Monday, April 28, 2008

you must be this tall

Good news: the house is rented out and my mom helped retrieve my ear-stud thread!

Bad news: Family politics, the worst kind.

PS: End of story, it's not like I'm gonna spell everything out fer ya... It's bad fer the heart anyway. Plus it's much more serious than it sounds.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

up in the sky

It's the end of the night and I'm now holding a record of 3 posts on the same day, that's if you wanna count the one I had done after midnight fer 25th.

It's also the first time in my entire life that I've seen a shooting star. It wasn't very impressive but rare, it still was. I didn't really have anything big to wish fer at that moment so I just blurted fer me to pass my final theory on my next attempt. Anyway, it's a tell-tale sign that if I've got nothing to wish fer, I must be very easily contented. Besides, it's all just an old wife's tale. Who's to say if it's seriously a good thing(western) or a bad omen(eastern) to witness a passing meteorite?

PS: Can't open the sink trap till tomorrow. -_- We've got people coming over to take a look at the house again and we don't want any leaks.

no way

It seems pretty stupid to "scream" while I'm typing so I'm not gonna do it but I am screaming really really hard to myself on the inside fer dropping the thread of my ear stud into the sink. Guess I'll be spending the night removing the trap to retrieve it, provided it went down that way and not into the rest of the plumbing. This is worse than last night when the box of chips slipped outta my hand in the cinema. At least I was full then.

Can you understand what it feels like right now? And I'm REALLY REALLY hungry.

PS: >:(

catch'em cook'em eat'em

Here I am, still in the chair with greasy hair, yet to step into the shower fer fear of losing my blogging vibe.

I just thought I'd let you guys know it's pretty much the same old since last post, except that I wasted my time reading up on my driving final theory, only to fail it fer a second time. It's not that I didn't try and it's not like I'm stupid or anything. I've checked it over at least twice and I couldn't spot a simple careless choice of answer. Maybe I really did overlook some points to note. Whatever it is, the next one is coming up in June and I'm gonna head fer 4 mock tests slots before then to secure a pass in this, hopefully, last attempt.

Sorry, YQ, fer the recording part. Ya know how it is when you get over-conscious about some parts and have to redo them till you get the perfect sound? I know we're just doing raw samples now but it really peeves me a little if I can't get in sync.

A little movie called Doomsday to take away the bottled stress and anxiety from consecutives days on the driving topic plus about half an hour from my brother. This is just a big brother talking but I've tried letting him off the leash more than once fer now as I'd thought it'd be a different and nice approach but he's such an asshole. Are all younger brothers like that? I should really stop being polite, polite people get walked all over these days, especially by younger brothers. I'm not gonna literally beat some sense into him or anything like that. Maybe someone out there will do the job fer me, just to set his attitude straight. He's definitely not the kind of person to learn from home so I suppose it'd be best. Again, not evil, just honest... Back to the movie, it's pure angry action. Mostly very satisfying because there were a tribe full of furious punks with 80s hairdos that did the shouting fer me, in the film of course. If you're looking fer something like Underworld without the vampires and werewolves, a pinch of The Village, plus Resident Evil if you replace the zombies with hardcore hooligans, then this is the one fer you. It sounds a little off on the script but fer a flick released without the typical anticipation from the media, it's quite good. After all, it's British.

Tomorrow'll probably be another day with the family. With the contractors done with the new unit, it's about time we looked around fer some furniture. I'm gonna upgrade to a queen-sized bed. Yay.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

high hopes had

Don't expect much before watching The Forbidden Kingdom; it's basically Karate Kid plus Neverending Story with a touch of that Final Fantasy element, i.e. a party of four with at least one female member on a journey to defeat an evil lord. Other than that, it's fairly decent fer the "chosen one" genre. I've seen better oriental exclusives though...

First time I walked my dog since ever. He's such a stubborn fella when it comes to sniffing. Not complaining about picking the droppings but it's definitely different from Nintendogs(duh!).

Nothing of much significance before that, there's my IC collection and my cheque fer the job as an extra, which turned out to be a misunderstanding on instructions, apparently it wasn't supposed to be used as a direct exchange fer my pay but so that they can start processing my money upon receiving proof. Meaning I'll have to make another trip down.

PS: That's if you guys bothered.

Friday, April 18, 2008

i am jack's corroding dynamite

There once lived a boy, who in legality should be labelled as a young man, a fine one at that but he carries himself as one who's young at heart, thus personally not considering himself an adult despite his handling with various people, let's call him Curtainface. He loves playing games, not the political kind, instead, the simple video console type if you may... Although seemingly lost in his own world at times, little does the family know that it was an alternative to temporarily escape from reality, which can really be harsh, especially during these fragile years.

