Saturday, August 18, 2007


How lethargic. By the time you read this, I'm probably drooling all over my pillow case. Friday morning didn't exactly spur off sweetly. Almost got bitten in the thigh by two stray dogs at Jurong Camp during breakfast, what a close shave. Maybe it's that hint of cocker spaniel and golden retriever scent on me. Or they could just be wild canines. Still, they were just animals, chase the chasers, thus the chasee will be free.

Did some crap errand consisting of rechargeable batteries to save some guy's duty ratio. Wonder why I do such things...

Thanks to YiQiang, I managed to pack my stuff into 2 whole bags in 10 minutes, with Wilson's stuff inclusive. Was hella mad to carry them out of Maju Camp. Thank goodness Mom and Dad were around the area. Cooled off in the car before we headed fer lunch at Binjai Park, t'was a Perenakan restaurant by the name of Ivin. If I wasn't so sleepy then, I'd probably pay attention to the quality a little more but I could still tell that that was one awesome meal. And apparently, the website is not available so I cannot link you.

It took a little longer than expected, so I napped in the car on the way home before checking time slots fer 881, the new local movie. Ended up being the one late. =/ Oh well.

Main event of the night was obviously the fireworks. Some of you have heard my simpleton's theory on these explosives. Once again, I'd first like to declare that I'm not emo. Just a very introverted guy with problems. It's a very pretty but expensive art. I know I'm not an otaku but I'll have to compare to Deidara from Akatsuki on the value of fleeting beauty. A big bang with a sweet looking boom and then everything subsides. All in a matter of seconds. People all over come to watch fireworks just to enjoy themselves, forget about stuff. Like how others prefer to drown in alcohol. It's the same thing, different approaches is all. I prefer gunpowder because it makes me forget bad stuff and remember good stuff. I think you've all noticed a bit of contradictory in my thesis but it's okay. I don't mind blowing up good things if all the bad things go along with it. That way, I can just start off at neutral and work my way up. =)

PS: Wow that's some strong Hoegaarden. O_O

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