Thursday, January 31, 2008


Viral video overload! Remember, you saw it all here first.

hit & run

Ho. Ly. Shit.

Saw Amanda home before me. She messaged in an attempt to scare me, in provision of the freaky neighbourhood. Was about to retort with a smart reply when it happened. I couldn't really differentiate the sound of it, being more of a snap or burst. Man, stepped on a snail, I thought. ARRRRRGH! It was a friggin' lizard when I turned to look. ARRRRRGH! It wasn't like I stepped on its tail. I think it was the hip area since I saw it struggling with massive vibrations. There wasn't any blood but the eyes were surely bulging. Damn, the image is still stuck in my head. ARRRRRGH! I was pretty freaked out and there was no way I think I could've helped but brisk away. Ewww to the max. I'm sorry, Mr. Cicak. AND NO! I did not take a picture of the lizard. This isn't like yesterday's episode with the bitch mosquito. First of all, I'm sure many of you have heard of this rumoured principle of humankind, which is to rip and slaughter any beast that does Man harm. I'm a strong believer of that code. Mr. Cicak was not being malevolent. And secondly, I'm certain that most people wouldn't feel as digusted to a mollusc or something with an exoskeleton being crushed as a creature of the vertebrae family. Under the heel, guys. That means maximum body weight. Ouuuuch~ T_T

Okay. Cool down. Phew...

Park Mall again today. Daddy's immune system's really really bad. Took a breather in the rest room before heading down to meet Rekoda-chan. Realised I had forgotten my wallet. OF ALL THE DAYS, RIGHT? Borrowed(I think) some money from Mommy and my aunt. Far East's Leftfoot outlets didn't have anything of my taste. Got something from a tee shirt shop called Groove Designs instead, where this weird salesman kept calling me his "brother". I have one brother, and he's an officer cadet having a field exercise in Thailand this week. Anyway, it was this top I decided to choose from a few. Some cute and cheerfully pink one(ooooookay~) with a periodic table print on it. It's not exactly a periodic table, once you take a closer look at the "elements".

Dinner was at Yoshinoya at Takashimaya's basement. Don't order the potato mix if ya ain't got a black hole in yer stomach. And I don't have one, fer real. Can already feel the fats storing up. Haven't been following my routine this coupla days. =P Next stop was to Kinokuniya to look fer a user-friendly Jap-Eng dictionary. Sat by the aisle to look up and play with a few words, prior to viewing the comics section. Time flew and Stadium closed, so did many other boutiques. Guess I'll try Converse next. I suppose Friday will be good.

Along the road, we spontaneously popped into one of the Singapore Visitors' Centre to pick up numerous brochures on local places of interest. Seemed like a pretty intriguing idea, still is. ^_^

PS: Only assuming our tailed acquaintance was male. Whatever it was. It now WAS.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

alien vs pidgeon

Fuckin' humid, eh???

Cut my hair in the late afternoon. Short discussion with the stylist on what to do with my hairstyle. Riiight~

4th Japanese lesson this evening. Sensei doesn't use ticks, she circles correct answers. I've gotta get used to her style.

First mosquito in years to suck my blood. Absolutely GORGEOUS! And dead. She deserves a picture.

Here lies the pest on my light bulb box. Which reminds me, gotta get the ladder and fit that empty socket in the ceiling soon...

That is all. What else can happen after a night of crazy webcamming? Heh. =P

PS: To all the lovely people who vaguely remember something before the New Year about me ranting over the news on an asteroid flying past Earth in the month of January, here's the

Monday, January 28, 2008

cold butt

The rest day is over. Helped Daddy to Park Mall fer another acutherapy session. At least he can walk now. Sigh.

He always feels better after appointments so I left everything to my mom and uncle. Walked over to Plaza Singapura to try my luck. Browsed the shelves of Esprit and managed to snag a bright red polo and some striped hooded cardigan/jacket thingy. Cost me $99.90 and the cashier told me I was short 30 cents to become a member fer free. Great. Just snagged a pair of socks to go along and paid. Dropped my NETS card on the way out, gratitude to the honest assistant.

Marks & Spencer wasn't even on my list, People Of Asia has been noted and the shops at PictureHouse weren't really worth it. Usual shortcut to Bugis where I past the temple to read horoscope predictions fer a bit. Met up with Amanda to do me summore riffling on apparel. The tee shop I eyed a while back was a tease, didn't get anything there as well. Formerly Seiyu, walked through BHG fer the sake of it and tried on some pairs. They had a nice fitting room. Just as I was about to give up, a pair hanging on the middle shelf with studded back-pockets called out to me. No, it wasn't impulse. At least I've got a set fer my first day of the Lunar Mouse.