Curtainface was a Piscean with a rather kindhearted soul. Many a time he can be seen playing peace-keeper among various groups. Relatives have complimented him on his righteous and fair virtues. However, warned him that having such an extremely pure personality would have its, sad to say, downfall. In the current society, such attitude would be treated as mere naivety and taken advantage of. Curtainface turned a deaf ear to the admonishments. He brushed them off his shoulders, disbelieving such despicability. Often he would debate on principles, providing win-win solutions fer every situation, acting like idolistic hero he tried crafting himself to be. Many friends discouraged him, commenting on how hard he attempts on living a fairytale. Is it so hard to live by yer own set of rules?, he spoke to himself, And besides... He had always thought that more people like him would make Earth a much friendlier place to live in. Seemed rather big, Curtainface was not one to blurt such a thing without deeming it logical though. He strictly lives by a code: to formulate right from wrong through mediation and evaluate the scenario, even if he himself is involved. He knows when to say sorry, as he looks from outside the picture, something a handful of characters are not capable of doing. A couple of individuals would strongly disagree to following something so fixed but it's his opinion, it's natural, not something Curtainface learnt from a self-improvement book. He regards them as a load of horse-crap. These writers are making a mountain of moolah off stupid idiots, common(or uncommon) sense is born with, not cultivated. In a funny way, he's Judge Dredd without the muscles, violence and ego.

As he grows older, he loses faith in his morals since he's usually not taken seriously with his feminine facial features and socially docile approach but holds on. The deepest wounds are not ones that have been intentionally aimed at him but from shielding to bear the burden of unhappiness brought onto his beloved ones. If I can't tame them, might as well break them up when they bark. Everyone in the Curtainface circle is still oblivious to the fact that, inside, his rope is about to snap. He keeps it in. Very implosive, I must say. They hammer him like a wall, chipping off the paint bit by bit, revealing the hardy bricks. They use him like kevlar to repel bullets, cracking him up with holes to see through from. They toss him like a boomerang, only not to catch it upon return but let it hit the ground and break. They put him up like a fence fer their own protection and bends with the heavy force.

The community doesn't pay attention to people who give precautions about their limits because it's just a warning to back off so they wouldn't be forced to really have to do it. On the other hand, people who explode do not give off signs until it's pretty much too late. What if I tell them? I know I'm about to break. Will they be prepared? Will they even care? See, there's the problem. If someone who will definitely go boom tells on himself, how many will be wary? And as logic states, if the only one siding you is you, you've gotta be the crazy one. However, there have been rare occasions with similar standings in the opposite manner. Now that I've considered that and listed it out, which one am I?

An insane person won't think himself as insane. A drunk person won't admit that he's drunk. It's like when you're dreaming, the one question you always overlook is...

"Am I dreaming?"

Now, Curtainface is currently living a monotonous life(like comic book character, Bruce Banner, better known as the Incredible Hulk's human self) as a bumming student. His eyes are now more open. Untastefully cliche indeed, he now banks on the phrase:

"No more Mr. Nice Guy."

Might as well call in the riot police.

PS: Driving was very fun, very easy. The enthusiasm all died down with 2 and a half hours of queueing fer a provisional driver's licence. And I hope you guys took the time to read my story, making my effort worthwhile. Lovely, isn't it? Ya know so much and yet ya know nothing now. =)

Sunday, April 13, 2008

port and stern

The call never came. T_T I'm assuming the parent's got some tight budget fer his kid. Some sad story I could conjure in my head but more in my mind is the search fer a solution on how not to live of my mother's money. Modelling as an extra definitely isn't gonna cover my expenses. Which reminds me, I'll go down to Park Mall some time this week to collect my measly cheque.

My driving practical starts this Thursday. The stage I've been waiting fer is finally here. Judging from the consecutive slots filled in on the calendar, I should be able to drive my mom's recently purchased Honda Jazz, which will be arriving at our doorstep cum June, before the year ends. Or any of my aunts' BMWs, fresh from the oven. Can't shop fer clothes without checking the entire mall out first and you can buy an automobile on the spot. Whatever in the world gives...

Amanda bought a new pink Canon IXUS 80 while we were at AudioHouse, Liang Court, yesterday. An advanced birthday gift from her father, with his card. So lucky being a girl in this era... I could bring that to a debate but I just won't because I'm getting lazy. Maybe it's the weekend off from exercise. The initial feeling of blood pumping has now cooled down to mellow sloth. I highly doubt the effects are from cranberry vodka, which we were bought by a friend of Alyssa's who signed us into St. James'. It was a free entry so I thought it'd be cool to check it out. The place was rather nice and welcoming fer a night scene. Ah, the nostalgic air, filled with smoke and dried ice, cigarettes and body odour. The fights at the carpark where awesome cars lined up with thumping stereos. Still, not my kinda crowd. And the girlfriend did not feel at all comfortable wearing My Little Pony into a club, even with new heels. Fortunately, we were then given a lift after our drinks from Sharon to Eunos, where I chose to take a cab. Not bad fer a day that didn't have a chokehold on my wallet.

Oh yeah, Street Kings is a pretty cool movie. I'm starting to see patterns among actors and how they choose to act in films. Keanu Reeves has the "I-know-what-shit-I'm-getting-myself-into-but-I-don't-care-how-much-damage-will-be-inflicted-upon-me-because-I-know-it's-the-right-thing" look, in a stoned way.

