Friday, April 18, 2008

i am jack's corroding dynamite

There once lived a boy, who in legality should be labelled as a young man, a fine one at that but he carries himself as one who's young at heart, thus personally not considering himself an adult despite his handling with various people, let's call him Curtainface. He loves playing games, not the political kind, instead, the simple video console type if you may... Although seemingly lost in his own world at times, little does the family know that it was an alternative to temporarily escape from reality, which can really be harsh, especially during these fragile years.

Curtainface was a Piscean with a rather kindhearted soul. Many a time he can be seen playing peace-keeper among various groups. Relatives have complimented him on his righteous and fair virtues. However, warned him that having such an extremely pure personality would have its, sad to say, downfall. In the current society, such attitude would be treated as mere naivety and taken advantage of. Curtainface turned a deaf ear to the admonishments. He brushed them off his shoulders, disbelieving such despicability. Often he would debate on principles, providing win-win solutions fer every situation, acting like idolistic hero he tried crafting himself to be. Many friends discouraged him, commenting on how hard he attempts on living a fairytale. Is it so hard to live by yer own set of rules?, he spoke to himself, And besides... He had always thought that more people like him would make Earth a much friendlier place to live in. Seemed rather big, Curtainface was not one to blurt such a thing without deeming it logical though. He strictly lives by a code: to formulate right from wrong through mediation and evaluate the scenario, even if he himself is involved. He knows when to say sorry, as he looks from outside the picture, something a handful of characters are not capable of doing. A couple of individuals would strongly disagree to following something so fixed but it's his opinion, it's natural, not something Curtainface learnt from a self-improvement book. He regards them as a load of horse-crap. These writers are making a mountain of moolah off stupid idiots, common(or uncommon) sense is born with, not cultivated. In a funny way, he's Judge Dredd without the muscles, violence and ego.

As he grows older, he loses faith in his morals since he's usually not taken seriously with his feminine facial features and socially docile approach but holds on. The deepest wounds are not ones that have been intentionally aimed at him but from shielding to bear the burden of unhappiness brought onto his beloved ones. If I can't tame them, might as well break them up when they bark. Everyone in the Curtainface circle is still oblivious to the fact that, inside, his rope is about to snap. He keeps it in. Very implosive, I must say. They hammer him like a wall, chipping off the paint bit by bit, revealing the hardy bricks. They use him like kevlar to repel bullets, cracking him up with holes to see through from. They toss him like a boomerang, only not to catch it upon return but let it hit the ground and break. They put him up like a fence fer their own protection and bends with the heavy force.

The community doesn't pay attention to people who give precautions about their limits because it's just a warning to back off so they wouldn't be forced to really have to do it. On the other hand, people who explode do not give off signs until it's pretty much too late. What if I tell them? I know I'm about to break. Will they be prepared? Will they even care? See, there's the problem. If someone who will definitely go boom tells on himself, how many will be wary? And as logic states, if the only one siding you is you, you've gotta be the crazy one. However, there have been rare occasions with similar standings in the opposite manner. Now that I've considered that and listed it out, which one am I?

An insane person won't think himself as insane. A drunk person won't admit that he's drunk. It's like when you're dreaming, the one question you always overlook is...

"Am I dreaming?"

Now, Curtainface is currently living a monotonous life(like comic book character, Bruce Banner, better known as the Incredible Hulk's human self) as a bumming student. His eyes are now more open. Untastefully cliche indeed, he now banks on the phrase:

"No more Mr. Nice Guy."

Might as well call in the riot police.

PS: Driving was very fun, very easy. The enthusiasm all died down with 2 and a half hours of queueing fer a provisional driver's licence. And I hope you guys took the time to read my story, making my effort worthwhile. Lovely, isn't it? Ya know so much and yet ya know nothing now. =)

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