Thursday, January 24, 2008

nolens volens

Yesterday, I managed to squeeze in a rather short nap after coming back from Park Mall where my dad went fer acupuncture again. =/ Dinner was at the ground floor's Sakae Sushi. Either I've been having way to much Japanese food these days or the chefs got lazy. It wasn't exactly during peak hours but the a la carte could've looked more impressive. Had a load of prawn roe, which was strange, I don't do prawns.

Arthur and YQ dropped by 10-ish when we made our way to Bedok to get the bait. A tiny ice box resembling the Dead Man's Chest, a guitar, and the rest of the equipment. Initially, I assumed we were going to the farm, instead, it was some canal a little off the neighbourhood of Elias. It was my first time in many years so the both of them did most of the work. =P

Here's Arthur binding wires to hold up the nets.

Here's how many nets.

YQ with the raffia.

Fish head. Yummy. The onion bags were a pretty good idea.

And that's how the trap looks like.

More traps than heads = Dirty work.

Cavemen love blood.

WARNING: The graphic warning comes after the graphic image.

A little flower crab with barnacles that YQ hooked up(literally). At this stage, it was already frozen to death(also literally).

His idea of amusement. Yes, it's on the road. And yes, there was traffic.

It was a pretty fun night, inclusive of cool weather and some music. Had my hands stained with fish on the second half of the night after I stopped SMSing. Also, YQ mutilated the one and only crab that was caught. Perhaps our fruitless result was due to the smell not spreading because of the bags, I suppose the onion scent covered the rest of the stink. OR. Singapore waters just got dirtier.

PS: There was also some talk about planning future "adventurous" outings. I'm not gonna type it all out, sometimes things like this need to be confirmed before I blurt out my wishes. However, there's a hint, it involves kite-flying. Haha. And dude, are you serious about the "bring a date" thing? Btw, I've been sorta given the green light to borrow my aunt's boat.

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