PS: Can't wait to try our new recording system!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Been trying to adjust to proper sleeping hours and I've successfully rose from bed at 10-ish A.M. fer the past two days... Hopefully, I'll keep this up and completely convert into a morning person. That'll definitely be good. Starting to realize that nightlife isn't all hard up like it used to be and there's more to be done with the sun around. I'll start with tanning. Soon.

Gotta start on the Jap homework... -___-

And oh, Definitely, Maybe is a movie similar to the storyline of Mamma Mia, fer those who's caught the play. You could wait a little longer, I hear the remake on film will be released soon...

PS: Thanks, Dhaniah, fer yer call on the tuition. You're an angel to my income. Now, I just hope I'm being considered. I dislike waiting fer a return call.

Sunday, April 6, 2008


Obviously, this blog's title is getting a little too emo fer yer tastes and mine. This is an announcement to let you readers know that I'll be changing it before the following weekend. Decision of a new name has yet to be confirmed. You will be alerted personally once I've thought of it. You could post a reminder on the tagboard, it'll make my life alot easier. =D

PS: The past two days were nothing more than grave-visiting and I have no idea how to log about such events. 0_0" And oh, I don't think I'll be eating sushi fer a while. Last Friday's buffet was a bit too much(between 20 to 30 coloured plates, excluding sides, compliments and dessert), had my fair share from the rise of rice prices though. Besides, the service at EastPoint's Sakae really put me off. I did not pay 10% extra fer bitch charge.

This ain't even half of it... Gotta watch the stomach. =P

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

cluelessly enthusiastic

Took a trip down by car to the campus fer a tour yesterday. We got a little lost and confused with Stirling Road fer a bit as its divided into two. Mommy dropped me off at the lobby and I made my way through the sheltered areas as it was raining mighty heavily. Met up with my baby at the library where she told me that there was nothing much to see. So sad. The whole place looks pretty comfortable to me though, despite the weather. Took a bus down to IKEA fer lunch, had the usual salmon and meatballs. Browsed the showrooms fer inspiration but it was all in vain, I still have yet to come up with a proper design plan fer my new room. Oh well, there's still time. The agency had to spoil the day here with a call mentioning something about a document I had to pick up fer the commercial shoot. Rushed down to Park Mall where they made me wait fer a stupid piece of paper. And they weren't even busy enough to not offer a minute of their time fer me. Asses. Whatever. Still made it in time fer Japanese class. Yay, new classroom. A few familiar faces too.

So much fer beauty sleep, I woke up to an annoying default alarm tone from my phone. Spent the night before re-editing personal ringtones and I had forgotten to slot the card back in. Put it fer snooze every 15 minutes till I received a message from the agency to arrive an hour earlier than scheduled, thanks to the client. Thankfully, I made it in time, even with the packing of spare attire and the doing of my hair. Clarke Quay really is quite different in the afternoon as compared to its night scene. Almost would've felt like a Sunday at Orchard Road if I wasn't there fer "work". A mere 50 bucks to star as an extra in the crowd, walking along the fountain area. I would say it's mostly fer experience, at least I roughly know how the media works now... The start of the shoot didn't really involved me among others so I decided to talk this guy up to ask some questions since he was in the same part as me but he ended up being some Chinese-educated guy so I had a major communication problem. And ya know how it is to strike up a conversation with strangers so you won't feel so alone but at the same time don't wanna start too early as the day could drag and you guys might have to spend a little more time with each other than expected, only to suffer in a terribly awkward silence? Yup~ Things turned out fer the better when I was coupled with this 19 year old girl who was a relief teacher and a kickboxing student. She looked really feminine but she sounded like a boy reaching puberty. Then there was another lady who I tried to talk to an obviously picking a bad artist that I am, asked the question with the most possibly uncomfortable comeback. She was this 31 year old mother who already has a son, never went clubbing before and has never had a migraine her entire life, or so she proclaimed. She initially rebutted with, "Definitely older than you." but I was too afraid to guess her actual age. Age can be such a touchy topic. I realised it wasn't really to her, not because she's that old but she talks too much. There was this silent agreement among the other models' eyes saying she was getting too close. However, she was nice. The third female was someone called Kelly... She's 28. That's all I knew. She didn't look very interesting. -_-

The 4 of us took a stroll down to City Hall after another long wait(seems like their favourite game to play, we waited fer about an hour and a half before actually being called into the shoot) fer the choreographer's signature to approve of our attendance so we can get our cheap cheques. Fortunately, I was able to split ways upon arriving at Dhoby Ghaut, PictureHouse, where I sat to cool off from the crazy sun and walk my Nintendog Dalmatian while waiting fer Amanda to be done with her appointment and have dinner together. I was super hungry because I had to rush down to the set that did not need me to rush down. Had a chunky peanut butter sandwich and a whole bottle of water before leaving my house so you could've guessed, with my metabolism rate, how empty I was when the clock struck 6. We hit Paradiz first fer a bite and then check out the comic shop. My orders have not been publishing in recent months. T_T

PS: Yay, free tickets to Definitely, Maybe on Monday!~ Free seating though... And I picked up a $50 voucher fer Jumbo Seafood Restaurant on the way home, which I think is actually redundant since it's practically a family business. =P Also, finally received my school time-table, now I just need Excel to view it... -.-"