Sunday, June 22, 2008

turn me up a notch

Now, that's what I'm talking about. It's only after a serious streak of homework completion(thankfully, assignments are handed in via Intenet) do I really appreciate the free time that I have. With term one of my new diploma level coming to an end in August, it's best fer me to get down to business. I know it's just a single module now but it's no time to be complacent. Many students have been complaining about the school's irresponsibility and such, as well as looking down on its academic standards. Too much a risk fer me, I've seen horrible. I know what horrible is, fer a place of education. Maybe fer once, I'd like to think maturely, i.e., the less fun way. Kongfucius once said, overestimate the breeze and you will not go down with ease. Okay, I made that up. And I really only said it once. So, the rhythm of the phrase did not exactly feel right but I think it makes a pretty logical principle.

She had the camera.

Yesterday, a bunch of us old army buds decided to get Betty outdoors. Since she literally launched herself from a foreign rock to a local one and leaving her CAUCASIAN BOYFRIEND behind at that, we decided to hang out and catch up fer old time's sake. The 2007 batch fer Red Carabena were back together fer lunch at CineLeisure's Sakae Teppenyaki. Boy, was it an awesome meal. I was quite skeptical about the quantity. However, the food turned out quite delicious and filling. There was one other thing though, I ordered the chicken set because I thought there'd be beef in it too. The menu stated Tofu Steak. I know, I know... But before anyone condemns me on my air-headedness, I just would like to cushion the blow by reasoning with the fact that I assumed it to be similar to our local dish, Yong Tau Foo. You know, that beancurd thing stuffed with meat in it? Well, just let it be a lesson to all who've yet to visit the outlet. Jeremy, Willard and YQ had plans after the meal, leaving me and our Guest of Honour to loiter in the premises of Takashimaya(bumped into Princess Gold) and Wisma, where I dare say are getting boring, considering the fame of these buildings. Sales are so overrated in this country. Doesn't anyone notice the massive discounts are only put on unpopular merchandise? Bah, that's another day's complaint. Caught Zohan after 2 hours of time-killing. It was crazy, I tell you, crazy. Even with his love fer disco, he was still that damn cool. Movie could've been more enjoyable if this guy, seated by my right, with an extremely childish voice didn't tell me to stop moving so much in my seat. Oh wait, it was a butch. If SHE actually bothered to look deeper into the situation, she would've noticed that it wasn't me. Or she could just have a problem that I was male, being jealous of me constantly adjusting the thing she was not born with. Not that I was but her tone sounded uptight. Then, we went to meet up with Neo after making our exit from the cinemas and had simple dinner at Lucky Plaza. Yay, the duck noodles I was craving fer. ^^ After that, one thing let to another and...


We started talking about the army. Dirty minds...

Anyway, I left early to come back home and brush up on my Japanese, which was of little assistance(at least a little) with me being so blur in class this morning. Was kinda tongue-tied and I know it's just me but it felt like I got the difficult questions(didn't help at all feeling like I'm currently one of the weaker students). Woke up late and had to rush to class before my mind had time to freshen up. I suppose it had something to do with the rain... Alright, perhaps the PSP too(Crisis Core! Level 73! Woot!).

PS: Back behind the wheel tomorrow! Oh, how I miss sitting in that Toyota VIOS~~~

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