Monday, June 30, 2008

enhorabuena españa

After waking up to a rather surprising result to the final, I opened the windows to let the breeze in and made myself two slices of Gardenia bread with margarine that were toasted fer 4 minutes, followed by Waffle Crisp cereal with milk while having Love In This Club by Usher featuring Young Jeezy on repeat in my Windows Media Player. Only this form of pamper was able to soothe the brooding over yesterday's waste.

I had planned on blogging about a beautiful Sunday, starting off with a smooth lesson in Japanese class at Eastpoint before heading back to get dressed fer town. Then, taking a train down to City Hall where NEKO-CHAAAAN(baby, ya know I'm not gonna live that down fer at least another week) and I would have a nice lunch at Marina Square's Kopitiam, where they sell the claypot curry chicken I've been craving fer since who-knows-when, preferably served with a bowl or rice and a side of french toast. After which, we'd strolled to Suntec to catch the gaming and comic convention I had waited fer fer weeks. Probably take a coupla shots with guest artists of yer favourite serials, as well as professional cosplayers. Once my geekdom satisfaction had been fulfilled, we would later have a lot of french fries before watching something at the cinemas. At least some of it turned out true; had dinner at Kopitiam in Tampines Mall where I settled with next favourite, grilled chicken with pandan rice, before we caught Get Smart. Great movie, by the way. And again, could've been better with lesser inconsiderate coughers around.

Everything else got pushed away when I was alerted in class by my mother's messages and constant calls from my brother. It was when I excused myself from the classroom to listen to the lovely voicemail lady say, "You have been mobilized", which is probably the next worst thing after "I'm pregnant"(depends on the situation) and "I don't think we should see each other anymore"(also depending on the situation). I wouldn't say all Hell broke loose but I didn't exactly get my army stuff ready fer my ops manning period. So, I was to leave my expensive language class early to walk home and unpack whatever I had. Fortunately, the rest of the family were still out fer lunch so they got me the standard procedure items before heading home. And then, I found out I lost my field pack. So, the easiest way out was to head down to Khatib Camp where my brother lent me his. Sly, right? I'll just use the purchased stuff fer future recalls. I was sent to a reclusive Tanjong Gul where I was ushered by very, very, very old uniformed strangers(the strangers were old, not the uniforms). My spirits raised a little when I met up with old acquaintances/colleagues/friends. Still, the event lasted an entire day with quite a massive administration lapse in addition to certain unwilling parties. On the bright side, there were shuttle buses out of that abandoned site by 6pm.

Seah and I.

"When was the last time you sat on the road?"
"Dunno, probably after a night at Double O."

Saturday, June 28, 2008

see ya kev

I'll miss the times we played with the Playstation 2 to the point we had calluses on our thumbs over at yer place fer the entire night.

I'll miss the times we watched Heroes until our eyes dried over at yer place fer the entire night.

I'll miss the times we laughed at B-rated movies like Primal Park and Frankenfish at yer place fer the entire night.

I'll miss the times we ate Pizza Hut, MacDonald's and Tori Q over at yer place fer the entire night.

I'll miss the times I had to drink beer just to cover the smell of the amount of cigarettes you and Khairul were smoking over at yer place fer the entire night.

PS: Hope you make new friends in Australia. Not just the WOW kind.

Thursday, June 26, 2008


Today, I shall be looking away from my everyday life and turning my attention to worldly affairs.

Let me get this straight. Here's an article from a few days ago about banning lipstick and high heels. I know fer a fact that an unnamed official has called this piece of news ridiculous. It's because this act of law was established to prevent more cases of rape and things like their dignity and honour. Now, hold up. W. T. F. First of all, about the rape cases. Shouldn't there be a heavier penalty written against those freaks who couldn't control themselves? Which leads me to my second point; why restrict women from what they VOLUNTARILY wear in order to prevent temptation to the tempted? Charging fer suggestive apparel instead of nabbing the sexual sinners. If the ladies feel rather uneasy about the security of their modesty, I'm VERY sure that they will personally choose something more decent-looking without having the government tell them to. Dignity and honour have got nothing to do with what they wear, anyway. In fact, something people call daring is perhaps a display of confidence. I'm not trying to go against people's beliefs but I think the action fer this "forestallment" should have been thoroughly thought through again.

