Thursday, June 12, 2008

thursday tanning

Little brothers are such assholes. I looked away from that perspective over the past years as my friends all complain to me about their smaller siblings being selfish and ignorant to others' needs. They take the family fer granted, everyone is only nice to them because they're the youngest, babies of the tree. Not to forget that he's the kinda person that thinks worldly of himself, assuming to be anyone's better. Arrogance leads to ignorance. Soon, he will be oblivious about his actions and it will become his nature. It is this time, someone has to beat him into shape. If the family does not do it, someone from the outside will. I am speaking not with higher authority but as a better person than him and I dare say that because it is bloody obvious. I do not want to be the kind of big brother that constantly bullies his siblings fer the simple fact that he is the elder. I have a reason now. However, I still do not like the plan. If he acts this way again, I will make him bleed like when we were young.

Yesterday was just another day, except that I spent it at Amanda's and now I feel so guilty fer taking away her revision time. I brought my laptop along to her place to do some of my usual computer stuff; streaming anime, uploading music, downloading games, read books, etc(or so I had prepared to do, until I found out the WEP key was not available to me and I was to make do without internet). Also, I placed an order fer contact lenses, which will be blue. Yes, at the age of 22, I'm finally going to try coloured contacts. They didn't exactly have my pair customized to fit my astigmatic problem but I doubt I'll be wearing them fer long hours, anyway. So a slight adjustment of the degree per eye would suffice. And since I've got a vast difference in vision strength fer both sides, I had to get 2 pairs per side that will last me a total of 2 months. Yeah, disposable. I just thought I'd give the look a try before I move on to permanent ones if I really like'em.

PS: I had an ultra-weird dream about Khairul and I drift racing on our asses across the slippery floor of some shopping mall. Strangely enough, it felt nostalgic. I can only assume it's the influence from Harold & Kumar.

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