Thursday, January 31, 2008

hit & run

Ho. Ly. Shit.

Saw Amanda home before me. She messaged in an attempt to scare me, in provision of the freaky neighbourhood. Was about to retort with a smart reply when it happened. I couldn't really differentiate the sound of it, being more of a snap or burst. Man, stepped on a snail, I thought. ARRRRRGH! It was a friggin' lizard when I turned to look. ARRRRRGH! It wasn't like I stepped on its tail. I think it was the hip area since I saw it struggling with massive vibrations. There wasn't any blood but the eyes were surely bulging. Damn, the image is still stuck in my head. ARRRRRGH! I was pretty freaked out and there was no way I think I could've helped but brisk away. Ewww to the max. I'm sorry, Mr. Cicak. AND NO! I did not take a picture of the lizard. This isn't like yesterday's episode with the bitch mosquito. First of all, I'm sure many of you have heard of this rumoured principle of humankind, which is to rip and slaughter any beast that does Man harm. I'm a strong believer of that code. Mr. Cicak was not being malevolent. And secondly, I'm certain that most people wouldn't feel as digusted to a mollusc or something with an exoskeleton being crushed as a creature of the vertebrae family. Under the heel, guys. That means maximum body weight. Ouuuuch~ T_T

Okay. Cool down. Phew...

Park Mall again today. Daddy's immune system's really really bad. Took a breather in the rest room before heading down to meet Rekoda-chan. Realised I had forgotten my wallet. OF ALL THE DAYS, RIGHT? Borrowed(I think) some money from Mommy and my aunt. Far East's Leftfoot outlets didn't have anything of my taste. Got something from a tee shirt shop called Groove Designs instead, where this weird salesman kept calling me his "brother". I have one brother, and he's an officer cadet having a field exercise in Thailand this week. Anyway, it was this top I decided to choose from a few. Some cute and cheerfully pink one(ooooookay~) with a periodic table print on it. It's not exactly a periodic table, once you take a closer look at the "elements".

Dinner was at Yoshinoya at Takashimaya's basement. Don't order the potato mix if ya ain't got a black hole in yer stomach. And I don't have one, fer real. Can already feel the fats storing up. Haven't been following my routine this coupla days. =P Next stop was to Kinokuniya to look fer a user-friendly Jap-Eng dictionary. Sat by the aisle to look up and play with a few words, prior to viewing the comics section. Time flew and Stadium closed, so did many other boutiques. Guess I'll try Converse next. I suppose Friday will be good.

Along the road, we spontaneously popped into one of the Singapore Visitors' Centre to pick up numerous brochures on local places of interest. Seemed like a pretty intriguing idea, still is. ^_^

PS: Only assuming our tailed acquaintance was male. Whatever it was. It now WAS.

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