On a local note, children nowadays. Every kid in this era at least owns a PSP and/or a DS. Gone were the days you see them carrying around books like Animorphs. Again, I'm not gonna blame the entertainment industry as that would be partially hypocritical. Okay, sure, I play with both Lumines and Trioncube but I still pick up a read or two. I'm not even sure if children nowadays are exposed to books other than the ones used in their schools fer work. Perhaps they've just been brought into the world of gaming a little too early and in that age, addictions come pretty easy. Like fast food, the younger you start consuming it, chances are you're gonna end up lovin' it(haha), which in turn makes it harder to break that unhealthy momentum, leading to enormous growths of fat that make you look like a mini Stay Puft Marshmallow Man who likes to cannonball into swimming pools with no regard of other swimmers' safety. If anyone's to blame, it's the parents. What are you adults doing? There is a red line as wide as the equator between spoiling yer kids and giving space. While I'm on it, I'd just like to plead fer you guys not to dress yer tiny daughters up like skanks fer singing competitions. No, it does not contradict my argument on the first topic. They're too young and it's not very subtle on the eyes, except fer paedophiles, although statistics show that they prefer boys. Eep.

Onto a subject close to concerning me, I've heard from my instructor that he's rather unhappy with his current month record with two of his students failing the driving practical test. I don't doubt his teachings, rather I think he's pretty good with people. And I don't really know to what extend can I trust in his words but apparently there are some very biased traffic policemen. Heard stories that they look fer ways to fail you just based on bad(intentional/unintentional) impression. That kinda sucks and is not encouraging at all. I'm not really making a big deal out of it because I might be unlucky enough to get any one of them as my tester, but, frankly speaking, being an officer of traffic, at least be kind enough to play fair, isn't that what the book wants to teach us? To give way and be courteous? And most importantly, to be safe? Who'd purposely offend you, the judges on tar? I'm not really sure how many years these guys have been in the business but I don't think it's nice to say that they've been blinded by authority. Of course, fer this paragraph, I'll openly admit that I'm just bitching with balls because it's too scary to say it in their faces. Have you seen their mugs? They look like scarred lions.

Besides that, there are lots of other scary things; price of rice, hand-foot-mouth disease, massive earthquakes, inflation, holy wars, bird flu, depletion of fossil fuels, inevitable typhoons, global warming, sudden cardiac arrest, etc. Which reminds me, Rest In Peace, George Carlin. Hopefully.

PS: Suddenly, I don't really feel up fer the KFC commercial I was called fer. Obviously, the odds of me being chosen is definitely quite low, considering my lack of charisma of the camera. But I wouldn't want it anyway, I'm not very funny... =( Yes, it's a damn funny ad.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

not very happening

Driving turned out to be the same old, haven't lost much of the touch even after the long break. =P Just about 10 more slots of assessing before I swoop in fer that licence.

I caught the show with the free tickets Amanda won through NightLife. It was alright, I guess. Not really a fan of M. Night Shyamalan's work, except fer Unbreakable and The Sixth Sense. But fer a movie of this genre, I suppose it was quite well played. Besides the fact that I'd be giving out spoilers, it just sounds quite silly revealing the plot in words. Watch the movie, pass yer own judgement. If you're into films with no happy endings, then I suggest you go see it. It DID get me on the edge of my seat. I'd love to see his take on Avatar: The Last Airbender, which should be releasing 2 years from now.

PS: Note to self. Fast limbs, not fast food.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

turn me up a notch

Now, that's what I'm talking about. It's only after a serious streak of homework completion(thankfully, assignments are handed in via Intenet) do I really appreciate the free time that I have. With term one of my new diploma level coming to an end in August, it's best fer me to get down to business. I know it's just a single module now but it's no time to be complacent. Many students have been complaining about the school's irresponsibility and such, as well as looking down on its academic standards. Too much a risk fer me, I've seen horrible. I know what horrible is, fer a place of education. Maybe fer once, I'd like to think maturely, i.e., the less fun way. Kongfucius once said, overestimate the breeze and you will not go down with ease. Okay, I made that up. And I really only said it once. So, the rhythm of the phrase did not exactly feel right but I think it makes a pretty logical principle.

She had the camera.