Will carry on this "expedition" on Wednesday.

PS: Gone through this more than once but I'll say it again. I'm not unfilial. Just need some time off.

Sunday, January 27, 2008


I was a little bored and lonely so Amanda brought me to see The Mist with her classmates from MDIS. I don't usually comment very badly on movies, if you've known me long enough. Okay, the idea was pretty good, still it sucked. The first monster that appeared rather disappointed me, not because of its concept. Was the graphics instead. I'm not sure how many people noticed it but the tentacles(sorry for the spoiler) were the worst drawn special effects I've witnessed this decade. Probably one of those "book-is-better-than-the-film" times. Didn't read the book, though. Maybe two outta 5 stars, tops. Credits to that tiny pinch of suspense.

After which we left her 3 friends at Cineleisure and waited fer a bus down to Marina Square. Has anyone heard of Spaggedies at Millenia Walk? We either couldn't find it or it's no longer there. Plan B was to head to Kyo-Nichi. Char Siew Ramen. The soup was awesome, the shishamo and octopus balls weren't really that great though... Enough of observing passers-by on the ground floor, we velcroed our asses off the comfy seats to do some aimless window shopping. Voodoo dolls and gothic lolita outfits, I suppose anyone looking from outside the picture would find it very misleading in ways even my slightly perverted mind cannot conjure. =P

OKAY. Pre-Plan A was to head to the street opposing The Concourse, some bar-like restaurant with unplugged performances, opened by Erdiana's uncle but I forgot its name. Oops. Bah, all the same, I roughly remember the location. Since we didn't have dinner there, we headed up the lift of Pan-Pacific Hotel(was it?) to get a good look. Stupid CitiBank blocking the view. Later on, we strolled down the "river" side past Esplanade to see if we can grab a drink. In vain, we advanced to the Merlion. Now, can someone tell me what kind of water does the Merlion squirt out? Because there was at least a 2 hour therapy of wetness while enjoying the view of Shenton Way , in addition to the newborn Singapore Flyer(now with decorative lighting!).

Following that was the accidental visit to Lau Pa Sat as I take the blame fer being disorientated. Mutton satay and a load of iced desserts. Heehee. Departed the area after a coupla personality quizzes from Amanda and a coupla very loud grandfather clock gongs. Felt kinda awkward with the gawking construction workers. They obviously weren't looking at ME, of course. "Lost" again. Ended up near Chinatown. FYI, this was all on foot. Thankfully, we recognized some of the buildings and sniffed our way back to the "river"(again). Boat Quay(where I bumped into former Alpha armskoteman, Don) was closer this time, comparing to our start off point and we took an NR7 home to Simei. As usual, it was nearing 5 and there was that sweet smell that always freaks me out, backed with sound effects from toads that sound like Harley Davidsons.

NEXTDAYNEXTDAYNEXTDAY. Actually got up in time(or so) to ensue the shopping plan at Bugis. Weather was hot and dry, plus there were students asking fer donations all around EastPoint, so sitting at Long John's to cool off and wait fer Miss Stockings seemed like a good idea. =P Was early enough so we dropped by MINT, one of the two known toy museums in the country. 4 full floors with displays of varying genres above the cosy café.

Down to our true intention. Finally, we're at Bugis Village. Search fer eye-catching merchandise was in vain. Not to ferget sweaty. Why is it always so crowded there? Met Alyssa and EngChye at the lobby of TopOne KTV, then headed fer some duck rice down the road. Apparently, the couple of the year have been doing their shopping too, only difference is they actually bought something. I now feel the emergency!

Not much towards the end of the night. My energy bursts are normally solar-charged. Just a game of SF3 in the arcades, where we saw some cosplayers. Amy tagged, not fer long but nonetheless... Hope you're doing better. There was some hot fudge at Mac's before 27 Dresses, which was quite refreshing. Chick flicks are awesome when you're sick of monsters.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

nolens volens

Yesterday, I managed to squeeze in a rather short nap after coming back from Park Mall where my dad went fer acupuncture again. =/ Dinner was at the ground floor's Sakae Sushi. Either I've been having way to much Japanese food these days or the chefs got lazy. It wasn't exactly during peak hours but the a la carte could've looked more impressive. Had a load of prawn roe, which was strange, I don't do prawns.

