Sunday, January 20, 2008



Cloverfield was... Wow. However, as an avid movie-goer, here's the dilemma. Obviously, action fans would die to get seats and watch their anticipated flicks. However, in Singapore, you may end up getting accomodated into a cinema full of pricks who react loudly to scenes they do not expect. If you've read the review, by now you would've known it's delineated through whatever a handheld camera records. Please try to see it through the cast's eyes. No, it's not like Godzilla(take back what I typed on December 14th 2007). Godzilla is like a level 2 Pokémon compared to this holy-shit monster. And no, there is no happy ending. Also, if you're not into the Blair Witch genre of film choreography, do not bother catching this movie since you're only gonna complain afterwards, just keep replaying the online trailer with Lady Liberty's head. Okay, all in all, I suppose it's more of a home movie if you've got an awesome sound and visual system. And tape everyone's mouth until the credits. I'm anal about theatre etiquette.


Yesterday was the first time this year I visited Orchard Road. After catching the movie with Amanda, we headed down to Lido to collect her make-up before starting our stroll. Ongoing sales presented themselves to be rather inane with tons of tasteless displays of the current season. I'm no fashion consultant but there's clearly nothing special... Tonikaku, bumped into Amy as we exited Zara. Actually, it was more like she slapped my shoulder, took me about a coupla seconds to recognize her with the new hair colour. =P Dinner was at the tiny corner in the food court that served Japanese food: Romankan Yokohama(the one with lolita maid clad waitresses). It wasn't long before we continued to explore the slightly renovated town area. IndoChine's got a new live band playing, explains the thin crowd. We took the new Orchard MRT underpass, like 'mountain tortoises', to Lucky Plaza fer a few rounds of pool. Like the building's name, she was as well with all her fortunate shots. I'd call it magic though. Haha. A pit-stop at CentrePoint's Mac's followed, the air-conditioning was turned off as they were closing some sections, so much fer 24hrs. Talked about some of the more uncommon places of our motherland over ice-cream and lemon tea. Made our move once we cooled off and got sick of the circulatory broadcast of programmes on MacTV. On with the civilian route march to Bugis, where we past Cuppage and Orchard Plaza, my two childhood hangouts. The old buildings have now been given a slightly newer look, perhaps a reason to walk into them soon. The usual shortcut past Paradiz to Bugis where we settled at a much colder MacDonald's outlet and where I parodied Cloverfield with a vanilla cone and notebook. We pretty much chatted the night away till we decided to get on an NR7, where I coincidentally bumped into Benedict. Small world. The long journey on the bus with wasted clubbers ended at EastPoint where I walked her home to her brightly lit pink door, prior to my own scary stretch back home.

PS: It's more interesting than this but I can't simply fit in every lame joke and conversation topic brought up between a kyozougyuu and tepu rekoda.

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