Sunday, July 29, 2007

boom boom boom boom

Finally, the last preview's over. Quite an eventful day. Plenty of chics around the area. Considering the fact that my services were not needed fer most of the day, I took the liberty and went eye candy spotting. The Indian chic working in the DC shop was pretty hot.

Caught The Simpsons Movie today to kill time. It was just fulla jokes every few seconds. Poking fun at basically any celebrity, any stereotype and even the people who paid to watch this film. One thing's fer sure, you'll exit the theatre singing to "Spider-Pig".

Bowling was out of the question due to time shortage, made it back in time fer the fireworks. Ahh, the fireworks. For that span of 15 minutes, everyone's problems seemed to have went out with the display. It's just such a miraculous invention. Simple explosives fer major amusement. You feel love all around.

-sigh- I want that.

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