Arthur and YQ dropped by 10-ish when we made our way to Bedok to get the bait. A tiny ice box resembling the Dead Man's Chest, a guitar, and the rest of the equipment. Initially, I assumed we were going to the farm, instead, it was some canal a little off the neighbourhood of Elias. It was my first time in many years so the both of them did most of the work. =P

Here's Arthur binding wires to hold up the nets.

Here's how many nets.

YQ with the raffia.

Fish head. Yummy. The onion bags were a pretty good idea.

And that's how the trap looks like.

More traps than heads = Dirty work.

Cavemen love blood.

WARNING: The graphic warning comes after the graphic image.

A little flower crab with barnacles that YQ hooked up(literally). At this stage, it was already frozen to death(also literally).

His idea of amusement. Yes, it's on the road. And yes, there was traffic.

It was a pretty fun night, inclusive of cool weather and some music. Had my hands stained with fish on the second half of the night after I stopped SMSing. Also, YQ mutilated the one and only crab that was caught. Perhaps our fruitless result was due to the smell not spreading because of the bags, I suppose the onion scent covered the rest of the stink. OR. Singapore waters just got dirtier.

PS: There was also some talk about planning future "adventurous" outings. I'm not gonna type it all out, sometimes things like this need to be confirmed before I blurt out my wishes. However, there's a hint, it involves kite-flying. Haha. And dude, are you serious about the "bring a date" thing? Btw, I've been sorta given the green light to borrow my aunt's boat.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

heath ledger

As many of you may have already known, the acclaimed actor was unexpectedly found dead in his apartment after an overdose of sleeping pills. Apparently, it's been declared that he was suffering from pneumonia and there must have been some sort of wrong reaction within his body. Like many people would agree, this doesn't change the fact that it is a terrible situation. Personally, I am shocked. Known fer playing in films like 10 Things I Hate About You, A Knight's Tale, The Brothers Grimm and Brokeback Mountain, he's definitely a "leader of men, worshipper of ladies" kinda celebrity. I'll have to admit I was never a true fan of his work but this news sure brings about the irony in his new role in The Dark Knight as he acts as an iconic supervillain that lives on in people. I dunno what to say. Stunned. And he was 28.

Here's another person in the world wishing fer you to rest in peace.

kore wa yanyan no chokoreto desu

Supper after class at 201. Most probably crabbing after bumming in about 18 hours' time. Guess I'll churn out a few chords to discuss by the ponds then...

PS: Sunlight is good fer hair growth, in spite of that taunting star. -_- Grrr. You better be radiant like this when I'm chillin' by the pool in March.

Anyhow, here's an outstanding video on REAL wrestling:

Monday, January 21, 2008

the whopper freakout

American survey documented on video. Courtesy of Greg.

PS: I suppose it won't really affect me though. I'm more of a Mushroom Swiss guy.

Sunday, January 20, 2008



Cloverfield was... Wow. However, as an avid movie-goer, here's the dilemma. Obviously, action fans would die to get seats and watch their anticipated flicks. However, in Singapore, you may end up getting accomodated into a cinema full of pricks who react loudly to scenes they do not expect. If you've read the review, by now you would've known it's delineated through whatever a handheld camera records. Please try to see it through the cast's eyes. No, it's not like Godzilla(take back what I typed on December 14th 2007). Godzilla is like a level 2 Pokémon compared to this holy-shit monster. And no, there is no happy ending. Also, if you're not into the Blair Witch genre of film choreography, do not bother catching this movie since you're only gonna complain afterwards, just keep replaying the online trailer with Lady Liberty's head. Okay, all in all, I suppose it's more of a home movie if you've got an awesome sound and visual system. And tape everyone's mouth until the credits. I'm anal about theatre etiquette.


