Monday, July 30, 2007


We hung out at Vivo yesterday. First time outdoors with the D&D gang.

Bumped into Amber who works at the cinema now. Thanks fer the popcorn and "free show", babe. And that was a hell lot of cheese on my sausage. Heh. Okaaay. Black Sheep was ultimately hilarious. I guess we all shouldn't be so mean as to laugh at other people's work... Or could it be that they wanted us too? B-rated movies are like that, in a way. Well, one thing that really surprised me is that no dog died in this film. And now onto a totally irrelevant namesake of a topic, SuperDog wasn't exactly outstanding. I thought it was the Carl's Jr. of sausages, wrong... The Spicy Chilli Dog over at MOS Burger's much nicer. Hmmm. Enough about weiners.

Slept fer almost the entire day... Went out with the intent of getting 2 tanks from NUM. They only had the red Singapore one in medium though. Disappointing. At least I was directed to the female changing area due to lack of room in the male section. Sure is hard to judge the clothes you try on when you've got bikinis hanging by yer sides. Oh well. Shall check out the other branches fer the white one by Friday. By the way, I dunno if it's a good or a bad thing to say that I looked more like a sales guy than a customer in New Urban Male.

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