Wednesday, September 26, 2007

timekiller testing

Newly found interests such as Nintendogs and Graffiti have kept me a little away from boredom in recent days... Finally, time to get down and dirty, wreck havoc tonight fer it is Kev's 21st birthday! Woot.

But fer now, I have learnt that late night plus early class without breakfast only equates to major gastric and nausea. I was a pretty easy victim fer carsickness today and was awfully anal about how uncomfortable I felt until I saw a buncha special kids sitting by the coffeeshop. Then I started laughing inside...

Ooookay, time fer a nap before the big night at Zouk.

PS: Note to self, since you've already planned out how to relay yer room, get it done, as soon as you're finished with this drawing...

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