Yesterday was the first time this year I visited Orchard Road. After catching the movie with Amanda, we headed down to Lido to collect her make-up before starting our stroll. Ongoing sales presented themselves to be rather inane with tons of tasteless displays of the current season. I'm no fashion consultant but there's clearly nothing special... Tonikaku, bumped into Amy as we exited Zara. Actually, it was more like she slapped my shoulder, took me about a coupla seconds to recognize her with the new hair colour. =P Dinner was at the tiny corner in the food court that served Japanese food: Romankan Yokohama(the one with lolita maid clad waitresses). It wasn't long before we continued to explore the slightly renovated town area. IndoChine's got a new live band playing, explains the thin crowd. We took the new Orchard MRT underpass, like 'mountain tortoises', to Lucky Plaza fer a few rounds of pool. Like the building's name, she was as well with all her fortunate shots. I'd call it magic though. Haha. A pit-stop at CentrePoint's Mac's followed, the air-conditioning was turned off as they were closing some sections, so much fer 24hrs. Talked about some of the more uncommon places of our motherland over ice-cream and lemon tea. Made our move once we cooled off and got sick of the circulatory broadcast of programmes on MacTV. On with the civilian route march to Bugis, where we past Cuppage and Orchard Plaza, my two childhood hangouts. The old buildings have now been given a slightly newer look, perhaps a reason to walk into them soon. The usual shortcut past Paradiz to Bugis where we settled at a much colder MacDonald's outlet and where I parodied Cloverfield with a vanilla cone and notebook. We pretty much chatted the night away till we decided to get on an NR7, where I coincidentally bumped into Benedict. Small world. The long journey on the bus with wasted clubbers ended at EastPoint where I walked her home to her brightly lit pink door, prior to my own scary stretch back home.

PS: It's more interesting than this but I can't simply fit in every lame joke and conversation topic brought up between a kyozougyuu and tepu rekoda.

Friday, January 18, 2008

random rationalization

So, it's just one of those days with nothing to do and you start thinking about shit. This post will totally not justify my denial of being too free fer my own good but I just need to blurt some of this stuff out.

Just thought, with the Lunar New Year coming up in less than a month, Hong Kong's Disneyland'll probably be having a field day as it's the Year Of The Mouse and it's definite that they'll play it along with the world famous mascot. Souvenirs will be up fer grabs, we all know how auspiscious Chinese people can get.

Next up, my mind pondered quite a bit on the hierarchy of society and how it affects the way people behave. Not specifically aiming at certain organizations here, you know how it just is no matter where you work at. Evidently, in this world, everyone starts somewhere. Yet, there are individuals up in the ranks who, I blatantly put it, toy with their subordinates. Have these heads forgotten what it's like to be a raw conscript of the community? Or do they look further up to see bigger posts suppressing their through freedom, only to realize the dawn of careers originate below ground zero? Worse, they could all just be planning to climb up the ladder of power to quench their thirst by abusing the juniors?

Hey, it's just two pennies' worth. Not like it can compare to the number of lives taken by pilots. This may come to you as a narrow-minded generalisation. I'm just saying, from all the risk-taking occupations I've browsed, I suppose the pilot is the most responsible one and yet they get the load of accidents off their shoulders simply. Of course, it's just an assumption and I'm not saying I'm right but I've got a coupla scenarios to back my opinion up. Commandos have been said to die in training, most of them due to heli-insert operations. Miscommunication triggers the pilot to release their lines a little too early, only fer the men to fall to their sad death. Commercial aircrafts, passengers have died and you can't always blame it on the technicalities. Thirdly, on the 19th of January in 1966, a B-52 bomber was carrying 4 freakin' hydrogen bombs collided with a refuelling jet over the coast of Spain, which knocked the killers off and 2 of them actually exploded. Thankfully, no lives were lost that day but it contaminated a surprisingly small area of 2 square kilometres. There was no news on the pilot. No, he was not erased. I doubt the army really does such dirty work. I suppose the only reason fer this is that the pilots are already tolerating with their mental burden and no more actions can be taken as punishment.

If you've got better answers, just comment on them in the tags.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

tepu rekoda

Second time round, thing're appearing to be more fun in language class. There's still not much interaction between the cliques though. Amanda blames the furniture. =P Great, I have this feeling the sensei's already marked us both as the most recognizable in the room.

Not much else was achieved today. Managed to consume Burger King, SweetTalk and 1901(brand, not the number of, it's hotdogs, by the way) products. Also, had the leisure of teasing Khairul with freedom via SMS as he's in Tekong on duty fer his beloved subordinates' honeymoon week. Lol~ However, I won't be continuing on this kinda mockery as I've heard some blogger in China died after getting the shit kicked outta him by authorities over political matters. Still, I mention something like this to reason with my miscarried joke, inculcating readers on the general opinion on reactions to "such concern" in yer own countries. Ironic~

In news that the world could care less about, German experts claim to have unravelled the mysterious identity of the model behind(not literally, duh, so don't bother checking up on it) Mona Lisa and some dude that makes wind instruments out of vegetables.