Yesterday, a bunch of us old army buds decided to get Betty outdoors. Since she literally launched herself from a foreign rock to a local one and leaving her CAUCASIAN BOYFRIEND behind at that, we decided to hang out and catch up fer old time's sake. The 2007 batch fer Red Carabena were back together fer lunch at CineLeisure's Sakae Teppenyaki. Boy, was it an awesome meal. I was quite skeptical about the quantity. However, the food turned out quite delicious and filling. There was one other thing though, I ordered the chicken set because I thought there'd be beef in it too. The menu stated Tofu Steak. I know, I know... But before anyone condemns me on my air-headedness, I just would like to cushion the blow by reasoning with the fact that I assumed it to be similar to our local dish, Yong Tau Foo. You know, that beancurd thing stuffed with meat in it? Well, just let it be a lesson to all who've yet to visit the outlet. Jeremy, Willard and YQ had plans after the meal, leaving me and our Guest of Honour to loiter in the premises of Takashimaya(bumped into Princess Gold) and Wisma, where I dare say are getting boring, considering the fame of these buildings. Sales are so overrated in this country. Doesn't anyone notice the massive discounts are only put on unpopular merchandise? Bah, that's another day's complaint. Caught Zohan after 2 hours of time-killing. It was crazy, I tell you, crazy. Even with his love fer disco, he was still that damn cool. Movie could've been more enjoyable if this guy, seated by my right, with an extremely childish voice didn't tell me to stop moving so much in my seat. Oh wait, it was a butch. If SHE actually bothered to look deeper into the situation, she would've noticed that it wasn't me. Or she could just have a problem that I was male, being jealous of me constantly adjusting the thing she was not born with. Not that I was but her tone sounded uptight. Then, we went to meet up with Neo after making our exit from the cinemas and had simple dinner at Lucky Plaza. Yay, the duck noodles I was craving fer. ^^ After that, one thing let to another and...


We started talking about the army. Dirty minds...

Anyway, I left early to come back home and brush up on my Japanese, which was of little assistance(at least a little) with me being so blur in class this morning. Was kinda tongue-tied and I know it's just me but it felt like I got the difficult questions(didn't help at all feeling like I'm currently one of the weaker students). Woke up late and had to rush to class before my mind had time to freshen up. I suppose it had something to do with the rain... Alright, perhaps the PSP too(Crisis Core! Level 73! Woot!).

PS: Back behind the wheel tomorrow! Oh, how I miss sitting in that Toyota VIOS~~~

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

behind blue eyes

There you go. Not open fer comments. I know it's not the best picture of me. Just showing off the new lenses.

Sorry fer being missing in action. With school all up my ass with constant confirmation on personal particulars and annoying assignments(I just needed word pairs that start with the same letter) that actually involve research, I've hardly had time to think up an interesting article to type on. Besides heading out with some of my friends, having some time alone by the pool and consuming an excruciating amount of durians, fun hasn't really been on my side recently.

Oh, and don't watch Shaolin Girl. I've seen some crappy stuff in my day(okay, I'm not that old) but this tops everything.

PS: More shit coming yer way. Tune in next post.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

thursday tanning

Little brothers are such assholes. I looked away from that perspective over the past years as my friends all complain to me about their smaller siblings being selfish and ignorant to others' needs. They take the family fer granted, everyone is only nice to them because they're the youngest, babies of the tree. Not to forget that he's the kinda person that thinks worldly of himself, assuming to be anyone's better. Arrogance leads to ignorance. Soon, he will be oblivious about his actions and it will become his nature. It is this time, someone has to beat him into shape. If the family does not do it, someone from the outside will. I am speaking not with higher authority but as a better person than him and I dare say that because it is bloody obvious. I do not want to be the kind of big brother that constantly bullies his siblings fer the simple fact that he is the elder. I have a reason now. However, I still do not like the plan. If he acts this way again, I will make him bleed like when we were young.

Yesterday was just another day, except that I spent it at Amanda's and now I feel so guilty fer taking away her revision time. I brought my laptop along to her place to do some of my usual computer stuff; streaming anime, uploading music, downloading games, read books, etc(or so I had prepared to do, until I found out the WEP key was not available to me and I was to make do without internet). Also, I placed an order fer contact lenses, which will be blue. Yes, at the age of 22, I'm finally going to try coloured contacts. They didn't exactly have my pair customized to fit my astigmatic problem but I doubt I'll be wearing them fer long hours, anyway. So a slight adjustment of the degree per eye would suffice. And since I've got a vast difference in vision strength fer both sides, I had to get 2 pairs per side that will last me a total of 2 months. Yeah, disposable. I just thought I'd give the look a try before I move on to permanent ones if I really like'em.

PS: I had an ultra-weird dream about Khairul and I drift racing on our asses across the slippery floor of some shopping mall. Strangely enough, it felt nostalgic. I can only assume it's the influence from Harold & Kumar.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Maybe I should go into bettings.

Maybe I should go try coloured contact lenses.

Maybe I should get a job, preferably the position in the cinemas which allows me to work the projector.

Maybe I should take up aikido.

Maybe I should do more bench presses.

Maybe I should use my camera.

Maybe I should get a Wii.

Maybe I should host barbeques.

