Sunday, April 6, 2008


Obviously, this blog's title is getting a little too emo fer yer tastes and mine. This is an announcement to let you readers know that I'll be changing it before the following weekend. Decision of a new name has yet to be confirmed. You will be alerted personally once I've thought of it. You could post a reminder on the tagboard, it'll make my life alot easier. =D

PS: The past two days were nothing more than grave-visiting and I have no idea how to log about such events. 0_0" And oh, I don't think I'll be eating sushi fer a while. Last Friday's buffet was a bit too much(between 20 to 30 coloured plates, excluding sides, compliments and dessert), had my fair share from the rise of rice prices though. Besides, the service at EastPoint's Sakae really put me off. I did not pay 10% extra fer bitch charge.

This ain't even half of it... Gotta watch the stomach. =P

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