PS: There is no PS today.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

and i'm back here again

But not missing, wanting or needing so. A day spent with the "sannin senpai", Arthur, YiQiang & Serene. Met them fer lunch at Eighteen Chefs, the bistro that took the space of the formerly reknown waffle place where I used to chill with Boon and EngChye, which name I can no longer remember. Doubt the outlet has literally got 18 chefs though, not entirely sure too if it's a whole franchise or just a sole restaurant. The meal followed up to a trip to Ikea, where the amazing race fer YQ's new furniture ensued.

It was fairly quick, considering our frequent disorientation and the massive crowd. The rain didn't hold back though, and I was persuaded to tagged with the gang back to Bedok. First time at YiQiang's place. Sure has a nice feel to it, despite the mess. Contents of our discussions mostly forgotten but I had a fun day, aside from the semi-sleepy mode. Credits to the weather.

PS: Who knew a walk down to Challenger to purchase a microphone and ear pads would turn out to be a whole day affair... Lol.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

blood is thicker than blog

So, I thought of embedding something from Beat Crusaders but I think I'd advertise fer my cousin here to show my support fer him. Yes, he's Hagen Tan Meng Qi. You've probably seen his face at bus stops or on the buses quite recently.

good morning number two

Early enough to catch Kids Central. Pokémon was on. Finally, Ash broke his voice. He still looks the same as he was almost a decade ago though. Pikachu's probably way over Level 100 by now.

Obviously still in a high from last night's glucose overdose, my mind started pondering on general sorta-sexist complaints of Singapore as I watch Fear Factor while having my phallic breakfast. Many local girls tend to envy other females, from the individual's aspect, that is. It could be due to insecurity or whatnot. But don't try to make yerself feel better by putting it in a way that white women are naturally bigger than asian women. Well, that's partially correct. However, comparing the own body to that of celebrities' is like... Say... Comparing Superbad to Beowulf. Okay, I guess that analogy would sound a little extreme. Ah, you get the idea. If there's a flaw in yer body you wanna rid, do something about it. Yer admiration fer those who look well-endowed is definitely an illusion, I believe the actual term is called being fit. A little muscle and tan won't keep the boys away. Heck, might even look a little sexay.

And if you really wanna talk about vitals, I suggest bubble tea. Heard it helped alot of Taiwanese chics.

All in all, I'm just advising. Hey, I assure you fer every lady on Earth, there are at least 2 or 3 guys that worship the ground you walk on, anyway... So keep yer chins up.

PS: OH NO! The microphone is dead. I doubt it's due to a wave feedback overkill.


It's probably stumbling upon freakin' random videos in the wee hours of the night that always get me too fired up to sleep. Tonight's reason:

And I'm not even a Soul Calibur fan.

PS: Or it could be just the peanut butter and chocolate, which explains the headaches in the morning. Stupid sugar rush.

Friday, January 11, 2008

it was a good hair day

Today, I surprised myself by managing to wake up before noon. Took my time to freshen up fer the "No Smoking" commercial casting. It was some retarded form of hand-modelling. It was lucky my aunt drove me there, since it along the way of her errand run.

After that, was the journey down to Marina Square to check out Ears Depot. Apparently, they're only looking fer full-timers. Bummer.

Back at EastPoint, the quest to find a fitting hairband begins. Yes, my hair is now officially long enough. Watson's didn't have a very large variety and they were all pretty feminine, not that hairbands are originally classified as unisexual items... It was a pretty tough choice, considering. Even the least feminine one wouldn't even be labelled by me as most masculine. Not that it matters, it wasn't on the receipt. Technically, you would call it shoplifting but it's the cashier's fault fer not noticing my sleight of hand. I suppose buying a facial wash and some pore packs really hid the fact that I was getting a head accessory, which was really my main objective. Like how some guys buy candy along with condoms at convenience stores.

PS: Time to flip the ads. Saddens me to tell myself the papers are way faster than door-to-door. Now, that's one less reason to head outdoors.

with my dying will

Gotta sleep, gotta sleep. I tried staying up a little longer than usual so that I could sleep at a normal bedtime but it backfired! Now, my hours are upside down! Close the eyes, man, close the eyes.