Maybe I should look into brochures to explore more of our garden city's untouched corners.

Maybe I should revise on my katakana.

Maybe I should cut down on carbohydrates.

Maybe I should change my hairstyle.

PS: Maybe I should catch Tropic Thunder.

"It'll do... Till Dark Knight comes out, then you're screwed."

Saturday, June 7, 2008

loved the chopsticks fight

Again, a looong wait at ComfortDelGro. I'm not gonna blame the service staff fer their lack of effective time management when the problem lies in all their customers fer hogging the counters. And I'm not gonna blame the customers too, since I'd admittingly classify myself as one of them. Got to pay fer my practical test and the 2 auto-gear lessons, that are inconveniently available to me on only one specific day, which is the 3rd of July. Meaning, I'll have to attend a back-to-back crash course amounting to a total of 200 minutes, the knees're gonna hurt real bad. T_T

Plan was to go see KungFu Panda on the opening day. Awesome movie, we had to be seated in the second row because we were quite late in buying the tickets but it didn't really matter as it was quite a small theatre. I just thought that with such a handful of big names, the characters would get more lines.

There was hardly any other reason I could dig out fer hanging around town, so most of the time spent were at the arcades. Tough luck trying to win a PSP and PS3 with just $10. Plus, I suck at Puzzle Fighter. AND I've officially been dethroned from the cream of fighting gamers. I couldn't even own this guy's Mr. Karate with my favourite Geese Howard or Kasumi Todoh. Sigh~

At least I had some good food yesterday, the Koufu branch near the driving school had some lovely lamb rack, which I had fer lunch and dinner was the new promotional Jalapeño Chicken Sandwich. I, fer one, would like to make an unofficial appeal fer it to be permanently on the menu as it outranks my former favourite Santa Fe Chicken Sandwich.

PS: Time to cash in the fees fer Advanced Japanese.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

duck fer lunch, duck fer dinner

I was late in reporting fer my 3rd attempt(1st one I enrolled with the the school, the initial 2 were private takes and I didn't exactly go through the e-trails but I know that's all just a sorry excuse, so forget it) on the final theory test fer driving. Everyone had already started without me and I was in a panicked state after the nagging I got in the car about my constant procrastination in the things I do and past academic failures, which, by the way, did not help in preparing myself mentally, in addition to the fact that the girl beside me finished her test with a pass before I could complete half of the questions and that I cannot register immediate results. At least the traffic police officer was exceptionally polite in tone. Well, none of that matters now that I passed the level in less than 15 minutes. Woot~ Now, I can put down payment fer my practical test slot, as well as the auto-gear lessons.

And then it was like the heavens were trying to neutralize my satisfaction, a heavy downpour occured at lunch-time, filling my wanton soup with extra water, if you know what I mean. After the short-lived disturbance of The Force, it was back to the centre fer my 15th lesson. I was being assessed today to estimate how I'd fair in an actual practical driving test. Amounted to a total of 10 demerit points: drivers'll understand that that is a "survivable" calibre, quoted from my instructor, Ryan.

The chapter closes with my Japanese intermediate level at an end as well, the advanced stage begins on Sunday morning, leaving my Tuesday evenings free from this point on. YEAH!

PS: My tickets fer the premiere of The Incredible Hulk are ready fer collection. Gotta love a school with leisure privileges/promotions.

I wanted that forklift... :'(

Monday, June 2, 2008

closing an eye

With the school hols in session, many punks and wannabes have surfaced from their deep dwellings of LAN gaming and trading cards. I do not believe I was that uncool. Okay, maybe I was. I'd probably have to forgive them fer it is the phase in which most youths are still searching fer their true identity; to be a goodlooking serviceperson at Starbucks with an acceptable accent, or a head fulla highlights who's working at Heeren selling redundant bangles and LOADS of purple t-shirts, or perhaps into beachwear, or end up as an assistant in a handphone shop, or worst, be dressed in clothes too mature fer you and stand around the exits of train stations in an attempt to hunt down yer first insurance client. Of course, there's many other categories that you can fall under.

That aside, I would very much appreciate it if these underaged delinquents gimme my share of the swimming pool.

PS: While we're on the subject of giving chances, I'm not sure how many of my readers have caught the trailer to The Mummy 3. By now, you should've heard that this sequel does not take place in Egypt, or have anything involving ancient Egyptian mummies, but in China. I was willing to see past the irrelavance, it sounds pretty promising. Hope I'm right.

And I'm also not very upset that I did not get to see Holland wear their trademark orange jerseys fer yesterday's match against Wales. Heck, they won 2-0. Woot~