Thursday, June 26, 2008


Today, I shall be looking away from my everyday life and turning my attention to worldly affairs.

Let me get this straight. Here's an article from a few days ago about banning lipstick and high heels. I know fer a fact that an unnamed official has called this piece of news ridiculous. It's because this act of law was established to prevent more cases of rape and things like their dignity and honour. Now, hold up. W. T. F. First of all, about the rape cases. Shouldn't there be a heavier penalty written against those freaks who couldn't control themselves? Which leads me to my second point; why restrict women from what they VOLUNTARILY wear in order to prevent temptation to the tempted? Charging fer suggestive apparel instead of nabbing the sexual sinners. If the ladies feel rather uneasy about the security of their modesty, I'm VERY sure that they will personally choose something more decent-looking without having the government tell them to. Dignity and honour have got nothing to do with what they wear, anyway. In fact, something people call daring is perhaps a display of confidence. I'm not trying to go against people's beliefs but I think the action fer this "forestallment" should have been thoroughly thought through again.

On a local note, children nowadays. Every kid in this era at least owns a PSP and/or a DS. Gone were the days you see them carrying around books like Animorphs. Again, I'm not gonna blame the entertainment industry as that would be partially hypocritical. Okay, sure, I play with both Lumines and Trioncube but I still pick up a read or two. I'm not even sure if children nowadays are exposed to books other than the ones used in their schools fer work. Perhaps they've just been brought into the world of gaming a little too early and in that age, addictions come pretty easy. Like fast food, the younger you start consuming it, chances are you're gonna end up lovin' it(haha), which in turn makes it harder to break that unhealthy momentum, leading to enormous growths of fat that make you look like a mini Stay Puft Marshmallow Man who likes to cannonball into swimming pools with no regard of other swimmers' safety. If anyone's to blame, it's the parents. What are you adults doing? There is a red line as wide as the equator between spoiling yer kids and giving space. While I'm on it, I'd just like to plead fer you guys not to dress yer tiny daughters up like skanks fer singing competitions. No, it does not contradict my argument on the first topic. They're too young and it's not very subtle on the eyes, except fer paedophiles, although statistics show that they prefer boys. Eep.

Onto a subject close to concerning me, I've heard from my instructor that he's rather unhappy with his current month record with two of his students failing the driving practical test. I don't doubt his teachings, rather I think he's pretty good with people. And I don't really know to what extend can I trust in his words but apparently there are some very biased traffic policemen. Heard stories that they look fer ways to fail you just based on bad(intentional/unintentional) impression. That kinda sucks and is not encouraging at all. I'm not really making a big deal out of it because I might be unlucky enough to get any one of them as my tester, but, frankly speaking, being an officer of traffic, at least be kind enough to play fair, isn't that what the book wants to teach us? To give way and be courteous? And most importantly, to be safe? Who'd purposely offend you, the judges on tar? I'm not really sure how many years these guys have been in the business but I don't think it's nice to say that they've been blinded by authority. Of course, fer this paragraph, I'll openly admit that I'm just bitching with balls because it's too scary to say it in their faces. Have you seen their mugs? They look like scarred lions.

Besides that, there are lots of other scary things; price of rice, hand-foot-mouth disease, massive earthquakes, inflation, holy wars, bird flu, depletion of fossil fuels, inevitable typhoons, global warming, sudden cardiac arrest, etc. Which reminds me, Rest In Peace, George Carlin. Hopefully.

PS: Suddenly, I don't really feel up fer the KFC commercial I was called fer. Obviously, the odds of me being chosen is definitely quite low, considering my lack of charisma of the camera. But I wouldn't want it anyway, I'm not very funny... =( Yes, it's a damn funny ad.

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