PS: At least I got to save some tunes that were stuck in my head. I'll get down to improvising these raw records later this week.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

HAHA i gotta remember this one

Just thought a joke would be a fresh form of plagiarism fer the blog. Not that I'm racist, anyway.

A class of five-year old school children return to the classroom after playing in the playground during their break time.

The teacher says to the first child, "Hello Becky, what have you been doing this playtime?" Becky replies, "I have been playing in the sand box". "Very good," says the teacher, "if you can spell 'sand' on the blackboard, I will give you a biscuit". Becky duly goes and writes 's a n d' on the blackboard. "Very good." says the teacher and gives Becky a biscuit.

The teacher then says, "Freddie, what have you been doing in your playtime?" Freddie replies "Playing with Becky in the sand box." "Very good," says the teacher. "If you can spell 'box' on the blackboard, I will also give you a biscuit," Freddie duly goes and writes 'b o x' on the blackboard. "Very good." says the teacher and gives Freddie a biscuit.

Teacher then says, "Hello Mohammed, have you been playing in the sand box with Becky and Freddie?" "No," replies Mohammed, "I wanted to but they would not let me. Every time I went near them, they started throwing sand at me and calling me nasty names."

"Oh dear," says the teacher. "That sounds like blatant racial discrimination to me - I'll tell you what, if you can spell 'blatant racial discrimination' I will give you a biscuit."

PS: Jap class was pretty fun, considering. Rough background knowledge on the language thanks to the numerous animes. =P

Monday, January 7, 2008

is it just me or...

It doesn't feel like a new year.

Maybe it needs time fer the feeling to settle in, like losing from a KO in a boxing match. Sorry, I couldn't think of a more optimistic comparision with that Hajime no Ippo(
Wikipedia link fer all the non-animefreaks) marathon but the last Tuesday just felt like any other public holiday. The last national day was more breathtaking.

I suppose it's the lack of change. I've been doing the same thing mostly everyday since I was done re-uniting. I'll just wait to see what happens when I start with the language course, look fer a job, and try new songs.

PS: Suddenly, missing clubbing. =(

Sunday, January 6, 2008

an awful audical assemble

Finally, got a chance to listen to our raw recording from the practice over at The Music Ensemble. Man, either we weren't really on form that night or we just... Sucked. I know everyone's gonna blame the neighbouring bass vibrations. But I still liked the Zombie from then(and my Gai-sensei impression). It's practically our "cover single" now.

Why am I still awake at least ungodly hour? Darling, sleeping habits are hard to change, at least there's progress, it was initially sunrise fer bedtime. And i just got back a while ago, Arthur drove. He was over with Serene and YiQiang fer a slightly productive discussion on genres. Supper was at Mad Jack's at Jalan Kayu, with convenience due to a car. What a sinful plate of chocolate right after the medium lamp chops. I guess it's alright to spoil my stomach after an okay diet plan. I was opened up to a new hang out over at Punggol Road. The view was pretty much industrial, triggering traces of memories from Ops B. A comfy shore area though, despite the crowd of fishermen and a police post.

Hopefully, we can have another session during the coming week. I feel that that we've been upped. And I'm not sure if that's proper English but heck. Willard's most likely bringing HengZhong in to be casted. Yay.

PS: BaoEn, if you still read my blog, since it's so cold up there, why don't you stick to wearing pants like you always do? Hahaha...

Thursday, January 3, 2008

revolutions of resolutions

For days I've been planning on writing an extra long post to really welcome the new year but I thought that in the end it best be short and sweet with meaning.

Friends, like every year, we wish to better ourselves, hoping to improve the lifestyles that we are longing to change.

Those in love, let it not die. Disagreement is a phase of strengthening, like a bone under pressure, its marrow condenses. Those at home, don't complain about boredom when it was yer choice to stay indoors in the first place. If you really wanna do something, you'd be stepping out, regardless the weather, financial status, etc. Those broken, you may not get to leave the country, change yer number, or go fer surgery but the reset starts from the inside, so start with a fresh attitude, not brooding over the past's haunts. Chances are not given, they're earnt too, along with respect.

There are many other problems, however they come with solutions if you bother to flip to the back page. Like my grandma once told me, I'm the kinda guy that would use the fallen sky as a blanket. I'm sure in the working world, that would pose to be a problem but socially, it would be healthy. =P

PS: My resolutions are quite a number. I'm pretty much bumming around now so anything I'm getting started on is really technically one anyway.