Tuesday, August 7, 2007

solar anger

Another late start fer another day. Blame the weight-lifting, the online chatting and Advance Wars. Betty and I both set the meeting time one hour later... She didn't get up on time either, lucky me. =) Brunch at 2pm was chocolate and peanut butter, which surprisingly got me in sleepy mode fer the entire day. Fortunately, I'd picked out what to wear the night before since I knew I'd be a bitch at it the next day. Maybe it's a little too much information, but I should confess to the souls out there who've waited fer me long enough before that whenever I'm late, it's because I spend alot of time staring at my wardrobe in my underwear. Hehe.

Almost melted down on the way to the station. The sun was a killer. Heck, it's always been in Singapore, a known fact that our temperature is so high due to heat bouncing off our tar, and we have alot of tar. Tried to concentrate on The All American Rejects while I was walking under the raised railways, which helped abit. I'm no biologist but I think sweating is partially a mental thing. So yup. Yay fer a seat. Mondays mean spacious trains. Spent most of the trip to the interchange witnessing some guy train his Togepi on his phone. Yes. Sony Ericsson phones have Pokémon... I was pretty impressed. After all, you'd need quite a bit of phone memory to install an RPG. Switched to the purple line after alighting at Outram. I love the purple line. The train seems more... Comfy. =P Then made it on time. Being punctual made me smile. I was there at 4 sharp. Not a second earlier nor later. How often does that happen? Anyway, I have to whine about the Chinatown MRT Station's restroom. It's disgusting. Even fer normal toilet standards. I thought train stations were always squeaky clean despite the lack of rubbish bins, which have been replaced by penalties on littering. Oh well.

Yet another surprised moment fer me. BaoEn, no offense on yer usual attire but you actually looked girly today. And that's saying somethin' alright? =D Strolled along the pavement on heritage shops filled with white tourists till we arrived at Ann Siang Hill, a side of Singapore that I have never seen before. Shops selling unique furniture and clothing. However, with unique pricings as well. Still, some of it'll be the kinda stuff I'd get fer my dream bachelor pad. The kinky briefs will not be included, in case you're wondering, Betty. Considering the handful of shops that we dropped into, it was a really long period of time spent there. Guess it's because of the many tiny little special products that we were exploring. I'd post pictures but I forgot to put my memory card back into the N70 after transferring my camwhoring photos to the computer.

Time fer a more familiar place. Decided to pass Kinokuniya(goodness, they manganized the Bible) to renew my membership as well as get the new volume of Runaways. The person who asked me out spent most of the time reading her magazine so I had to use my time by efficiently feeding my eyes with plenty of sugar while waiting fer my new card. Misplaced the receipt due to distraction, found it on the floor few aisles back, phew. Heeren was up next since the Ma'am kept bugging me to choose something of my liking fer her to buy as a present. I still do not know why there was a need fer one but since she insisted, I brought her to the Print Club. I thought it'd be a fun momento to keep after she leaves the country, too bad she thought otherwise. Oh well again... After browsing enough novelty items, stopped at MidPoint to get new dice fer D&D. No sessions were being held at Paradigm Infinitum then so I assume that was the reason BaoEn didn't get scared of those hardcore geeks. Agreed on Gelaré fer dinner after. Bumped into Willard on the way to Plaza Singapura. Didn't know he was a fan of Transformers... Saw him carry two huge plastic bags of'em.

Following some red wine beef, mushroom cream linguine, club sandwiches and a sinful serving of cocoa was the movie Knocked Up. Dunno why but the main character really, really reminded me of Kevin Tessensohn. Could be the hair... Could be the attitude. Could be the hobbies. Haha. And a specific character triggered a reminder to take my shaver back from camp. My stubble has turned into a slight undergrowth. But Ms. Toh focused more on my eyelashes. I don't think they're that long. Hmmm. Bitched about camp before seeing her off the bus. Turned out my last one fer me was half an hour earlier than hers. Walked back to CentrePoint to take a taxi via highway to home.

Which damn as hell marks the end of the day. Sounds like an eventful Monday. I think it's because I repeat words like "but", "so" and "could" many times. I'm not saying I didn't enjoy it, though.

PS: Mom's soup's now cold. I'll have to heat it up in the morning since it's another weekday off, thanks, CheeWee. Fer now, gotta get these contacts out before they stick to my cornea.

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