesday, July 11, 2007

midweek mending

Good start to the day. Sure feels great working out to Benny Benassi. But I don't think it's gonna be healthy to keep it a routine. Can't stop shakin' my ass to the bass during heavy lifting. The balance just isn't there... Hmmm. Daddy went fer his check-up again this afternoon. However, I didn't join the 'rents fer lunch because it's my off day and I wanted to take it slow. Left the house at 1 due to rain. I swear, Singapore's weather is purely fucked up. What's next? Rainbow storms?

Sportslink at EastPoint just didn't sell a large variety of Nike shoes. Let alone running shoes. Why Nike? I've already got the singlet and shorts to go along, might as well get the footwear. Call me a brandwhore or whatnot, I already own a 300 dollar Adidas track suit. It was fer CNY, coupla years back. =P Challenger didn't exactly provide the laptop casing I was looking for, too... So, I decided to head to Tampines since Simei didn't have a Miss Singapore World show on today. Also not enough reason to head to town. Who knew World Of Sports at TM was closed fer renovation(or was it Royal Sporting House? Whatever.)... Started to crave fer some KFC, bought a 3-piece meal, with sides all upsized to large, in which I did not finish, shamefully(even the Pepsi). The meal, together with a visit to the arcade(Time Crisis 4 really works the shoulder muscles) and Isetan(where I learnt how shitty I looked in boardshorts) took up quite a bit of my time though, which was my main purpose, to elude the thought of time wastage on travel from my mind. Kev crossed my mind. SMSed him and we got our game stuff. Probably the most productive time of the day besides my purchase of 10 bucks worth of stationary(for future sketches that will be scanned and finished for
my DeviantArt gallery) from Popular plus a grey top with imprinted wings from Fox Men. Yes. I wear grey... Finally, I got the R4 game card fer my DS, as well as a Super Card to play GBA games on my Lite console. The old adaptor Greg sold me just couldn't play Pokemon Diamond. And what is a Nintendo system without Pokemon, right? Pfft. =\

That pretty much ends my journal of pay day. Dropped by Kev's place to assist him in applying his screen protectors. Apparently, it's a very professional task. Especially, if you're doing it on a dusty table.

See? I know how to use my time. At least I'm not as bored as this guy.

Okay, to be fair, sometimes boredom gives birth to cool things.

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