Saturday, September 1, 2007

another chicken wing dinner

Hmmm. Must be the rubbish I've been eating. I could joke about almost dying after running for more than a half hour but that would be purely insensitive now, would it, considering how the number of people with this cause of death is probably equivalent to our country's lightning rate...

Not much was done today. Basically, played around with Paint, making images fer the links I've set up. Re-arranged my clothing into levels of formality. And watch some Disney Channel, finally caught the full High School Musical. Now I'm ready fer the sequel. Crunchyroll would've been the plan fer the night if Khai didn't ask me out fer supper(plus I still had my clothes on and my hair waxed). Wore khakis on purpose because they planned on hitting MOS. Can you believe it... Ended up at Greg's instead. Lucky fer me, I brought my DS.

What a monotonous series of events. Hope it'll be much better when I get up. It's the SIM Open House, gotta and gonna drop by fer a look. Probably should switch my campus after getting the advanced diploma. It's a much better environment, obviously. And it's the date of my ORD function too. I would say 'yay' but I don't exactly know what's in store and last time I checked, my military social events were all letdowns.

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