Thursday, June 5, 2008

duck fer lunch, duck fer dinner

I was late in reporting fer my 3rd attempt(1st one I enrolled with the the school, the initial 2 were private takes and I didn't exactly go through the e-trails but I know that's all just a sorry excuse, so forget it) on the final theory test fer driving. Everyone had already started without me and I was in a panicked state after the nagging I got in the car about my constant procrastination in the things I do and past academic failures, which, by the way, did not help in preparing myself mentally, in addition to the fact that the girl beside me finished her test with a pass before I could complete half of the questions and that I cannot register immediate results. At least the traffic police officer was exceptionally polite in tone. Well, none of that matters now that I passed the level in less than 15 minutes. Woot~ Now, I can put down payment fer my practical test slot, as well as the auto-gear lessons.

And then it was like the heavens were trying to neutralize my satisfaction, a heavy downpour occured at lunch-time, filling my wanton soup with extra water, if you know what I mean. After the short-lived disturbance of The Force, it was back to the centre fer my 15th lesson. I was being assessed today to estimate how I'd fair in an actual practical driving test. Amounted to a total of 10 demerit points: drivers'll understand that that is a "survivable" calibre, quoted from my instructor, Ryan.

The chapter closes with my Japanese intermediate level at an end as well, the advanced stage begins on Sunday morning, leaving my Tuesday evenings free from this point on. YEAH!

PS: My tickets fer the premiere of The Incredible Hulk are ready fer collection. Gotta love a school with leisure privileges/promotions.

I wanted that forklift... :'(

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