Wednesday, September 5, 2007

the second one

Ah... To be young again. I know alot of readers will oppose what I'm about to say as I'm what they call, "still youthful".

It's just that... I was hanging out late at EastPoint earlier this evening with Khai after strolling back from Tampines. We're such bums; changing shillings fer arcade tokens, chilling with drinks from 7-11, battling with handhelds, etc. Taking it all so cool and easy. His little brother was going fly with his board by the stairs of the MRT station with his posse. Guess what. The BK crew. They're cool. I thought so, at least. My buddy was just plain annoyed because it was his younger sibling. They kinda reminded me of the old times, the old me. I missed exchange programs. Missed inter-school camps. Missed the girls, prefects and cheerleaders. I miss the parties. The dancing. The drama. I missed the hangouts. Novena Square, China Square, Marina Square, whatever Square. Back then, you didn't care what the world thought. A stupid lamb that knows no danger. Ignorance was confidence. Crazy was cool. Mad was rad. To have so much energy, so many friends. Counting scowls of passers-by. How fun. Wonder how the past cliques are holding up... I should try catching up with some of them. How did we even stray away from each other to different paths, I wonder. Many say 21 is the age every kid and adult wants to be. It's getting kinda monotonous. It's probably a post-army phase. I'm alone again in a new world. Like that second last box in Snakes & Ladders that brings you back down to one. Social status isn't exactly going in a circle, more like a spiral if you ask me, same pattern overlapping over and over...

I sound like that kinda person who doesn't know why he's fat or ugly and keeps emphasizing on the cause, not the solution. =( But before I do something about it, I have to... Crap. What do I have to do? I don't wanna try so hard to have fun. I'll give it time, probably just at the wrong place at the wrong time. Time is what I have to spare, anyway. Seeing how I'm still at the trial stage of adulthood and I'm using it to think like Michael Jackson and Peter Pan.

Young at heart, not the other thought. -_-

PS: I listed a coupla things in my head I could do before taking my degree. It'll take a few months before I can get started on mugging again, after this year ends, that is. Maybe a language course in Japanese or take up Aikido, all basics. Get my license once and fer all. See if New Urban Male has an opening fer any of their outlets. Since I'm not a member and I buy lotsa their stuff, might as well. And heterosexually stating this, Betty, it's not fer the chics.

Break free from introversy, Louis...

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